Riemann for Anti-Dummies: Part 38 : You Are Not Impossible

Riemann for Anti-Dummies Part 38


When Gauss set about writing his 1799 dissertation on what he called, “The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra,” he had already in his mind a fully developed concept of the complex domain as the idea that penetrated most deeply into the metaphysics of space, and he would spend the rest of his life unfolding the implications of that youthful discovery. But, in order to achieve what he would later call, “full civil rights for complex numbers,” he first had to root out the source of their oppression: the popular acceptance of Euler’s diktat that such numbers were “impossible.”

What one considers “impossible” is, fundamentally, a function of one’s concept of what is “possible.” Think of the foolishness today of those who insist that what Lyndon LaRouche says must be done, (most emphatically his electability as President of the United States) is “impossible.” Their tragic mistake flows not from any reasoned, scientific assessment of the matter. They assert its impossibility because they don’t want to face the possibility that their continued existence is possible only if what they think is “impossible” actually happens.

In one of his epistemological fragments, Bernhard Riemann spoke of the significance of the possible for science:

“Natural science is the attempt to understand nature by means of exact concepts.

“According to the concepts through which we comprehend nature our perceptions are supplemented and filled in, not simply at each moment, but also future perceptions are seen as necessary. Or, to the degree that the conceptual system is not fully sufficient, future perceptions are determined beforehand as probable; according to the concepts, what is “possible” is determined (thus what is `necessary’ and conversely, impossible). And the degree of possibility (of `probability’) of each individual event which is seen as possible, in light of these concepts, can be mathematically determined, if the concepts are precise enough.

“To the extent that what is necessary or probable, according to these concepts, takes place, then this confirms the concepts, and the trust that we place in these concepts rests on this confirmation through experience. But, if something takes place that is unexpected according to our existing assumptions, i.e. that is impossible or improbable according to them, then the task arises of completing them or, if necessary reworking the axioms, so that what is perceived ceases to be impossible or, improbable. The completion or improvement of the conceptual system forms the `explanation’ of the unexpected perception. Our comprehension of nature gradually becomes more and more complete and correct through this process, simultaneously penetrating more and more behind the surface of appearances.

“The history of causal natural science, in so far as we can trace it back, shows that this is, in fact, the way our knowledge of nature advances. The conceptual systems that are now the basis for the natural sciences, arose through a gradual transformation of older conceptual systems, and the reasons that drove us to new modes of explanation can always be traced back to contradictions and improbabilities that emerged from the older modes of explanation.”

By maintaining the “impossibility” of complex numbers, Euler, (whose patrons were the enemies of the American Revolution), along with J.L. Lagrange, (Napoleon’s favorite mathematician), sought not merely to exclude such magnitudes from mathematical calculations. Both Euler and Lagrange made liberal use of these “impossible” magnitudes in formal calculations. Rather, Euler et al. sought to exclude the possibility that the human mind could penetrate beneath the surface of appearances into the deeper domain of, what Plato called “powers,” where complex numbers arise.

In his 1799 dissertation Gauss attacked Euler’s method directly:

“If imaginary quantities are to be retained in analysis at all (which seems for several reasons more advisable than to abolish them, once they are established in a solid manner), then they must necessarily be considered equally possible as real quantities; for which reason I would like to comprise the reals and the imaginaries under the common denomination of {possible quantities}: Against which I would call {impossible} a quantity that would have to fulfill conditions that could not even be fulfilled by allowing imaginaries.”

The existence of complex numbers was not only possible: It was necessary to comprehend what ultimately made all numbers possible.

To establish this, Gauss tapped into the deep vein of investigations that goes all the way back to the Pythagoreans, who understood number as the means by which the mind expresses the harmonic principles that lie beneath the shadow of sense perception.

Writing in “On Learned Ignorance,” Nicholas of Cusa described this concept of number this way:

“All those who investigate, judge the uncertain by comparing it to a supposed by a system of proportions…. But the proportion which expresses agreement in one aspect and difference in another, cannot be understood without number. That is why number embraces everything which is susceptible of proportions. Thus, it not only creates proportion in quantity, but in every respect through which, by substance or accident, (two things) might agree and disagree. Thus, Pythagoras rigorously concluded that everything is constituted and comprehended through the power of numbers.”

Number has the power to express powers through proportions. Complex numbers express proportions among powers.

For example, the power to double a square is expressed through the geometric proportion 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, etc., even though the magnitude that doubles the square is incommensurable to all these numbers. Furthermore, the power that doubles the cube is also expressed, but in a different way, by the same proportion, (as two geometric means between two extremes instead of one), even though the magnitude that doubles the cube is also incommensurable to all those numbers.

From this standpoint, all numbers can be generated by a succession of powers, and this is what is meant by the term, “logarithm”–a term coined by John Napier in 1594 from the Greek words “logos” and “arithmos.”

The most general form of this concept is expressed by Jakob Bernoulli’s equiangular spiral and Huygens’ hyperbola. In the former, all possible magnitudes are expressed by the radii whose lengths are a function of an angle of rotation. Proportional lengths correspond to equal angles (see Figure 1).

Figure 1

In the latter, all possible magnitudes are expressed by lengths along the asymptote that correspond to equal areas (see Figure2).

Figure 2

In both cases all possible positive quantities are expressed, inversely, as a function of a power, expressed as either an angle (spiral) or an area (hyperbola).

In both cases, adding the logarithm (angle or area) produces proportional changes in length.

As discussed in the previous installment of this series, Leibniz brought a crucial contradiction to light by posing the question, “What has the power to produce a negative number?” This provoked a dispute with his collaborator Johann Bernoulli, who insisted that negative numbers were produced by the same powers as positive numbers. Leibniz, on the other hand, correctly disagreed. For Leibniz the very existence of negative numbers (which had been called “false” numbers) demanded a higher principle, which Gauss later discovered as the complex domain.

For Gauss, negative numbers were not absolute quantities. They were physically determined. In numerous locations, Gauss repeatedly polemicized, (against I. Kant) that the difference between positive and negative, right and left, up and down, could not be determined by mathematics but only with reference to physical action.

Look at this from the standpoint of the above illustrations of the spiral and hyperbola. Both generate all possible magnitudes as a function of powers. But, in both cases, the exact same result can be obtained, but in exactly the opposite orientation (see Figure 3 and Figure 4). In Figure 3, you can see two spirals that produce the same magnitudes, but in different directions.

Figure 3

In Figure 4 you can see two branches of an hyperbola that produce the same magnitudes, but in different directions.

Figure 4

In each case, if one set of magnitudes is denoted positive numbers the other set can be denoted negative. But, as Gauss pointed out, there is no {a priori} way to distinguish one from the other. Only when presented with both, is the existence of positive and negative established.

But, there is a still deeper, much more profound principle embedded in this. Look at the transition between the positive and negative hyperbola. The vertical asymptote is an “infinite” boundary separating positive from negative. Similarly, for the spirals. The transition from the positive to the negative spiral is the point of the change in direction, which each spiral approaches, but never crosses.

Thus, the domain in which both positive and negative numbers exist together must be of a higher power, where the powers that generate powers reside. It comprises Gauss’ domain of all possible (complex) quantities.

Like all ideas, Gauss recognized that this domain could not be seen directly, but, it, nevertheless, was susceptible of metaphorical representation. Since it was the domain of powers, it could not be represented by simple proportions among things, but as a proportion between proportions. Consequently, each complex number represented a proportion, not a quantity. The manifold of complex numbers, Gauss said, could only be represented on a surface extended in two directions. The physical example Gauss used was the geodesist’s plane leveller. The position of the bubble at rest is determined by both the axis of the tube and the direction of the pull of gravity, which is perpendicular to it.

On Gauss’ surface each point represented a power that was denoted by a complex number. Using some physically determined point and line as a reference, each power, i.e., each complex number is generated by a spiral action rotation and extension (see Figure 5).

Figure 5

In this way, proportions between proportions could be represented.

For example, a power acting on a power. In Figure 6 and Animation 1, complex number a+bi represents a power produced by a combination of rotation and extension. When that power acts on itself, it produces (a+bi)2. When it acts on itself again it produces (a+bi)3, etc. What results is a series of similar triangles conforming to an equiangular spiral. While this spiral looks similar to Bernoulli’s spiral, it is different. Bernoulli’s spiral represents a succession of powers that produce simple magnitudes. Gauss’ complex spiral represents a higher power that produces a succession of powers, not simple magnitudes.

Figure 6

Animation 1

Figure 7, illustrates the more general case of the proportion between two different powers, or, what is commonly known as multiplication. Here the complex number 2 + i is multiplied by 1 + 2i to form 5i. In this case the 2 + i forms the red triangle with vertices 0, 1, 2 + i. The product is the point (5i) which forms the similar triangle with 0, 1 + 2i as its base. (The schoolbook arithmetic idea of multiplication as a set of rules is brainwashing. As Gauss emphasized, multiplication is a proportion such that 1: a :: b: a x b. You, the reader, are left to confirm this for yourself experimentally. Try experimenting with Theatetus’ squares and rectangles.)

Figure 7

As in the previous examples of the hyperbola and spiral, the proportional changes in extension are “connected” by adding the angles (logarithm) and multiplying the lengths.

Riemann for Anti-Dummies: Part 37 : The Domain of Possibility



Plato, speaking in the Laws through the voice of an Athenian stranger, holds it indispensable for leaders of society to possess elaborate knowledge of arithmetic, astronomy and the mensuration of lines, surfaces and solids. He also considers it a disgrace for any common man to lack a basic understanding of these same subjects.

It is altogether fitting that these words should issue from someone far from home, for, as Helga Zepp-LaRouche so artfully demonstrated in her presentation to the ICLC Labor Day Conference, by the time of Plato’s writing ,Athenian culture had estranged itself from these concerns and embarked on that chain of events which led to the disastrous Peloponnesian Wars. It is further fitting that Plato speaks here as a stranger, as all three subjects share a common focus on the exploration of those universal principles that govern, but don’t reside, in the domain of objects and sense perception. To one trapped in the domain of the senses, those principles appear to come from some foreign land “over the horizon”, or, “beyond the finite” . But, to one willing to ascend to its not too distant shores, that place is the province from which come the common principles, that make possible such diverse discoveries, as the founding ideas of the American Republic, the Gauss-Riemann concept of the complex domain and Beethoven’s late string quartets.

The Universe is a wondrous, but not a strange place. As Nicholas of Cusa and G.W. Leibniz repeatedly emphasized, nothing exists or happens in the Universe that is not possible. It is the province of science, therefore, to discover what makes things possible. In so doing, the mind discovers not only the possibility of a particular thing, but it also discovers, and changes, the possibility of what it can discover about what is possible. Hence, Plato’s emphasis on the study of the above mentioned subjects. It is both a means to discover what makes these things possible and a pathway for the mind to discover how it is possible for it to discover what is possible, thereby increasing its power.

Proceed through the example of the mensuration of the line, surface and solid. As presented in earlier locations, each object is made possible by a principle that possess the power to produce it. The power to generate the line is different, and incommensurable with, the power that generates a square, which, in turn, is different and incommensurable with, the power to generate a solid. This, in itself, is a crucial discovery. But, the more important discovery comes when the next question is posed. Since all three distinct powers exist in the one Universe, what is it about the Universe that makes possible these three distinct powers?

The answer to this type of question does not lie in the particular nature of each discovery, but in the paradox that one universe produces all three. As Cusa put it in “On Learned Ignorance”:

“All our wisest and most divine teachers agree that visible things are truly images of invisible things and that from created things the Creator can be knowably seen as in a mirror and a metaphor. But the fact that spiritual matters (which are unattainable by us in themselves) are investigated metaphorically has its basis in what was said earlier. For all things have a certain comparative relation to one another, a relation which is nonetheless, hidden from us and incomprehensible to us), so that from out of all things there arises one universe and in this one maximum all things are this one. And although every image seems to be like its exemplar, nevertheless except for the Maximal Image (which is, in oneness of nature, the very thing which its Exemplar is) no image is so similar or equal to its exemplar that it cannot be infinitely more similar and equal…”

The square is bounded by lines, but those lines can only be produced from squares, not from lines alone. The action of doubling a square, as the Pythagoreans discovered, produces a certain harmony which they called geometric. Contained within that geometric series is a reflection of the harmony that doubles the cube, expressed as two geometric means between two extremes, instead of the one geometric mean expressed by the square. But, as the discoveries of Archytus and Menaechmus demonstrate, that “cubic” harmony, although reflected in the process of doubling the square, can only be constructed by a completely different process, that associated with the conic sections. Since the cube can generate a square and a square can generate a line, but not vice versa, all three powers can be understood as flowing from the higher principle of generation expressed by the conic sections. In other words, what makes all three powers possible is not manifest, sensually, in any of them. What makes them all possible is manifest only outside all lines, squares and cubes, in the principle of action exhibited by the conic sections.

Now, begins more fun. What makes the conic sections possible? To answer this question, one must first ferret out the contradictions within the domain of the conic sections. This will take us directly to Gauss’ discovery of the complex domain.

While Greek culture made significant advances in this direction, as exemplified by Apollonius’ Conics, the most significant advance was made by Kepler’s discovery of the projective relationship among the conic sections.

To grasp this, first think of the conic sections, as Apollonius did, as the curves produced by a plane cutting a set of cones joined at their apexes. A plane cutting the lower cone perpendicular to its axis will generate a circle. With the slightest tilt, that circle becomes an ellipse. As the plane’s tilt becomes parallel to the side of the cone, that ellipse becomes a parabola. With the slightest additional tilt, the plane now intersects both cones, forming an hyperbola. The top cone was sitting there all along, but didn’t come into play, until the hyperbola was formed.

From the standpoint of the visual appearance of the cone, all four conic sections are formed by one continuous motion of a plane intersecting with the cones. However, nothing can be discovered from this about what makes this conic manifold possible, unless the cognitive paradoxes, that reside “beyond the finite” are brought more sharply into view, metaphorically.

To do this, Kepler applied the method Cusa states in “On Learned Ignorance”:

“But since from the preceding points it is evident that the unqualifiedly Maximum cannot be any of the things which we either know or conceive: when we set out to investigate the Maximum metaphorically, we must leap beyond simple likeness. For since all mathematicals are finite and otherwise could not even be imagined; if we want to use finite things as a way for ascending to the unqualifiedly Maximum, we must first consider finite mathematical figures together with their characteristics and relations. Next, we must apply these relations, in a transformed way, to corresponding infinite mathematical figures. Thirdly, we must thereafter in a still more highly transformed way, apply the relations of these infinite figures to the simple Infinite, which is altogether independent even of all figures. At this point our ignorance will be taught incomprehensibly how we are to think more correctly and truly about the Most High as we grope by means of metaphor.”

Kepler’s interest in discovering the generating principle of the conic sections was not a matter of mathematical curiosity. His demonstration of the elliptical nature of the planetary orbits demanded a higher comprehension, beyond the simple mathematical relationships within and among the specific curves, of that universal principle (power) which made conic sections possible.

This required him, as Cusa indicated, to consider the finite relationships within and among the conic sections, from the standpoint of the infinite. By projecting the above cited process of a plane cutting a pair of cones onto one flat plane, Kepler brought out the infinite divide between the circle and the hyperbola. From the standpoint of Kepler’s projection, the hyperbola and circle were on opposite sides of the infinite. (See Figure 1.)

Figure 1

With this contradiction brought into view, the stage was set for Fermat, Huygens, Jakob and Johann Bernoulli and Leibniz to bring this paradox up to the point which demanded the discovery the complex domain by Gauss.

This was accomplished by focusing on the significance of this infinite divide between the circle and the hyperbola from the standpoint of the generation of Plato’s powers. On the one side, Jakob Bernoulli demonstrated that the circle, as a special case of an equiangular spiral, expressed the transcendental principle that generated all the so-called algebraic powers as a function of rotation. (See Figure 2.)

Figure 2

On the other side, Huygens demonstrated that the hyperbola expressed that same principle as a function of area and length. (See Figure 3.)

Figure 3

In this contradiction, Leibniz discovered something additional. While the circular principle expressed the transcendental number Pi, the exponential embodied by the hyperbola expressed a different transcendental number, that he called “b”, (later called “e” by Euler). (See Figure 4a and Figure 4b.)

Figure 4a

Figure 4b

Thus, both the circle and the hyperbola expressed, in different ways, a principle that had the power to produce all algebraic powers. Each expressed that power with respect to a different transcendental magnitude. An infinite gap lay between them. The question now posed anew was, what universal principle embodied the higher power that had the potential to generate both distinct transcendentals?

For Leibniz, as for Kepler earlier, this question was not posed as a formal mathematical curiosity. His and Johann Bernoulli’s joint discovery of the catenary demonstrated that the “frozen motion” of the hanging chain, expressed as a physical principle the simultaneous unity of both the trigonometric and exponential transcendentals. (See Figure 5a and Figure 5b.) The catenary, therefore, was the physical expression of a still yet undiscovered domain, that possessed the potential to generate all such transcendental magnitudes.

Figure 5a

Figure 5b

Leibniz understood that this higher domain existed outside the boundaries of the senses. Like all universal principles it could only be known with the mind, and so he referred to it as “imaginary” (not, as Euler would later say, “impossible”). This domain produced artifacts such as the ?-1, which posed a paradox because nothing within the known world could produce a magnitude, which when squared produced -1. Leibniz called ?-1, “a fine and wonderful recourse of the divine spirit, almost an amphibian, somewhere between being and non-being.”

The paradox remains regardless of whether one generates the powers by the spiral or the hyperbola. In the case of the spiral, successive angular rotation produces corresponding increases in the length of the radii of the spiral. The lengths increase by the power that corresponds to the how much the angle of rotation is increased. For example, if the rotation doubles, the length of radius is squared. If the rotation is tripled, the length of the radius is cubed. If the direction of the rotation is reversed, the length of the radii decrease, by the power equivalent to amount of rotation.

Similarly with the hyperbola. Equal areas between the hyperbola and the asymptote correspond to geometric increases in length along the asymptote. Thus, if the area is increased by two, the corresponding length along the asymptote is squared. If the area is increased by three, the corresponding length is cubed, etc. If the area is reduced by half, the corresponding length is reduced by the square root, etc.

So, in the hyperbola the areas change arithmetically while the lengths change geometrically. For the spiral, the angles change arithmetically while the lengths change geometrically. The angles of the spiral, and the areas for the hyperbola, were called by Huygens, Leibniz, and Bernoulli, logarithms.

The paradox posed by Leibniz was this: Since increases or decreases in the logarithms always produce a positive length, “what is the logarithm of a negative number?” or, in other words, what has the power to produce the ?-1.

This provoked a dispute with Johann Bernoulli. Bernoulli maintained that the logarithms of negative numbers were the same as the logarithms of positive numbers. For example, he considered 0 to be the logarithm of 1 and -1, just as 1 and -1 are both square roots of 1. Leibniz, on the other hand, recognized that the same action could not produce 1 and -1.

For Leibniz, this matter could not be resolved within the existing domain of accepted mathematical formalism, just as Gauss would demonstrate in his investigation of the fundamental theorem of algebra. The logarithms of negative numbers, Leibniz insisted, had to exist in a domain beyond the visible, i.e., the “imaginary” (not “impossible”). However, Leibniz was unable to complete this work and it wasn’t until Gauss developed his concept of the complex domain, that the full implications of Leibniz’ conjecture were resolved.

In the intervening period, Euler, commenting on the dispute between Leibniz and Bernoulli, developed a formal demonstration that indicated Leibniz, not Bernoulli was correct concerning the logarithms of negative numbers. Out of this came Euler’s famous identity, ePi?-1 – 1 = 0, a formula that has been used to torture students and brainwash potential thinkers ever since. For Euler, this was merely a formalism that has no real meaning other than the successful manipulation of symbols according to a regular set of rules. Countless victims have been brainwashed trying to find a meaning in this formalism within the formal mathematical domain. This is not possible, because the ?-1 is not possible in the formal mathematical domain of Euler, no matter how many times he refers to it.

Nevertheless, if looked at from the standpoint of Leibniz, Huygens, and Gauss, we can remove the mysticism associated with Euler’s identity and, using Cusa’s method of transforming the finite into the infinite, bring the matter clearly into view.

In the accompanying figure, the alternating areas of blue and yellow are all unit areas. Moving to the right, equal areas correspond to the logarithms that produce increasing powers of “e”. For example, beginning at 1, (where the logarithm is 0 because no area has been swept out) moving one unit area to the right increases the length from 1 to e. Moving another unit area increases the logarithm of 1 to 2 and the length from e to e2. Halving the area between 1 and e produces the length ?e or e1/2.

When moving left from 1, the principle of equal areas is maintained, but in the opposite direction. The lengths produced by these areas are the inverses of those produced by moving to the right. For example, moving one unit area to the left produces the length 1/e. Moving two unit areas left produces 1/e2, etc.

The paradox to which Leibniz referred emerges when one tries to think how the hyperbola can produce a logarithm of a negative number. As is evident from the diagram, moving to right increases the lengths geometrically, while moving to the left decreases them. But because of the asymptotic nature of the hyperbola, the areas can never produce a length on the other side of 0.

As can be seen from the diagram, -1 is accessible, but only if the action detaches from the hyperbola and moves along the pathway around the circle. That is, to produce a logarithm of a negative number, we have to cross Kepler’s infinite boundary between the hyperbola and the circle! Half way around the circle will produce a length of -1. Dividing that action in half will, therefore, produce the action that corresponds to ?-1. Thus the logarithm of -1 can be thought of as a function of Pi and ?-1.

This matter cannot be resolved except from the standpoint of Gauss’ concept of the complex domain. Moving left and right within the domain of the hyperbola yields negative logarithms, but not the logarithms of negative numbers. Consequently, a higher concept that goes beyond simple back and forth action is required. This is exactly what Gauss specified as his complex domain.

As stated in his second treatise on biquadratic residues,: “Positive and negative numbers can be used only where the entity counted possesses an opposite, such that the unification of the two can be considered as equivalent to their dissolution. Judged precisely, this precondition is fulfilled only where relations between pairs of objects are the things counted, rather than substances (i.e. individually conceived objects). In this way we postulate that objects are ordered in some definite way into a series, for example A, B, C, D, … where the relation of A to B can be considered as identical to the relation of B to C and so forth. Here the concept of opposite consists of nothing else but interchanging the members of the relation, so that if the relation of (or transition from) A to B is taken as +1, then the relation of B to A must be represented by -1. Insofar as the series is unbounded in both directions, each real whole number represents the relation of an arbitrarily chosen member, taken as origin, to some determinate other member in the series.

“Suppose however the objects are of such a nature that they cannot be ordered in a single series, even if unbounded in both directions, but can only be ordered in a series of series, or in other words form a manifold of two dimensions; if the relation of one series to another or the transition from one series to another occurs in a similar manner as we earlier described for the transition from a member of one series to another member of the same series, then in order to measure the transition from one member of the system to another we shall require in addition to the already introduced units +1 and -1 two additional, opposite units +i and -i. Clearly we must also postulate that the unit i always signifies the transition from a given member to a determined member of the immediately adjacent series. In this manner the system will be doubly ordered into a series of series.”

In our diagram, the hyperbola is determining the action in the domain of logarithms of positive numbers, while the circle is generating action in the “imaginary” domain where the logarithms of negative numbers reside. If one mentally rotates the hyperbola perpendicular to the circle, as is its orientation within the cone, it would no longer be visible in our diagram. From this view, the hyperbola becomes, “imaginary” and the circle, “real”.

The complex domain is neither the domain of the “imaginary”, nor the “real”. It is the domain of possibility ( potential or power). As Riemann noted it is the efficient metaphor from which emerge, “a harmony and regularity that otherwise would remain hidden.”

To see this, look again at the harmony presented in the last installment. (See Figure 6, 7, 8, 9.)

When the catenary is expressed in the complex domain, the hyperbola and the circle (ellipses) are not on opposite sides of the infinite, but reside together, as a unified network of orthogonal least- action pathways within the complex domain.

If you listen carefully, you just might here, in these hidden harmonies, echos of Beethoven’s late string quartets.

Riemann for Anti-Dummies: Part 36 : Transcendental Harmonics

Riemann For Anti-Dummies Part 36


Discoveries indicating the existence of what Gauss would later call the complex domain began with Pythagoras and his followers in the 6th Century B.C, These discoveries, which include the ratios of musical intervals, the doubling of the line, square and cube, the five regular solids, and many others, demonstrated that universal principles expressed themselves in the shadow world of the senses by harmonic proportions. Yet, in all cases, this harmony was never complete. There was always some small discrepancy, some paradoxical dissonance, that indicated a still undiscovered principle. This is why Pythagoras called geometry “science or inquiry”, and, according to Proclus, he thought that each discovery, “sets up a platform to ascend by, and lifts the soul on high instead of allowing it to go down among sensible objects and so become subservient to the common needs of this mortal life.”

The most persistent of the dissonances recognized by the Pythagoreans were not resolved until nearly 2500 years later, when, Bernhard Riemann, in his 1851 doctoral dissertation, noted that in Gauss’ domain of complex magnitudes, “a harmony and regularity emerge that otherwise remains hidden.”

To discover these otherwise hidden harmonies, we must first take a closer look at some paradigmatic discoveries in which the dissonances arise:

Pythagoras discovered that the concordant musical intervals corresponded to the proportions, 2:1, 3:2, 4:3, if produced by a straight vibrating string. These ratios produced the intervals known as the octave, fifth and fourth, respectively. More importantly, the Pythagoreans also discovered that if these proportions are simply extended, a discrepancy emerged called the Pythagorean comma.(See Fred Haight Pedagogy.) However, ideas are conveyed by the human voice singing poetry, not vibrating strings. The comma, therefore, is not a mere deficiency. It is an indication that a higher principle exists, a principle that actually governs musical harmonies, but which cannot be derived from the manifold of vibrating strings. It can only be derived from the manifold that has come to be known as the well-tempered system of bel canto polyphony, to which many analogies can be drawn to the complex domain. (fn. 1.)

Similar harmonic proportions are expressed by the principles governing the extension of a line, square and cube. Extension of a line produces relationships that the Pythagoreans called “arithmetic”, which correspond to the musical interval of a fifth. Extension of a square produces relationships called by the Pythagoreans, “geometric”, which correspond to the Lydian musical interval. While the arithmetic and geometric are harmonic within their own individual domain, together they form a dissonance, expressed as the incommensurability between arithmetic and geometric magnitudes. That dissonance indicates, as Plato noted, that the line and square were produced by principles of different “powers”.

The extension of the cube produces a third, higher, power, that cannot be generated by the line or square. Nevertheless, this power is expressed in the lower domain of squares by two geometric means between two extremes. But, as the discoveries of, most notably, Archytus and Menaechmus, showed, the construction of the magnitudes of this third power, cannot be generated by the squares among whose shadows it dwells. This cubic power is only generated by a higher form of curvature, such as that associated with conic sections and the torus.

Plato understood that the extension of line, square and cube denoted a succession of distinct higher powers. Leibniz would later discover an even higher principle that transcended all such powers. He called this transcendental principle, “exponential” or, inversely, “logarithmic”, the significance of which will be made more clear below.

Another class of harmonic proportions investigated by Pythagoras and his followers was associated with the five regular solids and the constructability of the regular polygons. The regular solids and constructable polygons were artifacts produced by the harmonic divisions of the sphere and circle. However, these harmonic divisions are bounded. There are only five regular divisions of the sphere, and, at least as far as the Pythagoreans were concerned, the constructable polygons were limited to the triangle, square, pentagon and certain combinations of the same. (fn.2.) The boundaries confronted by the divisions of the sphere and circle express a dissonance with respect to the harmonies governing those divisions.

This general class of principles, that is those associated with the divisions of the sphere and circle also comprise a class of transcendentals called “trigonometric”.

The unity between these two classes of transcendentals exemplifies the otherwise hidden harmony to which Riemann refers in his dissertation.

The first step toward the elaboration of this unity was taken by Nicholas of Cusa, who, citing Pythagoras, recognized that all universal principles expressed themselves harmonically in the domain of the senses. But, Cusa emphasized that these harmonies could only be expressed by the transcendental magnitudes typified by the dissonances identified in the above examples. Cusa, thus presented, the paradoxical proposition that the art of science is to seek out the dissonances and discover the transcendental principle that harmonizes them.

Johannes Kepler, applying Cusa’s insight, provided the first crucial experimental demonstration that physical principles could only be known through this transcendental harmony. This begins with his discovery of the harmonic correspondence between the five regular solids and the approximate orbits of the six visible planets, the discovery of which, Kepler states, depended on Cusa’s emphasis of the dissonance between the curved (spherical) and the straight (planar). Kepler’s further discovery of the eccentricity of the planetary orbits expressed another harmony through dissonance. Unlike a circular orbit, the regular divisions of an eccentric are dependent not on the angle, but on the sine of the angle, which is transcendental to the angle. Additionally, Kepler showed that the harmonic relationships among the orbital eccentricities of all the planets are dependent, not on the simple harmonies of the vibrating string, but on the dissonances indicated by the Pythagorean comma. (See “How Gauss Determined the Orbit of Ceres”, Summer 1998 Fidelio, and earlier installments of “Riemann for Anti-Dummies”.)

Fermat’s proof that the principle of least-time, not shortest distance, governed the propagation of light, is another experimental demonstration of physical action that is dependent not on the equality of angles, but on the proportionality of the sine.

In sum, the discoveries of Kepler and Fermat demonstrate that harmonic relationships in the physical universe are, as Cusa indicated, not expressible by precisely calculable numbers, but only by transcendental quantities a polyphony of dissonances.

The Leibniz-Bernoulli collaborative investigations into the principle governing the hanging chain, provide the crucial step to Riemann’s assertion.

As detailed in other locations, Bernoulli applying the principles of Leibniz’ calculus, demonstrated that the physical principle that determined the shape of the hanging chain was expressed by a proportionality of the sines of the angles formed by the chain and the physical singularity located at the chain’s lowest point. (See figure 1.)

On the other hand, Leibniz demonstrated that this same physical principle was also expressed as an exponential function. (See figure 2.)

Thus, the catenary expresses a unifying physical principle between what had appeared to be two different classes of transcendentals: the trigonometric and exponential. That unity, as Riemann indicates, only fully emerges when seen from the standpoint of Gauss’ complex domain.

The means to discover that harmonic unity, as in a musical composition, is by inversion.

Remember that the exponential and trigonometric functions first emerged as dissonances embedded in the harmonic relationships among objects in the visible domain. Now, think of those objects as artifacts of the dissonances, instead of the dissonances as artifacts of the objects.

For example, think of the circle as an artifact of the trigonometric transcendentals, and the line, square and cube, as artifacts of the transcendental exponential function. (See animation 1 and animation 2.)

This poses the difficulty of forcing the mind, as Cusa insists, away from the simple harmonic proportions among objects of visible space, to the transcendental harmonic proportions among the principles that generate them.

If we use the principle of the catenary as a pivot, we can present, at least in an intuitive form, the harmony of which Riemann speaks. A more complete demonstration will be left to future pedagogicals and to the oral discussions that this installment will undoubtedly provoke.

As previously noted, the catenary expresses both the trigonometric and the exponential functions. Thus, the catenary as the principle of physical least-action, subsumes both the principle of constant length (circle) and constant area (hyperbolic). (See figure 4.)

To this Leibniz added a new crucial conception: the exponential is the curve that embodies the principle of self-similar change. (See figure 5.) This led Leibniz to discover a new transcendental number that he denoted by the letter “b”. (Euler later derived the same quantity from formal algebra and denoted it by the letter “e” which is used today. It is typical of today’s academic frauds that this discovery is attributed to Euler’s formalism, instead of Leibniz’ Socratic idea.)

Figure 5

We have already seen how the hyperbola is generated by the exponential functions derived from the catenary. But, the exponential also generates the circle when the circle is thought of, as it should be, as a special case of an exponential spiral. Keep in mind Kepler’s projective relationship among the conic sections. (See Riemann for Anti-Dummies Part 33.) For Kepler the circle and the hyperbola were at opposite extremes of one manifold, and as such embody a common principle of generation. But, in that projective relationship, there was a discontinuous gap, a dissonance, between the hyperbola and the circle, giving the appearance that the hyperbola was on the “other side of the infinite” from the circle. Only in the complex domain of Gauss and Riemann does that gap disappear and that common generating principle harmonically expressed.

Since both the circle and the hyperbola are generated by the common principle expressed by the exponential, the trigonometric and hyperbolic functions can be represented as complex functions. Riemann created a concept of complex functions as transformations that produce manifolds of action, which in turn produce least-action pathways within that manifold. The study of complex functions formed the basis of Riemann’s work on algebraic, hypergeometric and abelian functions, which will be elaborated in future installments. As a precondition to that deeper study, we provide the reader with an intuitive view of the “otherwise hidden harmony and regularity” that emerges there.

Figures 6, 7, 8, 9, illustrate the complex mappings of the sine cosine, hyperbolic sine and hyperbolic cosine. As can be seen, all four functions express as artifacts, not one hyperbola or circle, but a system of orthogonal hyperbolas and circles.

Figures 10 and 11, and figures 12 and 13 illustrate surfaces constructed by the complex sine, cosine, hyperbolic sine and hyperbolic cosine. In the visible domain the circle is closed and periodic, while the hyperbola is infinite. Yet, when viewed from the standpoint of the complex domain, both are periodic. The shape of the curves rising from the surface, in both cases, are catenaries!

And, this is only the beginning.


1. The analogy between well-tempered polyphony and the complex domain is most directly seen in the late quartets of Beethoven. There the characteristic half-step boundaries between neighboring keys and modes are transformed. Just as a solid is bounded by surfaces and a surface is bounded by lines, Beethoven transforms the keys and modes from the bounded to the boundaries of a “musical solid”.

2. It was one of Gauss’ earliest discoveries of the complex domain that the constructable polygons included the 17-gon and all polygons with the prime number of sides of the form 22^n + 1.

3. For generations students have been brainwashed by the Euler’s mystical algebraic derivation of the unity between the exponential and the trigonometric. The algebraic form of the circle as the curve of constant length is x2 + y2 = 1, where x and y are the legs of a right triangle. The algebraic expression of the hyperbola is x2 – y2 = 1. When factored algebraically the circle yields, (x + y?-1)(x – y?-1), while the hyperbola yields (x + y)(x – y).

Riemann for Anti-Dummies: Part 35 : Mind as a Power Generator

Riemann For Anti-Dummies Part 35


Rene Descartes (1596-1630) was, for all intents and purposes, a Bogomil. The geometry that bears his name, is brainwashing. Anyone exposed to it, unless cured, will suffer from cognitive deficiency. Symptoms include impotence and an inability to distinguish fantasy from reality.

Gottfried Leibniz, writing to Molanus, circa 1679, recognized the deleterious effects of Cartesianism, “Cartesians are not capable of discovery; they merely undertake the job of interpreting or commenting upon their master, as the Scholastics did with Aristotle. There have been many beautiful discoveries since Descartes, but, as far as I know, not one of them has come from a true Cartesian…. Descartes himself had a rather limited mind.”

Descartes’ method is impotent. It lacks power. Go back to the investigations of the Pythagoreans, Archytas, Menaechmus and Plato, on the matter of doubling the line, square and cube. These discoveries demonstrated, the relationship between objects and the principles from which they are generated. Each principle possess a characteristic power. The succession of objects– line, square and cube– are produced by a succession of higher powers (dunamis). These powers are not defined by the objects. The objects are produced by the powers. The powers cannot be known through the senses. The characteristics of the physical powers are, nevertheless, made sensible through their harmony, which only the mind has the power to grasp.

As can be seen from the solutions to doubling the cube by Archytas and Menaechmus, the harmonic relationship among these powers reflects a characteristic curvature, that, when projected onto straight lines, produces the relationships the Pythagoreans recognized as the arithmetic, geometric and sub-contrary, (or harmonic) means. The arithmetic mean is three numbers related by a common difference: c – a = b – c, or, c = 1/2 (a+b). Geometrically, it is represented by the half-way point along a line; musically it corresponds to the interval of the fifth. The geometric mean is three numbers in constant proportion: a:b::b:c. Geometrically it is represented by the middle square between two squares; musically it corresponds to the Lydian interval. The harmonic mean is the inverse of the arithmetic mean: 1/c = 1/2(1/a+1/b). It is expressed geometrically in the hyperbola and musically by the interval of the fourth. These harmonic relationships are number shadows cast by the curved onto the straight. (See Riemann for Anti-Dummies 33. EIR website.)

Riemann generalized these Greek discoveries by his notion of multiply extended magnitude. The line is an artifact of a simply-extended manifold, the square an artifact of a doubly-extended manifold, and the cube an artifact of triply-extended manifold. For Riemann, as for Pythagoras, Archytas, Menaechmus, Plato, et al., each increase of degree of extension, from “n” to “n+1”, occurs by the addition of a new principle, not a new independent “dimension”. Consequently, a square cannot be produced from a line, nor a cube from a square, because the square is generated by a different principle than the line, as the cube is generated from a different principle than the square. But, Riemann also made clear, that extension alone is insufficient to determine physical geometry. Another principle is necessary: physical curvature. (See Riemman for Anti-Dummies, Parts 28, 29, 33, 34).

In Descartes’ make-believe world, the concept of power is excised. “Any problem in geometry can easily be reduced to such terms that a knowledge of lengths of certain straight lines is sufficient for its construction,” is the opening of his treatise on analytical geometry.

As a true Bogomil, Descartes is perverse. He begins ass backward, starting with numerical relationships, stripped of their power, and pretending to generate curves, from only these numberical relationships which he wrote down in the form of an algebraic equation. This is pure fakery, as Descartes never derived any curve from these equations. All the numerical relationships had already been discovered by Apollonius, through the investigations of the relationship between curvature and power. Descartes never generated a single curve whose harmonic relationships had not already been discovered by the Greeks. Descartes’ intention was to strip the power from ideas and the idea of powers from geometry.

To illustrate this point concretely, look at Menaechmus’ solution for the problem of doubling the cube, presented in Riemann for Anti-Dummies 33. Menaechmus demonstrated that the magnitude that doubles the cube is formed by the intersection of a parabola and an hyperbola. Each curve embodies a different set of proportions that emerge when the curved is combined with the straight. For example, the hyperbola is formed by the corner of a rectangle whose sides change such that the area remains the same. The parabola is formed by the corner of a rectangle in which one side is always the square of the other. These rectangles are made up of straight lines, whose proportionality is determined by the curves. The curves posses the power to produce that proportionality, and that power is expressed in the relationship between the curve and the straight lines produced by it. In other words, only a faker or a fool would separate the curve, the straight-lines and the proportionality that produces this complex of action. As Menaechmus demonstrates, when the hyperbola and parabola are combined, a power is expressed by the resulting proportionality, which is higher than exists in either curve independently.

For Descartes, the straight lines are independent entities, created without reason. The curve and the associated powers are deviations from these straight lines. “Here it must be observed that by a2, b3, and similar expressions, I ordinarily mean only simple lines, which, however, I name squares, cubes, etc., so that I may make use of the terms employed in algebra,” he confessed. Thus, the fantasy make believe world of independent straight lines is taken as primary and the real world of physical action, is only a deviation from the fantasy world. Since, as Leibniz stated, this way of thinking is incapable of producing discoveries, the only intention of those teaching it, is to condition the students into believing the fantasy world has more power than reality. (The baby-boomer populist’s obsession that money equals economic security is a typical result of this type of education.)

To hammer this home and to prepare the ground for taking on Riemann’s physical differential geometry, look at two physical examples: the conic section orbit of a heavenly body around the sun; the catenary; and Gauss’ Geoid.

In the first case, the heavenly body is conforming to a unique curved pathway around the sun, which Kepler and Gauss demonstrated was a conic section with the sun at a common focus for all orbits. Thus, the orbits define a physical pathway, and the sun a physical origin. The straight-lines that have physical significance are the ones related to the physical action. For example, the major axis of an elliptical orbit is the line that connects the points of minimum and maximum speed, which are also the points of maximum curvature. The parameter of the orbit is the line going through the sun that is perpendicular to the major axis of the conic section. The minor axis of the elliptical orbit is the line connecting the points of minimum curvature of the orbit. These lines express the harmonic relationships of the arithmetic, geometric and harmonic means, which in turn reflect the higher powers, the “reason” why the planet’s orbit takes the shape it does. (See Appendix to “How Gauss Determined the Orbit of Ceres”, Summer 1998 Fidelio.)

Now look at the catenary. Despite Descartes’ boast that his method could solve any problem in geometry, the hanging chain proved him wrong. The catenary presents a different problem than the conic section orbits. It did not conform to any known geometrical figure, so its nature had to be discovered only from its physical characteristics. This presented a problem for Descartes because unless the nature of the curve was known, he could not determine where to put his straight lines.

Leibniz and Bernoulli demonstrated, that physical nature of the catenary is expressed by the relationship between any point on the chain, and the lowest point. That relationship is measured by the tangents to the curve at these two points. (See “Justice for the Catenary”, Schiller Institute website.) The tangent to the lowest point is always perpendicular to the pull of gravity, i.e. horizontal. The relationship of the force between any point on the catenary and this lowest point, is measured by the sines of the angles formed by the tangents to these two points, and a vertical line drawn from the lowest point. In other words, the physical action at any point on the catenary, is expressed by a “differential” relationship between the angles formed by these three lines. The horizontal tangent to the lowest point, which is perpendicular to the pull of gravity, a vertical line drawn from that point, which is along the direction of the pull of gravity, and the tangent to the point on the curve.

Leibniz and Bernoulli showed that this “differential” change does not conform to any previous known algebraic curve. It does not exist in Descartes’ world. Descartes could not determine how to construct this curve from straight lines. (Anyone indoctrinated in Descartes method will be getting very uncomfortable now.) But, obviously the chain exists in the real world. As we just observed, the only lines that are relevant are those determined, physically, by the changing relationship of the catenary to the pull of gravity and the perpendicular to the pull of gravity. This changing relationship is not determined by Cartesian geometry. It is determined by the physical curvature of the pull of gravity. Leibniz and Bernoulli demonstrated, that this relationship is expressed by the exponential and hyperbolic functions, both of which are expressions of a succession of higher powers, and as such, undiscoverable by the Cartesian method. (See Riemann for Anti-Dummies 33. EIR website.)

Gauss’ Geoid presents a still different problem. In the previous two examples, the “differential” of action was along a pathway determined by the principle of universal gravitation. In these cases, the “differential” could be determined with respect to a doubly-extended magnitude. (The major axis and parameter for the orbit and the pull of gravity and its perpendicular for the catenary.) In determining the shape of the Earth, Gauss confronted the addition of a new principle. Instead of measuring along a pathway in a doubly-extended surface, he was measuring changes of the surface itself. For pedagogical purposes, think of measuring a triangle on a perfect sphere. How does the shape of that triangle change as the area of the triangle increases? Compare this with measuring a triangle on an irregular surface, such as a watermelon. One the sphere, the sides of the triangles change because they are circles in all directions. However, on a watermelon, the sides of the triangle change according to a different principle depending on the direction. To measure this type of change, Gauss invented a new type of complex differential, which will be developed more fully in future pedagogicals.

To summarize the epistemological issues raised in this pedagogical, we quote Leibniz disputing Descartes theory of motion:

“There was a time when I believed that all phenomena of motion could be explained on purely geometrical principles, assuming no metaphysical propositions…But, through a more profound meditation, I discovered that this is impossible, and I learned a truth higher than all mechanics, namely that everything in nature can indeed be explained mechanically, but that th e principles of mechanics themselves depend on metaphysical and, in a sense moral principles, that is, on the contemplation of the most perfectly effectual efficient and final cause, namely, God…

“…I discovered that this, so to speak, inertia of bodies cannot be deduced from the initially assumed notion of matter and motion, where matter is understood as that which is extended or fills space, and motion is understood as change of space or place. But rather, over and above that which is deduced from extension and its variation or modification alone, we must add and recognize in bodies certain notions or forms that are immaterial, so to speak, or independent of extension, which you can call powers, by means of which speed is adjusted to magnitude. These powers consist not in motion, indeed, not in conatus or the beginning of motion, but in the cause or in that intrinsic reason for motion, which is the law required for continuing. And investigators have erred insofar as they considered motion, but not motive power or the reason for motion, which even if derived from God, author and governor of things, must not be understood as being n God himself, but must be understood as having been produced and conserved by him in things. From this we shall also show that it is not the same quantity of motion (which misleads many), but the same powers that are conserved in the world.”

Riemann for Anti-Dummies: Part 34 : Power and Curvature

Riemann for Anti-Dummies Part 34


In his 1854 habilitation lecture, Bernhard Riemann spoke of the twofold task involved in lifting more than 2,000 years of darkness that had settled on science:

“From Euclid to Legendre, to name the most renowned of modern writers on geometry, this darkness has been lifted neither by the mathematicians nor by the philosophers who have labored upon it. The reason of this lay perhaps in the fact that the general concept of multiply extended magnitudes, in which spatial magnitudes are comprehended, has not been elaborated at all. Accordingly, I have proposed to myself at first the problem of constructing the concept of a multiply extended magnitude out of general notions of quantity. From this it will result that a multiply extended magnitude is susceptible of various metric relations and that space accordingly constitutes only a particular case of a triply-extended magnitude. A necessary sequel of this is that the propositions of geometry are not derivable from general concepts of quantity, but those properties by which space is distinguished from other conceivable triply-extended magnitudes can be gathered only by experience. There arises from this the problem of searching out the simplest facts by which the metric relations of space can be determined, a problem which in the nature of things is not quite definite; for several systems of simple facts can be stated which would suffice for determining the metric relations of space; the most important for present purposes is that laid down for foundations by Euclid. These facts are, like all facts, not necessary but of a merely empirical certainty; they are hypotheses….”

To grasp the significance of Riemann’s “Plan of Investigation,” it must be recognized that the 2,000 years of darkness of which he spoke, was, like the foundations of Euclidean geometry, not necessary. The Romantic cult-belief that the definitions, axioms, and postulates of Euclid, were the {a priori}, fixed, immutable and necessary condition of the universe, never had any basis in truth. It was a false doctrine imposed by an imperial system, which required the widespread acceptance of the belief that the universe was ruled by forces beyond human comprehension and control, and that these forces could only be administered by an oligarchical authority. The edicts of this oligarchy, like the definitions, axioms, and postulates of Euclidean geometry, were laid down as given, not requiring, nor susceptible of, proof. They were simply, “the way things are.”

This view was expressed succinctly by the hoaxster, Claudius Ptolemy, the hatchet-man who imposed the knowingly false, fixed, geocentric conception of the solar system. Ptolemy, agreeing with Aristotle, justified his attack on Aristarchus’ provably true heliocentric conception, as a necessary consequence of his view of Man. In the introduction to his {Almagast}, Ptolemy stated that knowledge of both God and the physical universe was impossible. The only knowledge accessible to man was, what Ptolemy called “mathematical,” that is, knowledge which follows logically from a given set of axioms, definitions, and postulates. Those axioms, definitions and postulates, themselves can not be proven. As such, their authority resides not in demonstrable truths, but in the arbitrary power of whoever decrees their primacy. The evil lies not with the axioms, postulates, and definitions themselves, but in the acceptance of the method that knowledge can be derived only from them.

The popular acceptance of the darkness ushered in by the dominance of this Aristotelean method was a tragic degeneration from a higher concept of man and the universe developed in Classical Greece from Pythagoras until the murder of Archimedes. Euclid’s {Elements}, in a strange way, demonstrate this themselves. Read in their customary order, the {Elements} proceed from the definitions of point, line, surface, and solid, as objects of, respectively, 0, 1, 2, and 3 “dimensions,” and certain postulates about the unlimitedness of these objects. From there, a set of theorems is developed that elaborate the possible actions in a universe that conforms to the restrictions contained in the opening definitions, axioms, and postulates.

Yet read backwards, Euclid’s {Elements} begin to reveal a completely different comprehension of the universe. The {Elements} end where they should begin–with the construction of the five regular (Platonic) solids from the characteristic of spherical action. This investigation leads to the discovery of magnitudes of different powers, as exhibited in the problem of doubling the line, square, and cube. The relationships among these powers, give rise to the proportions called the arithmetic, geometric, and harmonic means, and to the prime numbers and the relationships among them. Only then do the investigations concern the reflection of these relationships in a plane. Only at the end, should we arrive at the point, line, surface, and solid. Seen in this way, these objects are concepts arising from a higher principle–the action that produced the five regular solids from a sphere–not as objects created by arbitrary decree from below, in the form of axioms, definitions, and postulates.

(It is from this standpoint that Kepler begins his {Harmony of the World} with a strong denunciation of Petrus Ramus, the leading Aristotelean of the day, who sought to ban books 10 through 13 of Euclid.)

This principle is similarly demonstrated by the Pythagorean/Platonic investigations of doubling the line, square, and cube. As discussed in previous pedagogicals, each object is generated by magnitudes of successively higher powers. The relationship among these higher powers is reflected by the arithmetic and geometric proportions. Initially, it appears that each power is associated simply with an increase in extension. For example, the magnitude that doubles the square is incommensurable with the magnitude that doubles the line, but it is produced from within the square. Yet, when the problem of doubling the cube is considered, the sought-after magnitude is not generated anywhere in the cube. Both the constructions of Archytus and Menaechmeus demonstrate, that the magnitude that has the power to double the cube is produced by the higher form of action represented by the cone, torus, and cylinder. While that action has a causal effect on the generation of cube, it is not produced anywhere in the cube. In other words, it is not produced by an increase in extension from two to three “dimensions.”

Another principle is involved. As emphasized in last week’s pedagogical discussion, the principle that generates the magnitude that doubles the cube, is expressed in a change of “curvature.”

As Riemann stated in his habilitation paper, the determination of extension is only the first step:

“Now that the concept of an n-fold extended manifold has been constructed and its essential mark has been found to be this, that the determination of position therein can be referred to n determinations of magnitude, there follows as second of the problems proposed above, an investigation into the relations of measure that such a manifold is susceptible of, also, into the conditions which suffice for determining these metric relations.”

To illustrate this pedagogically, perform the following experiment. Stand in the corner of a room and mark one point on the ceiling above your head, a second point on the wall directly to your right, and a third point on the other wall directly to your left. Now, in your mind connect these three points. If you point to these points in succession, the motion of your arm will define three right angles, implying that these three points all lie on the surface of a sphere. However, if you connect these points, in your mind, with straight lines, the points now lie on a flat surface, forming the triangular face of an octahedron. On the other hand, if you connect the three points to one another by hanging strings between them, the surface thus formed will be bounded by catenaries, and thus be negatively curved. These three points form three different triangles, which in all three cases, are doubly-extended magnitudes. Yet, each is very different from the other. The difference lies not in the degree of extension, but in the curvature of the surface on which the triangle lies. Thus, the lines that form the sides of these triangles, are defined by the nature of the surface in which they exist. The Euclidean definition of a line as “breadthless length,” cannot distinguish the side of the spherical triangle from the flat or negatively curved one; nor can the Euclidean definition of surface as, “that which has length and breadth only,” distinguish the three triangles from one another.

The curvature of these three surfaces can be measured by the sum of the angles of the triangles formed on each. On the spherical triangle, the sum of the angles is greater than 180 degrees. On the flat one, the sum of the angles is exactly 180 degrees. On the “catenary” triangle, the sum of the angles is less than 180 degrees.

Now, think, as Gauss and Riemann did, of a manifold that encompasses all three curvatures. Begin first with a positively curved surface such as a sphere. Here the sum of the angles of a triangle is always greater than 180 degrees. The larger the triangle, the greater the sum, until a maximum is reached when the triangle covers the whole sphere. As these triangles become smaller, the sum of the angles approaches, but never reaches 180 degrees, for when the sum of the angles reaches 180 degrees, the surface becomes flat. On a negatively curved surface, just the opposite occurs. As the triangle becomes smaller, the sum of the angles of a triangle gets larger, approaching, but never reaching 180 degrees.

These three surfaces form a manifold of action, in which the flat plane of Euclid is only the momentary transition between a negatively and a positively curved surface.

Gauss saw in this the possibility of a physical determination of geometry.

“It is easy to prove, that if Euclid’s geometry is not true, there are no similar figures. The angles of an equal-sided triangle, vary according to the magnitude of the sides, which I do not at all find absurd. It is thus, that angles are a function of the sides and the sides are functions of the angles, and at the same time, a constant line occurs naturally in such a function. It appears something of a paradox, that a constant line could possibly exist, so to speak, {a priori}; but, I find in it nothing contradictory. It were even desirable, that Euclid’s Geometry were not true, because then we would have, {a priori}, a universal measurement, for example, one could use for a unit of space [{Raumeinheit}], the side of an equilateral triangle, whose angle is 59 degrees, 59 minutes, 59.99999… seconds.”

Riemann for Anti-Dummies: Part 33 : Hyperbolic Functions – A Fugue Across 25 Centuries

Riemann for Anti-Dummies Part 33


When the Delians, circa 370 B.C., suffering the ravages of a plague, were directed by an oracle to increase the size of their temple’s altar, Plato admonished them to disregard all magical interpretations of the oracle’s demand and concentrate on solving the problem of doubling the cube. This is one of the earliest accounts of the significance of pedagogical, or spiritual, exercises for economics.

Some crises, such as the one currently facing humanity, require a degree of concentration on paradoxes that outlasts one human lifetime. Fortunately, mankind is endowed with what LaRouche has called, “super-genes,” which provide the individual the capacity for higher powers of concentration, by bringing the efforts of generations past into the present. Exemplary is the case of Bernhard Riemann’s 1854 habilitation lecture, On the Hypotheses that Underlie the Foundations of Geometry, in which Riemann speaks of a darkness that had shrouded human thought from Euclid to Legendre. After more than 2,000 thousand years of concentration on the matter, Riemann, standing on the shoulders of his teacher, Carl F. Gauss, lifted that darkness, by developing what he called, “a general concept of multiply-extended magnitude.”

Riemann’s concept extended the breakthroughs already put forward by Gauss, beginning with his 1799 dissertation on the fundamental theorem of algebra. Like its predecessor, it is a devastating refutation of the “ivory tower” methods of Euler, Lagrange, et al. that dominate the thinking of most of the population today, just as it dominated the minds of the Delians and the other unfortunate Greeks of Plato’s time. Recognizing that all problems of society were ultimately subjective, Plato prescribed (in The Republic) that mastery of pedagogical exercises, (in the domain of music, geometry, arithmetic, and astronomy) be a prerequisite for political leadership. Only if leaders developed the capacity to free themselves, and then others, from this wrong-headedness, could crises, like the one facing us (or that which faced the Delians), be vanquished.

These exercises accustom the mind to shift its attention from the shadows of sense perception, to the discovery of knowable, but unseen truths, that are reflected to us as paradoxes in the domain of the senses. The process is never-ending. With each new discovery, new paradoxes are brought to the surface, which provoke still further discoveries, producing an ever greater concentration of the requisite quality of mind that produced the discovery in the first place.

Doubling of the Line, Square, and Cube

Such is the context for concentrating on the 2,500-year investigation of the paradoxes initially posed by the problem of doubling the line, square, and cube. These objects appear, visually, to be similar. The square is made from lines, while the cube is made from squares. Yet, when subjected to an action, such as doubling, it becomes evident that while these objects appear visibly similar, their principle of generation is vastly different.

The Pythagoreans, who learned from the Egyptians, reportedly, were the first Greeks to investigate this paradox. Recognizing that these visibly similar, but knowably different, objects were all contained in one universe, they sought a unifying principle that underlay the generation of all three. That unifying principle could not be directly observed, but its existence could be known, through its expression, as a paradox, lurking among the shadows that were seen.

Nearly 80 years before Plato’s rebuke of the Delians, Hippocrates of Chios offered an insight based on the Pythagorean principle of the connection among music, arithmetic, and geometry. The Pythagoreans had recognized relationships among musical intervals, which they called: the arithmetic and the geometric. The arithmetic mean is found when three numbers are related by a common difference: b – a = c – b. For example, 3 is the arithmetic mean between 1 and 5. (see Figure 1a).

The geometric mean is when three numbers are in constant proportion, a:b::b:c. For example, 2:4::4:8. (see Figure 1b ).

Hippocrates recognized that the arithmetic relationship is expressed by the intervals formed when lines are added, and that the geometric is expressed by the intervals when squares, or more generally, areas, are added. The formation of solid figures, being of a still higher power, did not correspond directly to any of these musical relationships. Nevertheless, the shadow cast by the doubling of the cube, expressed a relationship that corresponded to finding two geometric means between two extremes (see Figure 1c).

Plato, in the Timaeus, explains the significance of Hippocrates’ insight:

“Now that which is created is of necessity corporeal, and also visible and tangible…. But it is not possible that two things alone be joined without a third; for in between there must needs be some bond joining the two…. Now if the body of the All had had to come into being as a plane surface, having no depth, one mean would have sufficed to bind together both itself and its fellow-terms; but now it is otherwise, for it behooved it to be solid in shape, and what brings solids into harmony is never one mean, but always two.”

In the Epinomis, Plato says of the investigations of the arithmetic and geometric means, “a divine and marvelous thing it is to those who contemplate it and reflect how the whole of nature is impressed with species and kind according to each proportion as power…. To the man who pursues his studies in the proper way, all geometric constructions, all systems of numbers, all duly constituted melodic progressions, the single ordered scheme of all celestial revolutions, should disclose themselves, and disclose themselves they will, if, as I say, a man pursues his studies aright with his mind’s eye fixed on their single end. As such a man reflects, he will receive the revelation of a single bond of natural interconnection between all these problems. If such matters are handled in any other spirit, a man, as I am saying, will need to invoke his luck. We may rest assured that without these qualifications the happy will not make their appearance in any society; this is the method, this the pabulum, these the studies demanded; hard or easy, this is the road we must tread.”

While the initial reported reaction to Hippocrates was that he had turned one impossible puzzle into another, others saw his insight as a flank. If the construction of two means between two extremes could be carried out among the shadows, the result could be applied to double the cube. Plato’s collaborator, Archytas of Tarentum, supplied a solution by his famous construction involving a cylinder, torus, and cone. (See Figure) This demonstrated that the required construction could only be carried out, not in the flat domain of the shadows, but in the higher domain of the curved surfaces. Archytas’ result is consistent with the discovery of the Pythagoreans, Theatetus, and Plato, of the construction of the five regular solids from the sphere.

Menaechmus’ Discovery

Plato’s student, Menaechmus, supplied a further discovery, by demonstrating that curves generated from cones possessed the power to produce two means between two extremes. As the accompanying diagrams illustrate, the parabola possesses the characteristic of one mean between two extremes, while the hyperbola embraces two (see Figures 2a and Figure 2b, and Animation 1a and Animation 1b).

Menaechmus showed that the intersection of an hyperbola and a parabola produces the result of placing two means between two extremes (Figure 3).

Embedded in the discoveries of Archytas and Menaechmus was a principle that would not fully blossom until 2,200 years later, with the discoveries of Riemann and Gauss. Archytas’ solution depended on a characteristic possessed by the curve formed by the intersection of the cylinder and torus. This curve could not be drawn on a flat plane, because it curved in two directions. Gauss would later define this characteristic as “negative” curvature.(Figure 4).

However, Menaechmus’ construction using a parabola and hyperbola, is carried out entirely in the flat domain of the shadows. Nonetheless, for reasons that would not become apparent until Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in the 17th Century, Menaechmus’ solution worked because it contained this same principle of negative curvature as did Archytas’.

Because of the lack of extant original writings, it is difficult to know how conscious these ancient Greek investigators were of the principle which Gauss would call negative curvature. What is known, is that these Greeks knew that the principle that determined action in the physical universe, was a higher principle than that which dominated the flat world of areas. The principles governing solid objects, thus, depended on curves, generated by a higher type of action in space, which, when projected onto the lower domain of a plane, exhibited the capacity of putting two means between two extremes. These curves combined the arithmetic and the geometric into a One. When this principle was applied in the higher domain of solid objects, it produced the experimentally validatable result.

This demonstrates, as Plato makes clear, not simply a principle governing the physical realm, but the multiply-connected relationship between the spiritual and the material dimensions of the universe; hence the appropriateness of “pedagogical,” or “spiritual exercises.”

Kepler’s Study of Conic Sections

The next significant step was accomplished by Johannes Kepler, who established modern physical science as an extension of these ancient Greek discoveries as those discoveries were re-discovered by Nicolaus of Cusa, Luca Pacioli, and Leonardo da Vinci. Kepler, citing Cusa, whom he called “divine,” placed particular importance on the difference between the curved (geometric) and the straight (arithmetic).

“But after all, why were the distinctions between curved and straight, and the nobility of a curve, among God’s intentions when he displayed the universe? Why indeed? Unless because by a most perfect Creator it was absolutely necessary that a most beautiful work should be produced,” Kepler wrote in the Mysterium Cosmographicum.

As part of his astronomical research, Kepler mastered the compilation of Greek discoveries on these higher curves contained in Apollonius’ {Conics.} As a result of his investigation of refraction of light, Kepler reports a revolutionary new concept of conic sections. For the first time, Kepler considered the conic sections as one projective manifold:

“[T]here exists among these lines the following order by reason of their properties: It passes from the straight line through an infinity of hyperbolas to the parabola, and thence through an infinity of ellipses to the circle. Thus the parabola has on one side two things infinite in nature, the hyperbola and the straight line, the ellipse and the circle. For it is also infinite, but assumes a limitation from the other side…. Therefore, the opposite limits are the circle and the straight line: The former is pure curvedness, the latter pure straightness. The hyperbola, parabola, and the ellipse are placed in between, and participate in the straight and the curved, the parabola equally, the hyperbola in more of the straightness, and the ellipse in more of the curvedness.” (See Figure 5 and Animation 2.)

Animation 2

Of significance for this discussion is the discontinuity revealed by this projection between the parabola and the hyperbola. The hyperbola stands on the other side of the infinite, so to speak, from the ellipse and the circle, while the parabola has one side toward the infinite and the other toward the finite.

From Fermat to Gauss

The significance of this infinite boundary begins to become clear from the standpoint of Pierre de Fermat’s complete re-working of Apollonius’ Conics and the subsequent development of the calculus by Leibniz and Jean Bernoulli, with a crucial contribution supplied by Christian Huyghens.

Huyghens recognized that the curved and the straight expressed themselves in the hyperbola differently than in the other conic sections. His insight was based on the same principle recognized by Menaechmus, that the hyperbola, when projected onto a plane, was formed by a series of rectangles whose area was always equal. As one of the sides of each rectangle got longer, the other side got inversely smaller. Huyghens focused his attention on the area bounded by the hyperbola and the asymptote, which is the area formed by an ever-changing rectangle whose area is always the same (Figure 6). Areas between the hyperbola and the asymptote, formed by rectangles whose sides are in proportion, are equal. Consequently, as the diagram illustrates, those sections of the hyperbola, formed as the distance along the asymptote from the center increases geometrically, are equal. Thus, as the areas increase arithmetically, the lengths along the asymptote increase geometrically. Don’t miss the irony of this inversion: In the hyperbola, the (geometric) areas grow arithmetically, while the (arithmetic) lengths grow geometrically!

As has been presented in previous installments of this series, this combined relationship of the arithmetic with the geometric was discovered by Leibniz to be expressed by the physical principle of the catenary. Leibniz demonstrated that the catenary was formed by a curve, which he called “logarithmic,” today known as the “exponential.” This curve is formed such that the horizontal change is arithmetic, while the vertical change is geometric. The catenary, Leibniz demonstrated, is the arithmetic mean between two such “logarithmic” curves (Figure 7).

From here we are led directly into the discovery of Gauss and Riemann through Leibniz’ and Bernoulli’s other catenary-related discovery: The relationship of the catenary to the hyperbola(1). This relationship is formed from Huyghens’ discovery. The equal hyperbolic areas define certain points along the hyperbola, that are “projected” onto the axis of the hyperbola, by perpendicular lines drawn from axis to those points. These projections produce lengths along the axis, that are the same lengths that, as Leibniz showed, produced the catenary! (See Figure 8a, Figure 8b, Figure 8c and Figure 8d.)

The implications of this discovery become even more clear when viewed from the standpoint of Gauss’ investigation of curved surfaces that arose out of his earlier work on the fundamental theorem of algebra, geodesy, astronomy, and biquadratic residues. To complete this discussion, focus on Gauss’ extension of the investigations of curves, into the investigation of the surfaces which contain them. Surfaces that contained curves with the characteristics of the hyperbola or catenary, Gauss called “negatively” curved, while surfaces that were formed by curves with the characteristics of circles and ellipses, he called “positively” curved(2). (See Figures 9.)

Now think back over this 2,500-year fugue. The principle underlying the constructions of Archytas and Menaechmus; the discontinuity expressed by the infinite boundary between the hyperbola and parabola; the inversion of the geometric and arithmetic in the hyperbola: From Gauss’ perspective, these all reflect a transformation between negative and positive curvature.

Thus, to investigate action in the physical universe, it is necessary to extend the inquiry from simple extension to curvature and from simple curves to the surfaces that contain them. This, as will be developed in future installments, can only be done from the standpoint of Gauss and Riemann’s complex domain.


1. It should be noted that this discovery has been the victim of such a widespread pogrom initiated by Euler, Lagrange, and carried into the 20th Century by Felix Klein et al., that the mere discussion of it with anyone exposed to an academic mathematics education, is likely to provoke severe outbreaks of anxiety.

2. The reason for the names “negative” and “positive” will be discussed in a future installment.

Riemann for Anti-Dummies: Part 32 : The Beginnings of Differential Geometry

Riemann for Anti-Dummies Part 32


Fifty-two years after Gauss’ 1799 doctoral dissertation on the fundamental theorem of algebra, his student, Bernhard Riemann, submitted, to Gauss, an equally revolutionary doctoral dissertation that took Gauss’ initial discovery into a new, higher, domain. Riemann’s thesis, “Foundations for a general theory of functions of a single variable complex magnitude”, built on the foundations of Gauss’ own work, established a complete generalization of the principles of physical differential geometry that was set into motion by Kepler nearly 250 years earlier.

It is beneficial, and perhaps essential, as a preliminary to a more detailed discussion of Riemann’s work itself, to review three exemplary discoveries of physical principles, that taken together, trace the historical development of the ideas leading into Riemann’s work: Kepler’s principles of planetary motion; the Leibniz-Bernoulli discovery of the principle of the catenary; and Gauss’ own work in geodesy. All three, while seemingly diverse, are in fact intimately connected. They all deal, in one way or another, with investigations into the nature of universal gravitation, and, taken together, they comprise a succession of concepts of increasing generality and power.

Begin first with Kepler. Taken in its entirety, from the Mysterium Cosmographicum to the Harmonice Mundi, Kepler’s work demonstrates that the action governing any planet at any moment is a function of the principle that organizes the solar system as a whole; the principle of universal gravitation. Kepler discovered that this principle has an harmonic characteristic, which determines that the planetary orbits are elliptical, not circular. The unique shape of each individual elliptical orbit is determined, not by each planet alone, nor by the pair-wise interaction of that planet with the Sun, but by the harmonic relationship among the maximum and minimum speeds of all the planets. In other words, the action of the planet at any moment is determined by these extremes, between which, the planet’s orbit “hangs”. The magnitudes of these “hanging points”, are not arbitrary, but when taken all together, conform, approximately, to the harmonic ordering of the musical scale.

The eccentricity of the planetary orbits posed a challenge to Kepler because he had no mathematical means to determine the exact position, direction and velocity of each planet at every moment, so he demanded the invention of a new mathematics. Kepler prescribed that such a mathematics must be able to determine how the harmonic principle that determines the planet’s extremes, is expressed, throughout the entire orbit, and he took the first steps toward developing that mathematics. (See Riemann for Anti-Dummies Parts 1-6)

Responding to Kepler’s demand, Leibniz and his collaborator, Johann Bernoulli developed the calculus, the most general expression of which is demonstrated by their joint effort on the catenary. At first glance, the catenary appears similar, in principle, to a planetary orbit, in that the shape of the curve seems to be determined by the position of the points from which chain hangs. As the position of these “hanging points” changes, the chain re-orients itself, so that its overall shape is maintained. In this respect, the relationship of these hanging points to all the other points on the catenary, initially seems analogous to the relationship between the extreme speeds of a planet to the entire orbit. But, as Bernoulli showed in his book on the integral calculus, all points on the catenary, except the lowest point, are, at all times, hanging points. (The reader should review Riemann for Anti-Dummies Parts 10 “Justice for the Catenary”, and chapter 4 of “How Gauss Determined the Orbit of Ceres”, to perform the experiments indicated therein.(fn. 1.)) This is, in fact, an inversion of the principle expressed in Keplerian orbits. In the case of the planet, the orbit, “hangs” between its two extremes. For the catenary, the extreme, that is the lowest point, is the one point that does no hanging. (In Cusa’s terms it is the point that is simultaneously motion and no-motion.) Applying Leibniz’ calculus, Bernoulli demonstrated how the catenary is “unfolded” from this lowest point. (fn. 2.)

Leibniz, in turn, demonstrated that this physical principle also reflected the characteristic exhibited by the logarithmic (exponential) function. (See Leibniz paper on catenary.) Thus, the hanging chain is characterized by the same transcendental principle that subsumes the generation of the so-called algebraic powers, and which is exhibited in other physical processes such as biological growth and the musical scale, as well. Consequently, the characteristics of the logarithmic (exponential) function, is an expression of a physical principle, not a mathematical one.

Now, compare the above described examples with Gauss’ discovery of the Geoid. From 1818 to 1832 Gauss carried out a geodetic survey of the Kingdom of Hannover. This involved determining the physical distances along the surface of the Earth by laying out triangles and measuring the angles formed by the “line of sight” sides. The paradox Gauss confronted was that the relationship between the lengths of the sides of the triangles and the angles, is a function of the shape of the Earth. (fn.3.) However, the shape of the Earth could not be known in advance of the measurements. The problem was further complicated by the fact that all the measurements were taken with respect to the direction of the pull of gravity, as determined by the direction of a hanging plumb bob. Like the relationship between the angles of a triangle and the lengths of the sides, the direction of the pull of gravity depends on the shape of the Earth. For example, if the Earth were spherical, the plumb bob would always point toward the center of the Earth. If the Earth were ellipsoidal, the plumb bob would point to different places, depending on where on the ellipsoid the measurement was being taken. Gauss showed that the problem was even more complicated, because the Earth’s shape was very irregular. (See Riemann for Anti-Dummies Part 17.)

Here Gauss was confronted with exactly the same type of problem as Kepler and Leibniz before him. Existing mathematics could not measure such an irregular shape. All previous approaches began with an a priori assumption of the shape of the Earth, one that conformed to existing mathematical knowledge. (This brings to mind Gallileo’s foolish insistence that the catenary was a parabola because that was the shape in the mathematical textbooks which looked most like a catenary. The chain, however, did not read Gallileo’s preferred texts.) Gauss abandoned all such attempts to fit the Earth into an assumed shape, declaring that the geometrical shape of the Earth is that shape that is everywhere perpendicular to the pull of gravity. In other words, instead of assuming an imaginary shape, and measuring the real Earth as a deviation from the imaginary one, Gauss rejected the fantasy world altogether. (Something more and more people should want to do these days as the global monetary systems disintegrates.) The physically determined shape that Gauss measured has since become known as the Geoid.

While the Geoid is an irregular surface, its irregularity is “tuned” so to speak by the motion of the Earth on its axis. Like the planetary orbit, or the hanging chain, that motion determines the positions of two, “hanging points”, specifically the north and south pole, from which the Geoid hangs.

However, since the Geoid is a surface, it has a different relationship to its poles, than the planetary orbit to its extremes, or the catenary to the lowest point. The latter two cases express the relationship between singularities and action on a curve. The former expresses the relationship between singularities and action on a surface, from which the action along the curves is derived.

The problem Gauss confronted was that since the physical triangles he measured on the surface of the Geoid were irregular, how could the lengths of the sides be determined from the angles, without first knowing the relationship between the lengths and the angles, i.e., the shape of the surface? To solve the problem, Gauss recognized that since all his measurements were angles, he could free himself from having to assume the Earth’s shape before he could determine his measurements, if he could project these angles from one surface to another, for example, from the geoid, to an ellipsoid, to a sphere and back again. Like Kepler and Leibniz, Gauss could not do this within the existing mathematics. So he invented a new one.

Gauss described the beginnings of this new mathematics in several locations, most notably his 1822 memoir on the subject of conformal mapping, that was awarded a prize from the Royal Society of Sciences of Copenhagen. Riemann relied heavily on this paper for the foundations of his own doctoral dissertation.

Conformal mapping is a term, invented by Gauss, to refer to transformations from one surface to another in which the angles between any curves on that surfaces are preserved. In his memoir, Gauss described conformal mapping as a transformation where, “the lengths of all indefinitely short lines extending from a point in the second surface and contained therein shall be proportional to the lengths of the corresponding lines in the first surface, and secondly, that every angle made between these intersecting lines in the first surface shall be equal to the angle between the corresponding lines in the second surface.”

To get an idea of what this means, perform the following experiment. Take a clear plastic hemisphere and draw a spherical triangle on it with heavy black lines. Go into a dark room and, using a flashlight, project the triangle onto the wall. If you hold the flashlight at the center of the hemisphere, the curved lines of the spherical triangle will be transformed into straight lines. If you then move the flashlight from the center of the hemisphere to a pole, the projected straight lines will become curved again, and the angles between them will be equal to the angles between the sides of the original triangle on the hemisphere.

To discover experimentally the difference between these two projections, tape cardboard circles of differing sizes onto the plastic hemisphere. (The circles should vary from quite large to quite small.) Now perform the same projection with the flashlight as before. When the flashlight is at the center of the hemisphere, these circles project to ellipses. When the flashlight is at the pole of the hemisphere, the circles become more circular, with the smaller circles become more circular than the larger ones. In the first case, the transformation of the circles into ellipses indicates that the proportion by which figures are transformed changes depending on the direction of the transformation with respect to the poles. The second case shows that the transformations are proportional in all directions.

Thus, the conformal mapping of one surface to another involves a change in rotation and direction. Having done the work on Gauss’ fundamental theorem of algebra, you should be able to recognize, as Gauss did, that this type of change could only be represented in the complex domain, which is where we will begin next time.


1. Any two points on opposite sides of the lowest point hold up the weight of the chain hanging between them. The force required to hold up this weight is proportional to the sines of the angles made by the tangents to the catenary at this point, and a vertical line rising from the point at which the tangents intersect.

2. The reader is urged to preform the experiment described in the indicated NF article. Take a string and tie a weight in the middle of it. Hold the ends of the string in each hand and let the weight hang between them. As you move your hands apart, the tension you feel on your hands will increase. If you begin with your hands close together, the tension is relatively small. As you pull your hands apart, the tension increases, slowly at first, but the rate of increase in the tension grows, the farther apart your hands are to one another. Now try to move your hands apart, while the string slides between your fingers, so that the string on one side remains horizontal. The other hand will move in the shape of the catenary.

3. The reader can grasp this by comparing triangles drawn on a piece of paper, a sphere and an irregular shaped surface, such as a watermelon.

Riemann for Anti-Dummies: Part 31 : The Circle’s Orbital Period

Riemann for Anti-Dummies Part 31


Most will find what follows very challenging, but anyone who makes the effort to work it through will be richly rewarded, as the insights gained have deep implications for survival of civilization.)

If we look at the known cases of constructable polygons, the triangle, square and pentagon, each is constructable by a series of nested steps, in which a “knowable” magnitude is constructed, and then from that magnitude, another “knowable” magnitude is constructed, until the side of the polygon is found. For example, the triangle is constructed by first constructing the hexagon from the radius of the circle. Then the side of the triangle is constructed from the side of the hexagon. The square is constructed from one diameter and a second diameter is constructed perpendicular to it. The pentagon is constructed by first constructing the golden mean, and then the side of the pentagon is derived from the golden mean.

In each of the above examples, each magnitude in the chain is constructed from the its predecessor by simple circular action. Consequently, such magnitudes are commensurate with the type of magnitudes associated with doubling of the square, i.e. second degree magnitudes, which are generated by simple circular action. As distinguished from third degree magnitudes that are associated with doubling the cube, which as was seen in the construction of Archytus, require the complex action of rotation and extension.

Therefore, those polygons, whose constructions could be reduced to a nested chain of second degree magnitudes are, in principle, constructable. All others are not.

The crucial insight of Gauss was to recognize that each polygon (“planetary system”) could be constructed as a chain of “orbital periods” and “sub-periods”. The character of the magnitudes associated with these periods and sub-periods, is determined by the number-theoretic characteristics of the prime number, or more specifically, the prime number minus 1.

Herein lies the “profound connection” between the generation of transcendental magnitudes and higher Arithmetic. The arithmetical characteristics determine the geometry, while the geometry, in turn determines the arithmetical characteristics. Unlike formalists such as Euler, Lagrange and D’Alembert, Gauss saw no distinction between the geometrical and the arithmetical characteristics. The same physical principle that governed the circle, ruled number. What the circle concealed, number revealed. One need only be able, as Plato said, “to see the nature of number with the mind only.” (Remember that the Greek word from which “arithmetic” is derived has the same root as the Greek word, “harmonia”.)

For Gauss, the circle is not simply an object in visible space, but rather an artifact of an action in the complex domain. Successive divisions of the circle reflect a succession of different types of actions corresponding to the hierarchy of powers. The vertices of an “n” sided regular polygon are the “n” roots of 1. Inversely, as was shown last week, these vertices can be generated as a succession of powers.

Ironically, the principles of this so-called “imaginary” domain determine what is possible in the visible domain. Gauss showed that the deeper principle of their generation becomes known under examination of, what he called the “residues of powers” in his “Disquisitiones Arithmeticae”.

Each prime number modulus has a characteristic period of residues with respect to a series of powers. For example, the modulus 5 produces the period of residues {1, 2, 4, 3, 1, 2, 4, 3, 1, 2, 4, 3,etc.}, with respect to the powers of 2, and the period of residues {1, 3, 4, 2, 1, 3, 4, 2, 1, 3, 4, 2, etc, }, with respect to the powers of 3. (See Riemann for Anti-Dummies Parts 20-23.)

(Since the powers of 2 and 3 yield complete, albeit different, periods, they are called “primitive roots” of 5. Compare this result to the periods generated from the residues of the powers of 2 and 3 relative to modulus 7. In the case of 7, 3 is a primitive root, whereas 2 is not.)

These periods are completed periods and are not altered when all the elements are multiplied by any number. For example, multiply {1, 2, 4, 3} by any number, and take the residues relative to modulus 5. The resulting period will be the same as the one you started with. Similarly, for the period {1, 3, 4, 2}. (The reader is strongly encouraged to perform these experiments.)

Each complete period also has the two sub-periods. For the case of modulus 5, those sub- periods are {1, 4} and {2, 3}, which “orbit” each other. When either sub-period is multiplied by 2 or 3, they are transformed into the other. When multiplied by 1 or 4, they remain unchanged.

Similarly, the modulus 7 produces the period of residues, {1, 3, 2, 6, 4, 5, 1, 3, 2, 6, 4, 5} with respect to the powers of 3. It contains 2 sub-periods of 3 elements each, {1, 2, 4} and {3, 6, 5 } and 3 sub-periods of 2 elements each, {1,6}, {3, 4}, and {2, 5}. (Much will be gained if the reader tries multiplying the elements of each sub-period to see what transformations occur.)

Modulus 17 produces the period of residues, {1, 3, 9, 10, 13, 5, 15, 11, 16, 14, 8, 7, 4, 12, 2, 6} with respect to the powers of 3. It contains 2 sub-periods of 8, {1, 9, 13, 15, 16, 8, 4, 2} and {3, 10, 5, 11, 14, 7, 12, 6}; 4 sub-sub-periods of 4, {1, 13, 16, 4}; {9, 15, 8, 2}; {3, 5, 14, 12}; and {10, 11, 7, 6}. And, finally, 8 sub-sub-sub-periods of 2, {1, 16}, {3, 14}, {9, 8}, {10, 7}, {13, 4}, {5, 12}, {15, 2}, {11, 6}.

Notice that in all cases, the sum of the numbers of a period or sub-period is always congruent to 0 relative to the modulus, and that the lengths of all periods are always the modulus minus 1 or a factor of the modulus minus 1.

The Determination of the Polygon’s Orbits

Being an artifact of an action in the complex domain, these individual vertices each corresponds to a complex number. The “n” complex numbers, corresponding to the “n” vertices, of an “n” sided polygon, comprise a complete period of “n” roots. The problem Gauss confronted was how to determine the positions of the individual vertices (“orbits”) of a polygon ?

Gauss’ discovery was to show that each of these “orbits” was completely determined by the harmonic nature of the whole. That harmonic principle is reflected in the nested chain of periods and sub-periods of the residues of powers. Gauss worked by inversion. Like Kepler with planetary orbits, Gauss understood that the harmonic principle determined the individual positions, so he developed a method to work from the top down, that is, from the harmonies to the notes, so to speak, showing how to “read” this chain of periods and sub-periods to determine the positions of the vertices, (“orbits”) of the polygon.

For pedagogical purposes it is most efficient to illustrate by continuing with the example of the pentagon.

The first step in determining the vertices of the pentagon is organize the vertices into a “harmonic” period. As was shown last week, all the vertices can be generated as a series of powers from any one of them. Therefore, Gauss began with one of the vertices and generated all the others as a series of powers. But, to bring out the “harmonic” characteristic, they had to be ordered according to the principle exhibited by the residues of the primitive root. Continuing from the example of the pentagon from last week, that would mean generating the period from the powers of a2^0, a2^1, a2^2 and a2^3. Taking the residues of these periods relative to modulus 5, these vertices will now be in the order, {1, 2, 4, 3}.

This period of can be divided into the two sub-periods {1, 4} and {2, 3}, that define the first set of magnitudes required to construct the pentagon. To determine the value of these magnitudes, Gauss considered them as “roots”, and since there are two of them, they must be “roots” of a quadratic equation. Call the value of {1, 4}= r1 and the value of {2, 3} = r2.

Here again Gauss worked by inversion. Even without knowing what the values for r1 and r2 are, except that they are “roots” of some quadratic equation, Gauss could work backwards from the harmonic relationship between them, to determine what must produce them.

To solve this problem, Gauss relied on the relationship between the roots and coefficients of algebraic equations (introduced without demonstration). That relationship is that if a quadratic equation is in the form x2 + Ax + B = 0, the sum of the roots equals -A and the product of the roots equals B.

Back to our example. Even without knowing the values of the individual vertices, we can know the sum and the products of them. The sum of the sub-periods {1, 4} and {2, 3} is {1 + 2 + 4 + 3}. This means adding together the complex numbers that correspond to the vertices 1, 2, 4, 3. Each complex number denotes a complex quantity of combined rotation and extension. To add complex numbers, you carry out the rotation and extension in series. In this example, you first carry out the rotation and extension that produces vertex 1. Then from the endpoint of vertex 1, carry out the rotation and extension that corresponds to vertex 2, and so forth. Geometrically, this turns the “inside-out” pentagon, “inside in”. (See figure.) From this it can be seen that the sum of 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = -1.

Similarly, we can also determine the product of the sub-periods, even without knowing the values of the individual vertices. The product of the sub-periods {1, 4} and {2, 3} is {(1 + 2) + (1 + 3) + (4 + 2) + (4 + 3)}. Taking the residues relative to modulus 5 this equals {3 + 4 + 1 + 2} which also equals -1. (See figure.) ( This is also evident from the fact that 1 x 4 x 2 x 3 = 24 which is congruent to -1 mod 5.)

Therefore {1, 4} and {2, 3} are the “roots” of the quadratic equation where A = 1 and B = -1, or, x2 + x – 1 = 0. That means the {1, 4} = r1 = (-1+?5)/2 and {2, 3} = r2 = (-1-?5)/2.

The final step for the construction of the pentagon is to find the two vertices from the just discovered values of each sub-period. For example, the vertices 1 and 4are the “roots” of the sub- period {1, 4}, and the vertices 2 and 3, are the “roots” of the sub-period {2, 3}.

In sum, the action that generates the pentagon is a nested chain of second degree actions, and therefore, “knowable” geometrically.

What Gauss has demonstrated in general, is that any polygon is generated by a nested series of actions determined by the periods and sub-periods formed by the residues of powers. Since the number and length of these periods and sub-periods is determined by the factors of the modulus minus 1, the degree (or power) of each action will be determined by these factors.

For example, the construction of the heptagon will be determined by one cubic and one quadratic action. The 11-gon will be determined by one fifth power and one quadratic action; the 13-gon by one cubic and two quadratic actions; the 19-gon by two cubics and one quadratic action.

On the other hand, the 17-gon, 257-gon, the 65, 537-gon are all generated by a chain of quadratic powers, and are therefore geometrically “knowable”

Anyone who makes the effort to re-live this discovery of the 18 year old Gauss, will discover a corresponding increase in their own cognitive power.

Riemann for Anti-Dummies: Part 30 : The Powers of One

Riemann For Anti-Dummies Part 30


On the morning of March 30, 1796, Carl Friedrich Gauss discovered that the way people had been thinking for more than 2000 years was wrong. That was the day, when, after an intensive period of concentration, he saw on a deeper level than anyone before, the “profound connection” between transcendental magnitudes and higher Arithmetic.

The first public announcement of his discovery was at the initiative of E.A.W. Zimmerman, a collaborator of Abraham Kaestner, who headed the Collegium Carolineum, the school for classical studies, where Gauss had received his preparatory education. The notice was carried in the April 1796 issue of Allgemeine Literaturzeitung:

“It is known to every beginner in geometry that various regular polygons, namely the triangle; tetragon; pentagon; 15-gon, and those which arise by the continued doubling of the number of sides of one of them, are geometrically constructable.

“One was already that far in the time of Euclid, and, it seems, it has generally been said since then that the field of elementary geometry extends no farther; at least I know of no successful attempt to extend its limits on this side.

“So much the more, methinks, does the discovery deserve attention, that in addition to those ordinary polygons there is still another group, for example the 17-gon, that are capable of geometric construction. This discovery is really only a special corollary to a theory of greater scope, not yet completed, and is to be presented to the public as soon as it has received its completion.”

Carl Friedrich Gauss
Student of Mathematics at Goettingen

“It deserves mentioning, that Mr. Gauss is now in his 18th year, and devoted himself here in Brunswick with equal success to philosophy and classical literature as well as higher mathematics.”

E.A.W. Zimmerman, Prof.

Gauss did not construct the 17-gon. As the announcement indicates, the constructability of the 17-gon is merely a corollary of a much deeper principle–the generation of magnitudes of higher powers, as that principle was understood by Plato, Cusa, Kepler, Fermat, Leibniz and the Bernoulli’s. As with his contemporaneous work on the fundamental theorem of algebra, Gauss’ approach was explicitly anti-deductive, discovering a common physical principle that underlay both geometry and number. It was also a direct confrontation with the failed Aristotelean methods of the likes of Euler and Lagrange who understood the circle as an object in visible space and numbers as abstract formalisms.

Today’s pedagogical exercise is the first of two, intended to guide the reader through the relevant concepts of Gauss’ method. It will require some “heavy lifting” and the reader is advised to work it through all the way to the end, no matter how arduous it seems along the way, and then look back, surveying what has been gained from the vantage point of the summit. The reader is also advised to review the preliminary work on Gauss’ theory of the division of the circle that was the subject of the several past pedagogicals, as it was summarized in the Winter 2001-2002 edition of 21st Century Science and Techonlogy, and the pedagogical exercises on the residues of powers (Riemann for Anti-Dummies Parts 20-25.) (Reference will also be made to several figures)

Polygons As Powers

As Gauss’ announcement indicates, by Euclid’s time, geometers had succeeded in finding the magnitudes that divided a circle in certain ways. What was not so evident, was why those ways and not others? From the standpoint of sense certainty, the circle, like the line, appears uniform and everywhere the same. Why then, is it not, like the line, divisible into whatever number of parts one desires? What unseen principle is determining which divisions are possible, and which are not?

Yet, when the circle is considered as a unit of action in the complex domain, it becomes evident that the division of the circle is based on the principle that generates magnitudes of successively higher powers. Those who have worked through the pedagogical exercises on Gauss’ 1799 doctoral dissertation are familiar with how this works. There we saw that algebraic powers are generated by a non-algebraic, physical principle, as expressed, for example, by the catenary. This principle belongs to the domain of functions that Leibniz called transcendentala, and is expressed mathematically by the equiangular spiral, or alternatively, the exponential (logarithmic) functions. Gauss showed that these transcendental functions were themselves part of a higher class of functions that could only be adequately known through images in the complex domain.

From this standpoint, the generation of magnitudes of any algebraic power correspond to an angular change within an equiangular spiral. “Squaring” is the action associated with doubling the angle within an equiangular spiral, “cubing” by tripling, fourth power by quadrupling, and so forth. These angular changes are, consequently, what generates magnitudes of succesively higher algebraic powers. When the circle is correctly understood as merely a special case of an equiangular spiral, the generation of algebraic powers is reflected as a mapping of one circle onto another. Squaring, for example, maps one circle onto another twice, cubing maps three times, and so on for the higher powers. (The reader is referred to the figures from the pedagogical discussions on the fundamental theorem of algebra.)

The regular divisions of the circle are simply the inversion of this action. Each rotation around the “squared” circle divides the original circle in half. Each rotation around the “cubed” circle divides the original circle into thirds, each rotation around the fourth power circle, divides the original circle into fourths, and so on. Consequently, the vertices of a regular polygon, are the points on the original circle, that correspond to the complete rotations around the “powered” circle and the number of vertices corresponds to the degree of the power. For example, the fifth power will produce, by inversion, the five vertices of the pentagon; the inversion of the seventh power, will produce the seven vertices of the heptagon, etc. All the vertices of a given polygon are generated, “all at once”, so to speak, by one function, which is the inversion of the function that generates the corresponding power. (By Gauss’ time, such inversions had come to be called “roots”, not to be confused with the misapplication of that term by ignorant translators of Plato’s word, “dunamis”.) Herein lies the paradox. If the triangle, square and pentagon are inversions of the generation of third, fourth, and fifth powers respectively, how come they are constructable and other polygons are not? (Constructable is used here in the same sense as Kepler uses the term “knowable” in the first book of the Harmonies of the World. By “knowable”, Kepler meant those magnitudes that were commensurate with the diameter of the circle, part of the diameter, or the square of the diameter or its part. These magnitudes are the only magnitudes, “constructable” from the circle and its diameter, or by straight-edge and compass. All such magnitudes correspond to “square roots” or magnitudes of the second power. Magnitudes of higher powers, are not “knowable” from the circle alone, as is evident from the problem of doubling the cube, or trisecting the angle.)

Prime Numbers are Ones

It was Gauss’ insight to recognize that the solution to this paradox lay, not in the visible circle, but in the nature of prime numbers. To begin with, throw out the common formal definition of prime numbers, and consider a physical principle in which prime numbers arise. This can be most efficiently illustrated by example. Perform the following experiment: draw 10 dots, in a roughly circular configuration, and number them 0 to 9. Connect the 10 dots sequentially (0, 1, 2,…) and call that sequence 1. Now connect every other dot, (0, 2, 4, 6…) and call that action sequence 2. Then every third dot, (0, 3, 6, 9, …, for sequence 3) then every fourth dot, (0, 4, 8, …, sequence 4) and so on.

Notice, that some sequences succeeded in connecting all 10 dots, namely, sequences 1, 3, 7 and 9, while sequences 2, 4, 5, and 8 connected only some of the dots. In the case of the latter, sequences, 2 and 5 became completed actions within one rotation, whereas 4 and 8 did not become completed actions until after more than one rotation.

Numbers are not formal symbols (or objects), to be manipulated according to a set of formal rules, but are relationships arising from physical action. In the above example, the number 10 becomes a One, or, as Gauss called it, a modulus. The numbers 1 through 9 are types of actions, not collections of things. With respect to modulus 10, the numbers (actions) 1, 3, 7, and 9 are called relatively prime, because those actions do not divide the modulus. The numbers 2, and 5, are called factors of 10, because those actions do divide the modulus within one rotation. (The numbers 4 and 8, divide the modulus but not within one rotation because they are not factors themselves but they share a common factor (namely 2) with 10.)

These relationships, of factors and relative primeness, are determined only by the nature of the modulus. If you begin sequence 2 on dot #1 instead of dot #0, it still connects only 5 dots. Similarly, if you begin sequence 3 on dot #1, it will still be relatively prime to 10. Additionally, if you continue the experiment with sequences 11, 12, 13, etc., the results will be identical to the sequences 1, 2, 3, etc. except that one rotation will be added. Gauss called these numbers congruent relative to modulus 10.

Thus, the modulus defines certain relationships, relative to the entire universe of whole numbers, in which some numbers are factors, some numbers are relatively prime, and some numbers are not factors themselves, but contain factors of the modulus.

However, when one dot is added, and the same experiment is performed with respect to 11 dots, all the sequences connect all the dots. Thus, 11 has no factors and all numbers are relatively prime to it. The relationship of modulus 11 to the entire universe of whole numbers is quite different than the modulus 10.

The modulus is the One. Some moduli, such as 10, define some numbers as factors,and some numbers as relatively prime and are called “composite”. Those moduli under which all numbers are prime, are known as prime numbers.

There is nothing absolute about the quality of primeness. Relatively prime numbers gain this characteristic relative to a one (modulus). Those numbers that are prime relative to the One, are absolutely prime. (Gauss, in his treatises on bi-quadratic residues, would later show that even this characteristic of absolute primeness is not really absolute but relative to a still higher principle.)

Polygons as Planetary Systems

This leads us back to the original paradox. If the prime numbers are irreducible Ones, how come some prime number divisions of the circle are constructable and others not?

Take another look at the image of a circle in the complex domain. The vertices of a regular polygon are the roots (inversions) of a corresponding power. This relationship of “roots” and “powers” produces a type of harmonic “planetary system” for each polygon in which only those “planetary orbits” that correspond to the “roots” of that “power” are possible, and, these “roots” have a unique harmonic relationship to each other, whose characteristics are determined by the number-theoretic characteristics of the prime number.

Illustrate this pedagogically by an example. The vertices of a regular pentagon are the five “roots” of 1 and each of these “roots” is a complex number that has the power to produce a fifth degree magnitude. Such complex numbers represented the combined action of rotation and extension. Since in a circle the extension is constant, the complex numbers are at the endpoints of equally spaced radii. To construct the polygon it is necessary to determine the positions of these radii. To do this Gauss used the method of inversion and determined the positions of the radii from the harmonic relations among them. Even without knowing the positions of the radii, the harmonic relations can be known because the radii are inversions (roots) of powers. In other words, the vertices of the polygon are the endpoints of equally spaced radii.

But don’t look at the endpoints (visible objects). Look for why the radii are equally spaced. They are equally spaced because they are the roots of an algebraic power. To illustrate this use the pentagon as an example, draw a circle with five approximately equally spaced radii. This should look like an “inside out” pentagon. (Since we are investigating only the relationships among the radii at this point it is not necessary that the radii be exactly equally spaced.)

Label the endpoints of the radii 1, a, b, c, d, with “a” representing 1/5 of a rotation, “b”, 2/5, “c”, 3/5, “d”, 4/5 and “1” being 1 full rotation. If any of these individual angular actions is repeated (multiplied) five times, the resulting action will end up at 1. In other words, a5, b5, c5 and d5 are all equal to 1. Furthermore, a0=1, a1=a, a2=b, a3=c, a4=d; b0=1, b1=b, b2=d, b3=a, b4=c; c0=1, c1=c, c2=a,c3=d, c4=b; d0=1, d1=d, d2=c, d3=b, d4=a. Thus, any vertex can generate all the others. (For the general case, each of the vertices corresponds to a complex number of the form a + b ?-1, such that (a + b?-1)n =1 for all “n’s” of an “n” sided polygon.)

In the example of the pentagon, five is the modulus, the One, which establishes a certain harmonic ordering under which there are five and only five “orbits”. A different modulus would produce a different number of “orbits”, but the relationship just illustrated will remain; only the number of “orbits” will have changed, and consequently, the nature of the harmonies. Notice the congruence of these actions with our earlier experiment with dots illustrating the physical principle from which primeness, relative primeness and factors arise. Notice the similarity between the power sequences generated from each complex root, and the different number sequences used to connect the dots. This congruence is not discovered by looking at the visible objects, but by a method Leibniz called, “Geometry of Position”, or “analysis situs”, or what Gauss called, “geometrica situs”. It reflects a higher principle, independent of any particular number and begins to shed light on that “profound connection” Gauss discovered between the geometry of transcendental functions and higher Arithmetic.

Next week we’ll look further into that connection.

Riemann for Anti-Dummies: Part 29 : The Crimes of Klein

Riemann for Anti-Dummies Part 29


When working through the conceptions underlying Gauss’ 1799 proof of the fundamental theorem of algebra, or, Gauss’ discovery of the principles behind the division of the circle (to take only two examples), one is immediately confronted with the fact that these discoveries arise from explicitly anti-deductive methods of thinking. Most difficulties experienced by modern students attempting to work through these discoveries, are rooted in the tendency of those individuals to revert to ingrained habits of deductive thinking, just at the point when only an explicitly anti-deductive, creative leap will do. “Where’s the cube in Archytus’ construction?”; “What exactly is Gauss trying to prove?”; “I understand what you said, but I still don’t understand what it means,” are some common symptoms of this affliction.

The serious person can take heart that such symptoms need not indicate an incurable condition, but it is only the recurring effects of the malicious teaching methods most people today have suffered through. It may be helpful to those suffering from these effects, to take a clinical look at how this “deductivizing” was introduced into modern educational practices by G.W.F. Hegel’s grandson-in-law, Felix Klein. As a talented mathematician, Klein was not as radical a reductionist or as openly fascistic as Russell, Kronecker or Helmholtz. Yet his method was pure Bogomilism, nevertheless. Rather than try and obliterate the creative discoveries of Leibniz, Gauss and Riemann, Klein adopted a seemingly “middle ground” so to speak, in which the discoveries were stripped of their creative insight, and re-cast in deductive, i.e. impotent, form.

While Klein had an extensive influence over the teaching methods of a wide domain of scientific subjects, it is sufficient, for our purposes at this moment, to look at his treatment of Gauss’ early discoveries, to obtain the clinical benefit of freeing those individuals, who, knowingly or not, have been victimized by Klein’s crime.

As discussed in the recent pedagogicals of this series, Gauss’ early discoveries have their origin in the paradoxes arising from the investigations of “powers” as that concept is defined by Plato, and how these paradoxes arise in the classical problems of doubling the cube and trisecting an angle. For Plato, Cusa, Kepler, Leibniz, Kaestner, Gauss, Riemann, these investigations led into the deepest questions concerning the relationship of man to the universe. However, in his 1895 lectures, “Famous Problems of Elementary Geometry”, Klein reduces these problems to the following, which will seem uneasily familiar to most students today:

“In all these problems the ancients sought in vain for a solution with straight edge and compasses, and the celebrity of these problems is due chiefly to the fact that their solution seemed to demand the use of appliances of a higher order…”

This already is complete fraud. Plato’s circle did not consider the straight edge and compass as “appliances”, but as Kepler summarizes the question in the first book of the “Harmonies of the World”, the question under investigation was the “knowability” of magnitudes. That is, which magnitudes were “knowable” from the circumference and diameter of a circle, and which were “unknowable”.

Klein continues, “At the outset we must insist upon the difference between practical and theoretical constructions. For example, if we need a divided circle as a measuring instrument, we construct it simply on trial. Theoretically, in earlier times, it was possible (i.e. by the use of straight edge and compasses) only to divide the circle into a number of parts represented by 2n, 3 and 5 and their products. Gauss added other cases by showing the possibilty of the division into parts where p is a prime number of the form p = (22p) + 1, and the impossibility for all other numbers. No practical advantage is derived from these results; the significance of Gauss’ developments is purely theoretical.”

Klein’s separation of the theoretical and practical is pure evil Bogomilism, in addition to being a fraud. One need look no further, than Erathosthenes’ account of the history of the duplication of the cube, as reported by Theon of Smyrna:

“Eratosthenes in his work entitled “Plotinicus” relates that, when the god proclaimed to the Delians through the oracle that, in order to get rid of a plague, they should construct an altar double that of the existing one, their craftsmen fell into great perplexity in their efforts to discover how a solid could be made the double of a similar solid; they therefore went to ask Plato about it, and he replied that the oracle meant, not that the god wanted an altar of double the size, but that he wished, in setting them the task, to shame the Greeks for their neglect of mathematics and their contempt of geometry.”

Where is the separation of the theoretical from the practical in Eratosthenes account? Was it purely a theoretical matter, that the Delians had become so morally corrupt by their neglect of the cognitive powers of the mind, that they had become victims of a deadly plague?

As the Thirty Years War began to unfold in full horror, Kepler, on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the publication of his “Mysterium Cosmographicum”, invoked the “practical” benefits of the power of cognition, “would that even now indeed there may still, after the reversal of Austrian affairs which followed, be a place for Plato’s oracular saying. For when Greece was on fire on all sides with a long civil war, and was troubled with all the evils which usually accompany civil war, he was consulted about a Delian Riddle, and was seeking a pretext for suggesting salutary advice to the peoples. At length he replied that, according to Apollo’s opinion Greece would be peaceful if the Greeks turned to geometry and other philosophical studies, as these studies would lead their spirits from ambition and other forms of greed, out of which wars and other evils arise, to the love of peace and to moderation in all things.”

And Gauss, himself, when installed as head of the Goettingen University Observatory, pronounced that the political troubles that had befallen Europe at that time, arose from a contempt for purely cognitive discoveries.

Klein is deadly wrong. Gauss’ discoveries were not purely theoretical. Recognizing that is crucial to being able to grasp elementary mathematics from a truly advanced, (LaRouchian) standpoint.

Riemann for Anti-Dummies: Part 28 : Bringing the Invisible to the Surface

Riemann for Anti-Dummies Part 28


When Carl Friedrich Gauss, writing to his former classmate Wolfgang Bolyai in 1798, criticized the state of contemporary mathematics for its “shallowness”, he was speaking literally – and, not only about his time, but also of ours. Then, as now, it had become popular for the academics to ignore, and even ridicule, any effort to search for universal physical principles, restricting the province of scientific inquiry to the, seemingly more practical task, of describing only what’s on the surface. Ironically, as Gauss demonstrated in his 1799 doctoral dissertation on the fundamental theorem of algebra, what’s on the surface, is revealed only if one knows, what’s underneath.

Gauss’ method was an ancient one, made famous in Plato’s metaphor of the cave, and given new potency by Johannes Kepler’s application of Nicholas of Cusa’s method of On Learned Ignorance. For them, the task of the scientist was to bring into view, the underlying physical principles, that could not be viewed directly-the unseen that guided the seen.

Take the illustrative case of Pierre de Fermat’s discovery of the principle, that refracted light follows the path of least time, instead of the path of least distance followed by reflected light. The principle of least-distance, is a principle that lies on the surface, and can be demonstrated in the visible domain. On the other hand, the principle of least-time, exists “behind”, so to speak, the visible, brought into view, only in the mind. On further reflection, it is clear, that the principle of least-time, was there all along, controlling, invisibly, the principle of least-distance. In Plato’s terms of reference, the principle of least-time is of a “higher power”, than the principle of least-distance.

Fermat’s discovery is a useful reference point for grasping Gauss’ concept of the complex domain. As Gauss himself stated, unequivocally, this is not Leonard Euler’s formal, superficial concept of “impossible” numbers (a fact ignored by virtually all of today’s mathematical “experts”). Rather, Gauss’ concept of the complex domain, like Fermat’s principle of least-time, brings to the surface, a principle that was there all along, but hidden from view.

As Gauss emphasized in his jubilee re-working of his 1799 dissertation, the concept of the complex domain is a “higher domain”, independent of all a priori concepts of space. Yet, it is a domain, “in which one cannot move without the use of language borrowed from spatial images.”

The issue for Gauss, as for Gottfried Leibniz, was to find a general principle, that characterized what had become known as “algebraic” magnitudes. These magnitudes, associated initially, with the extension of lines, squares, and cubes, all fell under Plato’s concept of “dunamais”, or “powers”.

Leibniz had shown, that while the domain of all “algebraic” magnitudes consisted of a succession of higher powers, the entire algebraic domain, was itself dominated by a domain of a still higher power, that Leibniz called, “transcendental”. The relationship of the lower domain of algebraic magnitudes, to the higher non-algebraic domain of transcendental magnitudes, is reflected in, what Jacob Bernoulli discovered about the equiangular spiral. (See Figure 1.)

Figure 1

Leibniz and Johann Bernoulli (Jakob’s brother) subsequently demonstrated that his higher, transcendental domain, exists not as a purely geometric principle, but originates from the physical action of a hanging chain, whose geometric shape Christaan Huygens called a catenary. (See Figure 2.) Thus, the physical universe itself demonstrates, that the “algebraic” magnitudes associated with extension, are not generated by extension. Rather, the algebraic magnitudes are generated from a physical principle that exists, beyond simple extension, in the higher, transcendental, domain.

Figure 2

Gauss, in his proofs of the fundamental theorem of algebra, showed that even though this transcendental physical principle was outside the visible domain, it nevertheless cast a shadow that could be made visible in what Gauss called the complex domain.

As indicated in “Gauss’ Declaration of Independence,” the discovery of a general principle for “algebraic” magnitudes was found, by looking through the “hole” represented by the square roots of negative numbers, which could appear as solutions to algebraic equations, but lacked any apparent physical meaning. For example, in the algebraic equation x2 = 4, “x” signifies the side of a square whose area is 4, while, in the equation x2 = -4, the “x” signifies the side of a square whose area is -4, an apparent impossibility. For the first case, it is simple to see, that a line whose length is 2 would be the side of the square whose area is 4. However, from the standpoint of the algebraic equation, a line whose length is -2, also produces the desired square.

At first glance, a line whose length is -2 seems as impossible as a square whose area is -4. Yet, if you draw a square of area 2, you will see that there are two diagonals, both of which have the power to produce a new square whose area is 4. These two magnitudes are distinguished from one another only by their direction, so one is denoted as 2 and the other as -2.

Now extend this investigation to the cube. In the algebraic equation x3 = 8, there appears to be only one number, 2 which satisfies the equation, and this number signifies the length of the edge of a cube whose volume is 8. This appears to be the only solution to this equation since -2x – 2x – 2 = -8.

The anomaly that there are two solutions, which appeared for the case of a quadratic equation, seems to disappear, in the case of the cube, for which there appears to be only one solution.

Not so fast. Look at another geometrical problem, that, when stated in algebraic terms, poses the same paradox–the trisection of an arbitrary angle. Like the doubling of the cube, Greek geometers could not find a means for equally trisecting an arbitrary angle, from the principle of circular action itself. The several methods discovered, (by Archimedes, Erathosthenes, and others), to find a general principle of trisecting an angle, were similar to those found, by Plato’s collaborators, for doubling the cube. That is, this magnitude could not be constructed using only a circle and a straight line, but it required the use of extended circular action, such as conical action.

But, trisecting an arbitrary angle presents another type of paradox which is not so evident in the problem of doubling the cube. To illustrate this, make the following experiment:

Draw a circle. For ease of illustration, mark off an angle of 60 degrees. It is clear that an angle of 20 degrees will trisect this angle equally. Now add one circular rotation to the 60 degree angle, making an angle of 420 degrees. It appears these two angles are essentially the same. But, when 420 is divided by 3 we get an angle of 140 degrees. Add another 360 degree rotation and we get to the angle of 780 degrees, which appears to be exactly the same as the angles of 60 and 420 degrees. Yet, when we divide 780 degrees by 3 we get 260 degrees. Keep this up, and you will see that the same pattern is repeated over and over again. (See Figure 3.)

Figure 3

Looked at from the domain of sense certainty, the angle of 60 degrees can be trisected by only one angle, that is, an angle of 20 degrees. Yet, when looked at beyond sense certainty, there are clearly three angles that “solve” the problem.

This illustrates another “hole” in the algebraic determination of magnitude. In the case of quadratic equations, there seems to be two solutions to each problem. In some cases, such x2 = -4, those solutions seem to have a visible existence. While for the case, x2 = -4, there are two solutions, 2?-1 and -2?-1, both of which seem to be “imaginary”, having no physical meaning. In the case of cubic equations, sometimes there are three visible solutions, such as in the case of trisecting an angle. Yet, in the case of doubling the cube, there appears to be only one visible solution, but two “imaginary” solutions, specifically: -1 – ?3?-1, -1 + ?3?-1. Biquadratic equations, (for example x4 = 16) , that seem to have no visible meaning themselves, have four solutions, two “real” (2 and -2) and two “imaginary” (2?-1 and -2?-1). Things get even more confused for algebraic magnitudes of still higher powers. This anomaly poses the question that Gauss resolved in his proof of what he called the fundamental theorem of algebra; that is: how many solutions are there for any algebraic equation?

The “shallow” minded mathematicians of Gauss’ day, such as Euler, Lagrange, and D’Alembert, took the superficial approach of asserting that any algebraic equation has as many solutions as it has powers, even if those solutions were “impossible”, such as the square roots of negative numbers. (This sophist’s argument is analogous to saying there is a difference between man and beast, but, this difference is meaningless.)

Gauss, in his 1799 dissertation, polemically exposed this fraud for the sophistry it was. “If someone would say a rectilinear equilateral right triangle is impossible, there will be nobody to deny that. But, if he intended to consider such an impossible triangle as a new species of triangles and to apply to it other qualities of triangles, would anyone refrain from laughing? That would be playing with words, or rather, misusing them.”

For, Gauss, no magnitude could be admitted, unless its principle of generation was demonstrated. For magnitudes associated with the square roots of negative numbers, that principle was the complex physical action of rotation combined with extension. Magnitudes generated by this complex action, Gauss called “complex numbers” in which each complex number denoted a quantity of combined rotational and extended action. The unit of action in Gauss’ complex domain is a circle, which is one rotation with an extension of unit length. The number 1 signifies one complete rotation, -1 one half a rotation, ?-1 one fourth a rotation, and -?-1 three fourths a rotation. (See Figure 4.)

Figure 4

These “shadows of shadows”, as he called them, were only a visible reflection of a still higher type of action, that was independent of all visible concepts of space. These higher forms of action, although invisible, could nevertheless be brought into view as a projection onto a surface.

Gauss’ approach is consistent with that employed by the circles of Plato’s Academy, as indicated by their use of the term “epiphanea” for surface, which comes from the same root as the word, “epiphany”. The concept indicated by the word “epiphanea” is, ” that on which something is brought into view”.

From this standpoint, Gauss demonstrated, in his 1799 dissertation, that the fundamental principle of generation of any algebraic equation, of no matter what power, could be brought into view, “epiphanied”, so to speak, as a surface in the complex domain. These surfaces were visible representations, not, as in the cases of lines, squares and cubes, of what the powers produced, but of the principle that produced the powers.

To construct these surfaces, Gauss went outside the simple visible representation of powers, such as squares and cubes, by seeking a more general form of powers, as exhibited in the equiangular spiral. (See Figure 5.) Here, the generation of a power, corresponds to the extension produced by an angular change. For example, the generation of square powers, corresponds to the extension that results from a doubling of the angle of rotation around the spiral.

Figure 5

The generation of cubed powers corresponds to the extension that results from tripling the angle of rotation. Thus, it is the principle of squaring that produces square magnitudes, and the principle of cubing that produces cubics. (See figure 6.)

Figure 6

For example, in Figure 7 , the complex number z is “squared” when the angle of rotation is doubled from x to 2x and the length squared from A to A2. In doing this, the smaller circle maps twice onto the larger “squared” circle.

Figure 7

In Figure 8, the same principle is illustrated with respect to cubing. Here the angle x is tripled to 3x, and the length A is cubed to A3. In this case, the smaller circle maps three times onto the larger, “cubed” circle.

Figure 8

And so on for the higher powers. The fourth power maps the smaller circle four times onto the larger. The fifth power, five times, and so forth.

This gives a general principle that determines all algebraic powers, as, from this standpoint, all powers are reflected by the same action. The only thing that changes with each power, is the number of times that action occurs. Thus, each power is distinguished from the others, not by a particular magnitude, but by a topological characteristic.

In his doctoral dissertation, Gauss used this principle to generate surfaces that expressed the essential characteristic of powers in an even more fundamental way. Each rotation and extension, produced a characteristic right triangle. The vertical leg of that triangle is called the sine and the horizontal leg of that triangle is called the cosine. (See Figure 9.)

Figure 9

There is a cyclical relationship between the sine and cosine which is a function of the angle of rotation. When the angle is 0, the sine is 0 and the cosine is 1. When the angle is 90 degrees the sine is 1 and the cosine is 0. Looking at this relationship for an entire rotation, the sine goes from 0 to 1 to 0 to -1 to 0, while the cosine goes from 1 to 0 to -1 to 0 and back to 1. (See Figure 10)

Figure 10

In Figure 9, as z moves from 0 to 90 degrees, the sine of the angle varies from 0 to 1, but at the same time, the angle for z2 goes from 0 to 180 degrees, and the sine of z2 varies from 0 to 1 and back to 0. Then as z moves from 90 degrees to 180 degrees, the sine varies from 1 back to 0, but the angle for z2 has moved from 180 degrees to 360 degrees, and its sine has varied from 0 to -1 to 0. Thus, in one half rotation for z, the sine of z2 has varied from 0 to 1 to 0 to -1 to 0.

In his doctoral dissertation, Gauss represented this complex of actions as a surface. (See Figures 11, 12, 13.) Each point on the surface is determined so that its height above the flat plane, is equal to the distance from the center, times the sine of the angle of rotation, as that angle is increased by the effect of the power. In other words, the power of any point in the flat plane, is represented by the height of the surface above that point. Thus, as the numbers on the flat surface move outward from the center, the surface grows higher according to the power. At the same time, as the numbers rotate around the center, the sine will pass from positive to negative. Since the numbers on the surface are the powers of the numbers on the flat plane, the number of times the sine will change from positive to negative, depends on how much the power changes the angle (double for square powers, triple for cubics, etc.). Therefore, each surface will have as many “humps” as the equation has dimensions. Consequently, a quadratic equation will have two “humps” up and two “humps” down (Figure 11).

Figure 11

A cubic equation will have three “humps” up and three “humps” down. (Figure 12). A fourth degree equation four “humps” in each direction, (Figure 13), and so on.

Figure 12

Figure 13

Gauss specified the construction of two surfaces for each algebraic equation, one based on the variations of the sine and the other based on the variations of the cosine. (See figures 14a and 14b.)

Figure 14a

Figure 14b

Each of these surfaces will define definite curves where the surfaces intersect the flat plane. The number of curves will depend on the number of “humps” which in turn depend on the highest power. Since each of these surfaces will be rotated 90 degrees to each other, these curves will intersect each other, and the number of intersections, will correspond to the number of powers. (See figures 15a and 15b.) If the flat plane is considered to be 0, these intersections will correspond to the solutions, or “roots” of the equation. Thus, proving that an algebraic equation has as many roots as its highest power.

Figure 15a

Figure 15b

Step back and look at this work. These surfaces were produced, not from visible squares or cubes, but from the general principle of squaring, cubing, and higher powers. They represent, metaphorically, a principle that manifests itself physically, but cannot be seen. By projecting this principle, the general form of Plato’s powers, onto these complex surfaces, Gauss has brought the invisible into view, and made intelligible, something that is incomprehensible in the superficial world of algebraic formalism.

The effort to make intelligible the implications of the complex domain was a focus for Gauss throughout his life. Writing to his friend Hansen on December 11, 1825, Gauss said: “These investigations lead deeply into many others, I would even say, into the Metaphysics of the theory of space, and it is only with great difficulty can I tear myself away from the results that spring from it, as, for example, the true metaphysics of negative and complex numbers. The true sense of the square root of -1 stands before my mind fully alive, but it becomes very difficult to put it in words; I am always only able to give a vague image that floats in the air.”

It is here, that Riemann begins.

Riemann for Anti-Dummies: Part 27 : Gauss’ Declaration of Independence

Riemann for Anti-Dummies Part 27


In September 1798, after three years of self-directed study, C.F. Gauss, then 21 years old, left Goettingen University without a diploma. He returned to his native city of Brunswick to begin the composition of his “Disquisitiones Arithmeticae.” lacking any prospect of employment, he hoped to continue receiving his student stipend. After several months of living on credit, word came from the Duke that the stipend would continue, provided Gauss obtained his doctor of philosophy degree, a task Gauss thought a distraction and wished to postpone.

Nevertheless, he took the opportunity to produce a virtual declaration of independence from the stifling world of deductive mathematics, in the form of a written thesis submitted to the faculty of the University of Helmstedt, on a new proof of the fundamental theorem of algebra. Within months, he was granted his doctorate without even being required to appear for oral examination.

Describing his intention to his former classmate, Wolfgang Bolyai, Gauss wrote, “The title indicates quite definitely the purpose of the essay; only about a third of the whole, nevertheless, is used for this purpose, the remainder contains chiefly the history and a critique of works on the same subject by other mathematicians (viz. d’Alembert, Bougainville, Euler, de Foncenex, Lagrange, and the encyclopedists … which latter, however, will probably not be much pleased) besides many and varied comments on the shallowness which is so dominant in our present-day mathematics.”

In essence, Gauss was defending, and extending, a principle, that goes back to Plato, in which only physical action, not arbitrary assumptions, defines our notion of magnitude. Like Plato, Gauss also recognized it were not sufficient to simply state his discovery, without a polemical attack on the Aristotelean falsehoods that had become so popular among his contemporaries.

Looking back on his dissertation 50 years later, Gauss said, “The demonstration is presented using expressions borrowed from the geometry of position, for in this way, the greatest acuity and simplicity is obtained. Fundamentally, the essential content of the entire argument belongs to a higher domain, independent from space, (i.e., anti-Euclidean) in which abstract general concepts of magnitudes, are investigated as combinations of magnitudes connected by continuity, a domain, which, at present, is poorly developed, and in which one cannot move without the use of language borrowed from spatial images.”

It is the intention of this installment to provide a summary sketch of the history of this conception, and Gauss’ development of it. Because of the difficulties of this medium, it can not be exhaustive. Rather, it seeks to outline the steps which should form the basis for extended oral pedagogical dialogues, such as is already underway in various locations.

Multiply-Extended Magnitude

A physical concept of magnitude was already fully developed by those circles associated with Plato, expressed most explicitly in the Meno, Theatetus, and Timaeus dialogues. Plato and his circle demonstrated this concept, pedagogically, through the paradoxes that arise when considering the uniqueness of the five regular solids, and the related problems of doubling a line, square, and cube. As Plato emphasized, each species of action, generated a different species of magnitude. He denoted such magnitudes by the Greek term, “dunamais”, a term akin to Leibniz’ use of the word “kraft”, translated into English as “power”. That is, a linear magnitude has the “power” to double a line, while only a magnitude of a different species has the “power” to double the square, and a still different species has the “power” to double a cube. (See figures 1a, 1b and 1c). In Riemann’s language, these magnitudes are called, respectively, simply, doubly, and triply extended. Plato’s circle emphasized that magnitudes of lesser extension lacked the capacity to generate magnitudes of higher extension, creating, conceptually, a succession of “higher powers”.

Riemann for Anti-Dummies: Part 26 : Ideas Cast Shadows, Too

Riemann for Anti-Dummies, Part 26


It can be a source of confusion for the naive, and a means of deception of the wicked, to restrict the meaning of Plato’s metaphor of the cave, to those objects that originate outside of one’s skin. As all great scientists have come to know, ideas cast shadows, too. A true scientist never mistakes the shadows for the idea, seeking instead to discover the idea from between the shadows. Those who merely manipulate shadows are called sophists.

This defines the clear distinction between the concept of the complex domain of Gauss and Riemann, and the sophistry of Euler, Lagrange and D’Alembert. The former understood complex numbers as a simple case of a hierarchy of multiply extended magnitudes, or as Gauss called them, “shadows of shadows.” The latter considered complex numbers, “impossible,” but susceptible to complicated, but ultimately meaningless, symbolic manipulation, whose very complexity is intended to obscure its trickery.

A passion for sophistry pervades modern academia, as exemplified by J. E. Hofmann, who penned the forward to the 1970 republication of Abraham Kaestner’s “Geschichte der Mathematik.” As LaRouche indicated in footnote 42 of his new piece, “At the End of a Delusion,” Hofmann complains that Kaestner did not show sufficient respect for the achievements of the great mathematicians of his time Euler, Lagrange, and D’Alembert. It is precisely Kaestner’s disrespect for these sophists for which he deserves our great admiration and respect today. As the history of the discovery of the complex domain demonstrates, Hofmann’s blunder is not only a matter of a lack of comprehension of the subject, it is also indicative of the illiteracy of modern academia.

Hofmann’s error is immediately exposed by examining the 1799 doctoral dissertation of Kaestner’s student Carl F. Gauss, on “A Proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra.” There, the 22 year old Gauss, matriculating for his doctorate under Kaestner, openly and explicitly castigates, Euler, Lagrange, and D’Alembert as sophists on the matter of the existence of complex numbers, showing the same disregard for Euler, Lagrange, D’Alembert, for which Hofmann cricizes Kaestner.

It is revealing that all modern biographers of Gauss have gone out of their way to dismiss Gauss’ relationship to Kaestner, who Gauss called, “A poet among mathematicians and a mathematician among poets..” It was Kaestner, the passionate defender of Leibniz and Kepler, the host of America’s Benjamin Franklin, who first raised the questions leading to the development of anti-Euclidean geometry, and, who provoked the young Gauss into deciding to pursue a life of scientific investigation. Kaestner’s biting wit and sharp-tongued polemics against the sophistry of Euler, Lagrange, and D’Alembert, the fools who would fall for their methods, sticks in the craw of the his Romantic enemies to this day. While Gauss never adopted the polemical style of his teacher, he shared Kaestner’s contempt for “ivory tower” sophistry, and expressed it in his life’s work, as a plain reading of 1799 doctoral thesis shows. After Kaestner’s death in 1800 and the ensuing rise of the fascist Napoleon, Gauss became more circumspect in his public pronouncements, but his distaste for what he called, “the screeching of the Beothians” never waned.

While a fuller account of this history must still be elaborated, it can already be stated without equivocation, that those who demean Kaestner, and hold Euler, Lagrange, and D’Alembert in high esteem, do so in defense of the degraded conception of man that produced modern fascism.

The next installment will provide a pedagogical presentation of Gauss’ doctoral thesis. This week focuses on the essential pre-history of the development of complex numbers.

As discussed in “Riemann for Anti-Dummies Part 18; ‘Doing the Impossible,'” the possible existence of complex numbers was posed in a paradox by Cardan in 1545. In his Ars Magna, Cardan pointed to the existence of what he called a “subtile” magnitude through a specific problem, to wit: “Find two numbers that add up to 10 and when multiplied together equal 40.”

Cardan recognized that this problem contained the paradox that arises from the difference between a line and a surface, because addition implies linear magnitudes, while multiplication implies a surface.

Begin with a line AB which has a length of 10. Divide the line into two parts, that produce the maximum area when multiplied together, which will be two segments of 5, which when multiplied together produce an area of 25. The sought after area is 40. Subtract 40 from 25 which yields an area of -15, which is produced by (?-15)(?-15). Thus, if you add ?-15 to one of the segments of 5 and subtract it from the other, the problem is solved, since (5 + ?-15) + (5 – ?-15) = 10; and (5 + ?-15)(5 – ?-15) = 40!

“This subtility results from arithmetic of which this final point is as I have said as subtile as it is useless,” Cardan proclaimed perplexed.

The paradox arises when one limits the conception of magnitudes to the sense perception characteristics of lines and areas, resulting (in Cardan’s example) in a magnitude of negative area.

A similar paradox arises in an even similar example. Think of a line segment of length x. Now think of a different line segment of length y. Now think of adding x to y to produce the line segment z. No matter what length you choose for x and y, you will always be able to think of a line segment whose length is z. In other words, one extensible magnitude added to another extensible magnitude, produces a third extensible magnitude.

But, what happens when you try and subtract one extensible magnitude from another? No problem if you try and subtract a smaller magnitude from a larger. But, if you try and subtract a larger extended magnitude from a smaller, you get a negative length! (For this reason negative numbers were often referred to as “false” numbers.)

It’s as if subtracting a larger line from a smaller, or a larger area from a smaller, pokes us into a world, that includes objects other than lengths and areas. Or, we must recognize that lengths and areas are only shadows and should not be mistaken for the {idea} of extended magnitude. To comprehend the {idea}, we have to go behind the shadows, by “seeing” between them. Subtracting a longer line from a shorter one, shows us a world of extensible magnitudes that exist behind the visible sense perceptions of magnitudes associated with lengths, and reveals that a more general idea of magnitude must include not only length, but also direction.

The paradox arising from subtracting a larger area from a smaller one, areas, proves more subtile. As we reviewed in Part 18, Leibniz and Huygens corresponded on the implications of the existence of the square roots of negative numbers, of which Huygens would say, “there is something hidden there which is incomprehensible to us.”

To which Leibniz would reply, “The imaginary number is a fine and wonderful recourse of the divine spirit, almost an amphibian between being and non-being.”

By contrast Euler, Lagrange and D’Alembert would prove adept at complicated manipulations of algebraic equations that included the square roots of negative numbers, while insisting at all times that such magnitudes were “impossible.”

This is precisely the issue that the young Gauss attacked in his proof of the fundamental theorem of algebra. These were not “impossible” magnitudes, Gauss insisted, but “shadows of shadows.” One can think of an image of such shadows by thinking of a unit circle in the complex domain divided by two perpendicular diameters, which intersect the circumference of the circle at 1, -1, ?-1, -?-1. Think of a point rotating counter-clockwise around this circle. Now think of the image of that point, as if it were observed by looking at the circle edge on. One would only see a point moving back and forth along a line from 1 to -1 and back again. In other words, the so-called “imaginary” part is always there, but you have to look behind the shadows to “see” it.

As Gauss told his friend Hansen in 1811:

“These investigations lead deeply into many others, I would even say, into the Metaphysics of the theory of space, and it is only with great difficulty can I tear myself away from the results that spring from it, as, for example, the true metaphysics of negative and complex numbers. The true sense of the square root of -1 stands before my mind (Seele) fully alive, but it becomes very difficult to put it in words; I am always only able to give a vague image that floats in the air.”

Riemann for Anti-Dummies: Part 25 : Schiller and Gauss

Riemann for Anti-Dummies Part 25


In his “Aesthetic Estimation of Magnitude”, Friedrich Schiller discusses a crucial ontological paradox that confronts science when it tries to exceed existing axiomatic assumptions:

“The power of imagination, as the spontaneity of emotion, accomplishes a twofold business in conceptualizing magnitude. It first gathers every part of the given quantum into an empirical consciousness, which is {apprehension}; secondly, it assembles the {successively collected} parts into a pure self-consciousness, in which latter business, that of {comprehension}, it acts entirely as pure understanding. That concept of “I” (empirical consciousness), in other words, combines with each part of the quantum: and through reflection upon these successively performed syntheses, I recognize the identity of my “I” (pure self- consciousness) in this series as a whole; in this way, the quantum first becomes an object for me. I think A to B to C, and so forth, and while I watch my activity; as it were, I say to myself: in A, as well as in B, and in C, I am the acting subject.

“Apprehension takes place {successively}, and I grasp each partial conception after the other….The synthesis, however, takes place {simultaneously}, and through the concept of the self-identity of my “I” in all preceding syntheses, I transcend anew the temporal conditions under which they had occurred. All those different empirical conceptions held by my “I” lose themselves in a single pure self-consciousness; the subject, which had acted in A, and B, and C, and so forth, is I, the eternally identical self…

“If the power of reflection transgresses this limit, and seeks to bring together mental images, which already lie beyond the limit, into unity of self-consciousness, it will lose as much in clarity as it gains in scope. Between the circumference of the entirety of a mental image and the distinctness of its parts, is an ever insuperable, specific relationship, wherefore in each addition of a large quantum we lose as much backward as we gain forwards and when we have reached the end-point, we see the starting point vanish.”

Schiller is not referring to quanta, which have magnitude, simply with respect to quantity, but as Leibniz, Gauss and Riemann did, as {universal principles}:

“Everything which has parts, is a quantum. Every perception, every idea formed by comprehension, has a magnitude, just as the latter has a domain and the former a content. Quantity in general, therefore, cannot be meant, if one speaks about a difference of magnitude among objects. Here we speak about such a quantity as characteristically belongs to an object, that is to say, that which is not simply a {quantum}, but is at the same time a {magnum},”

Think of Schiller’s concept with respect to the successive discoveries of Kepler and Gauss concerning planetary motion. If we think of the position and speed of the planet at any given moment, as a quantum, it is indeterminable, except as that quantum is a characteristic of the whole orbit. In that sense, the indeterminable position and speed at the moment, becomes determinable, only as an interval, a part, of the whole orbit. The magnitude associated with that interval, is the area swept out. This, magnitude cannot be measured by the successive addition of the speeds and positions of the planet, which, owing to the non-uniformity of the orbit are indeterminate, but, only as these are grasped as an interval of the whole.

But, the orbits, in turn, are not self-defined, and their magnitudes are indeterminable as individual orbits. Rather, the magnitudes of the individual orbits can only be determined as intervals with respect to the harmonic ordering among all the orbits at once. Inversely, that harmonic ordering cannot be determined by successive addition of each individual orbit, but only as intervals of the whole.

Further, as Gauss’ investigation of the asteroids demonstrated, these harmonic orderings are themselves changing, according to a still higher harmonic ordering.

In other words, if we seek to determine the position and speed of the planet at any moment, we are stymied until we are led to the orbit as a whole. And, if we seek to determine the nature of an individual orbit, we are stymied anew, until we are led to all the orbits. And, further, if we try to determine the harmonic ordering of all the orbits, we will be once again stymied, until we are led to the ordering of the harmonic ordering. From this vantage point, the individual position and speed of the planet, which was our first object of investigation, recedes, as the deeper underlying principles come to the fore.

In the terms of Leibniz’ calculus, the differential can be known only as a function of the integral. Or, under Schiller’s idea, if each principle is thought of as a quantum, it can only be measured with respect to a magnum, which in turn, is a quantum, to a, higher, yet to be discovered magnum. In terms of Riemannian differential geometry, it is the highest principle, which determines all lower ones.

Seen in this way, the principle of Mind, of which Kepler speaks as governing the motion of the planet, is not a simple conception of a mind interacting one on one between the planet and the Sun, but a principle of Mind, as Schiller speaks of above, that comprehends its actions from a higher and higher standpoint, which determine, the seemingly indeterminable action in the small.

Gauss’ investigation of bi-quadratic residues, and his and Riemann’s further development of differential geometry, provide the pedagogical/epistemological capacity for our minds to grasp this concept.

For Gauss, as for Plato, Fermat, and Leibniz, individual numbers are not self-defined, but are rather defined by a higher principle, which Gauss called congruence. Each modulus, thus, defines a certain indivisible “orbit” in which all the numbers from 1 to the modulus minus 1, are ordered. The ordering within any individual “orbit” is itself a function of the characteristic of the modulus. For example, if the modulus is an odd-even prime number, such as 5, 13, 17, etc. -1 is a residue of the modulus minus 1 power, and ?-1 is the residue of the 1/4 the modulus minus 1 power. If the modulus is an odd-odd prime number, ?-1 never emerges. However, this characteristic of prime numbers, is not determined by the individual prime numbers, but is rather a function of the, still as yet undiscovered, “orbit”, that determines prime numbers.

This characteristic of number led Gauss to search for a higher principle, which he discovered by extending the concept of number from simply-extended magnitudes, to doubly- extended magnitudes, which he called complex numbers.

The significance of this is best grasped pedagogically, by way of an example directly out of Gauss’ second treatise on bi-quadratic residues.

Gauss thought of the complex domain as mapped onto a plane that is covered by a grid of equally spaced squares, the vertices of each square signify what Gauss called complex whole numbers. Each complex whole number is of the form a +bi, where i stands for ?-1, and a and b are whole numbers. Gauss called a2 + b2 the “norm” of the complex number. Gaussian prime numbers, are those complex whole numbers, whose norms are prime numbers.

Gauss’ example uses the complex prime number 5+4i. Taking this as the modulus, the entire complex domain is “partitioned” into diamonds, whose sides are the hypothenuses of right triangles whose legs are 5 and 4. (See last week’s pedagogical.) Each diamond encloses 41 (52 + 42) individual complex whole numbers, which are all incongruent to each other, relative to modulus 5+4i.

(You can illustrate this, if you take the diamond whose vertices are the complex numbers 0, 5+4i, 1+9i, -4+5i, as no two numbers within this diamond will be separated by doubly- extended interval greater than 5+4i. Now, construct another diamond whose vertices are 5+4i, 10+8i, 6+13i, 1+9i. Each complex number within this new diamond will all be incongruent to every other within the diamond, but, each complex number of the second diamond will be congruent to that complex number that is in the same relative position in the first diamond, specifically, the number whose difference with it is 5+4i.)

Gauss then takes the complex number 1+2i as a primitive root of 5+4i. To grasp the meaning of this concept, see what happens, geometrically, when 1+2i is raised successively to the powers, in a new type of geometric progression. First you have (1+2i)0 = 1; Next is (1+2i)1 = 1+2i; These two numbers define a triangle whose vertices are 0, 1, 1+2i. This will form a right triangle, whose legs are 1 and 2 with hypotenuse ?5. The angle at the vertex 0 will be 63.4349 degrees, the angle at 1 will be 90 degrees and the angle at 1+2i will be 26.5651 degrees. Now construct a similar triangle to this, using the hypotenuse of this first triangle, as the shorter leg, placing the 90 degree angle at the vertex 1+2i. This will define a new vertex at -3+4i, which is (1+2i)2. Repeat this process, constructing another similar triangle, with right angle at -3+4i, and the side 0, -3+4i as the short leg. This defines a new complex number, -11-2i, which is (1+2i)4.

This chain of similar right triangles, is but a general case of the famous chain of right triangles constructed by Theodorus, as reported by Theatetus in Plato’s dialogue.

Each new vertex of this chain of similar right triangles, is thus a new, higher, power of 1+2i, and all lie on a unique logarithmic spiral. In other words, as this particular logarithmic spiral winds its way around the complex domain, the complex whole numbers it intersects are the powers of 1+2i. Thus, the powers of 1+2i are determined by a higher principle, of logarithmic spiral action. They are as moments in a orbit, or orbits in a planetary system.

Gauss continued this process, by continuing this spiral, so as to define 41 (52 +42) powers of 1+2i, and investigated these spiral points in a complex domain, “partitioned” into diamonds by modulus 5+4i, with the beginning diamond having 0 at its center. (This is the diamond whose vertices are (-1/2 – 4i), (4 – i), (+4i), (-4 + 1/2 i).) Now think of these diamonds spreading out, partitioning the complex domain, as the spiral winds its way around. Each time the spiral intersects a complex whole number, that number will be a power of 1+2i, and that number will be inside a particular diamond. Gauss showed that the first 40 complex whole numbers the spiral intersects, will each be in a different relative place within their respective diamonds, than any other previous or succeeding one. In other words, each complex whole number the spiral intersects, will be congruent to only one of the complex whole numbers in the beginning diamond. Most importantly, the 10th power of (1+2i) would be congruent to i, the 20th power to -1, the 30th power to –i, and the 40th power to 1. Then the cycle would repeat!

And so, if we begin with individual numbers we soon see these numbers can not be self determined, and we are led to the generating principle of congruence. But, these congruences produce “orbits” which can not be self-determined and we are led to a still higher principle of extended magnitudes. With each successive step, the individual numbers recede and as the higher principles come more to the fore in our minds.

And, yes, there is a still higher principle at work which Gauss discovered was connected directly to the Kepler problem. This was indicated by one of the earliest entries in his diaries that read, “I have discovered an amazing connection between bi-quadratic residues and the lemniscate”.

Our investigation of this remark, will have to wait for a future installment.

Riemann for Anti-Dummies: Part 24 : Let There Be Light

Riemann for Anti-Dummies Part 24


As you heard Riemann proclaim in the opening remarks of his Habilitation lecture, without a “general concept of multiply-extended magnitudes in which spatial magnitudes are comprehended,” you are left in the dark. You can not know the nature of the physical universe, the validity of an idea, the economic value of human activity, the strategic significance of a current, or historical, event, or your personal identity in the simultaneity of eternity, to name but a few of the more important matters on which one would wish to shed light. Yet, the principles to which Riemann refers are far too little understood by those who must urgently be able to make such judgements.

Referencing Gauss, Riemann cites two characteristics necessary for the determination of multiply-extended magnitudes, dimensionality and curvature, neither of which can be determined a priori, but only by physical measurement. Such magnitudes are not mathematical quantities, but are universal physical principles, produced by a manifold of physical action, and, are relative to the manifold, not absolute.

Take some examples from the arsenal of ideas built up over the course of this series to illustrate the point.

1. As Kepler demonstrated, the non-uniform elliptical planetary orbit defines the magnitude of action within an orbit, as equal areas, rather than the arbitrary mathematical magnitudes of equal arcs or equal angles. The solar system as a whole, in turn defines a magnitude of action for individual orbits, consistent with the five Platonic solids, and the principles of musical polyphony. Thus, the action of a planet at any moment can only be measured as a function of the whole orbit, which orbit in turn is measured as a function of the whole solar system. While the orbit defines one species of magnitude (equal areas) the solar system as a whole defines a distinct and different species of magnitude (harmonics), which “reach down” into all parts of the individual orbit, even though the latter cannot be derived simply from the former.

2. The shortest path of reflected light defines a magnitude of action measured by equal angles. The least time path of refracted light defines a magnitude of action measured by the proportionality of the sines of the angles of incidence and refraction. In other words, under reflection the angles measure the change in the direction of the light, while under refraction, the angles are determined by the sines. In the manifold of physical action of reflected light, there is no change in medium, consequently no change in velocity of light, and so the effect of the sines “disappears” into the equality of angles. But in the higher dimensional manifold of refraction, the truth comes out, that it is not the angles that measure the action, but the inverse, the transcendental magnitudes of the sines.

It is important to keep in mind, that in both these examples, “dimension” is not a mathematical construct, but is associated with a distinct physical principle, which is then associated with a distinct species of magnitude, and, as Riemann emphasizes, the number of dimensions is increased by the discovery of each new physical principles.

This concept of magnitude is consistent with Schiller’s expression in “On the Aesthetic Estimation of Magnitude”:

“All comparative estimation of magnitude, however, be it abstract or physical, be it wholly or only partly determined, leads only to relative, and never to absolute magnitude; for if an object actually exceeds the measure which we assume to be a maximum, it can still always be asked, by how many times the measure is exceeded. It is certainly a large thing in relation to its species, but yet not the largest possible, and once the constraint is exceeded, it can be exceeded again and again, into infinity. Now, however, we are seeking absolute magnitude, for this alone can contain in itself the basis of a higher order, since all relative magnitudes, as such, are like to one another. Since nothing can compel our mind to halt its business, it must be the mind’s power of imagination which sets a limit for that activity. In other words, the estimation of magnitude must cease to be logical, it must be achieved aesthetically.

“If I estimate a magnitude in a logical fashion, I always relate it to my cognitive faculty; if I estimate it aesthetically, I relate it to my faculty of sensibility. In the first case, I experience something about the object, in the second case, on the contrary. I only experience something within me, caused by the imagined magnitude of the object. In the first case I behold something outside myself, in the second, something within me. Thus, in reality, I am no longer measuring, I am no longer estimating magnitude, rather I myself become for the moment a magnitude to myself, and indeed an infinite one. That object which causes me to be an infinite magnitude to myself, is called sublime.”

Think in these terms about Gauss’ development of the complex domain in the context of his work on biquadratic residues, where Gauss demonstrates that it is actually impossible to construct a concept of magnitude devoid of dimensionality. As the discoveries that Plato made famous in his Meno, Theatetus, and Timaeus dialogues, action along a line, a surface, or a solid, is associated, in each case, with distinct species of magnitude. The species of magnitude, associated with the manifolds of lower dimensions, are found in the manifolds of higher dimensions but not vice versa. Consequently, a paradox arises, if one attempts to measure action in manifolds of higher dimensions, by magnitudes that are produced in a manifold of lower dimensionality.

Look at this from the standpoint of the simple operations with numbers, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. (Riemann added Leibniz’ integration and differentiation, to the domain of simple operations, and this will be taken up in future installments.) As the Theatetus reports, addition of doubly-extended magnitudes, (i.e. areas) cannot be measured by simply-extended magnitudes (i.e. lines), and yet, until Gauss, all operations of Arithmetic were constrained by the underlying assumption that each manifold could be measured by the same species of magnitudes. This paradox reemerged from the Renaissance on, as the paradox associated with the ?-1. Cardan, Leibniz, Huygens, and Kaestner, all understood that this paradox required the need for a higher conception of magnitude, while Newton, Euler and others, dismissed this magnitude as “impossible” .

For Gauss, action in a doubly-extended manifold, could only be measured by doubly- extended magnitudes, which he called “complex numbers”. These numbers are determined by two actions, rotation and extension, or alternatively, simultaneous horizontal and vertical action, such as in the bubble of a carpenters level. (It is about time to replace the commonly used term “Cartesian coordinates” when referring to horizontal and vertical action, with the more historically and conceptually accurate, term, “Fermat coordinates”.)

From this standpoint look at the basic concepts of Arithmetic with respect to both simply- extended and doubly-extended magnitudes. Under Gauss’ concept of congruence, all numbers are ordered with respect to the interval between them or the modulus. With respect to simply- extended manifolds, that interval corresponds to a line segment. But, with respect to a doubly- extended manifold, that interval has two parts, up-down and back forth. Illustrate this with an example from Gauss’ second treatise on bi-quadratic residues. The modulus 5+2i “partitions” the entire complex domain, by a series of squares whose sides are the hypothenuses of right triangles whose legs are 5 and 2. For example, the square whose vertices are 0, 5+2i, 3+7i, – 2+5i. All complex numbers inside this square are not congruent to each other. Now draw adjacent squares, such as the squares whose vertices are 5+2i, 10+4i, 8+9i, 3+7i; or, 3+7i, 8+9i, 6+14i, 1+12i. All the numbers inside these squares are also not congruent to each other, but each number is congruent to the one number in each of the other squares, which is in the same relative position within the square. For example, 2+4i and 7+6i, occupy the same relative position within their respective squares, consequently, the difference (interval) between them is the modulus 5+2i.

Thus, the simple periodicity generated by congruences with respect to real numbers, is transformed into a double periodicity with respect to complex moduli. In a simply-extended manifold, therefore, subtraction determines the linear interval between two numbers, while in a doubly-extended manifold, subtraction determines the area interval between two numbers.

Gauss next developed a concept of doubly-extended “complex” multiplication, which will require you to re-think what you were taught about multiplying numbers in elementary school. Simply-extended multiplication was defined by Euclid as:

“15. A number is said to multiply a number when that which is multiplied is added to itself as many times as there are units in the other, and thus some number is produced.”

But, even Euclid admits an inadequacy of this concept in the next definition:

“16. And, when two numbers having multiplied one another make some number, the number so produced is called plane, and its sides are the numbers which have multiplied one another.”

But, we already have discovered from Theatetus, that adding in a simply-extended manifold, (lines) and adding in a doubly-extended manifold (areas) are not the same, so how can adding one number to itself “as many times as there are units in the other” (definition 15.) produce the areas described in definition 16? This darkness arises from the lack of a concept of multiply-extended magnitude.

The matter is resolved by a higher concept. If you look again at Theatetus’ alternating series of squares and rectangles, or the expanding series of squares from the Meno, you can see that adding areas produces a rotation and an extension. For example, the square whose area is 1 is transformed into the rectangle whose area is two, by rotating a line whose length is 1 90 degrees and multiplying its length by 2. The next transformation, to a square whose area is 4, is produced by the action of rotating the longer side of the rectangle and additional 90 degrees, and multiplying its length again by 2.

As Gauss’ follower Neils Henrick Abel said, “To know the truth, you must always invert.” An inversion, therefore, will show us the general principle that is, the action of adding rotation and multiplying lengths, produces the geometric progression.

So in the complex domain, multiplication is the action of adding rotations and multiplying lengths.

Illustrate this first with respect to prime numbers, by the example of multiplying (1+2i)(1-2i). 1+2i denotes a rotation of 45 degrees and a linear extension of ?5. 1-2i denotes a rotation of 45 degrees, in the opposite direction and a linear extension of ?5. To multiply the two magnitudes, add the rotations, (which together equal 0) and multiply the extensions (?5)(?5) = 5. Hence, 5, a prime number in a simply-extended manifold, is a composite number in a doubly- extended manifold. However, no such geometric action will produce odd-odd prime numbers such as 7, 11, 19, etc.

Gauss saw this paradox as an excellent pedagogical demonstration of the principle that the nature of the manifold determines nature of the magnitudes. Since prime numbers produce all numbers by multiplication, but cannot be produced themselves by multiplication, Gauss has shown that these magnitudes, (prime numbers) that produce other magnitudes (composite numbers) are themselves produced by the manifold in which the action (multiplication) takes place . Some numbers are prime (undeniable facts) but when a new principle (dimension) is added even those undeniable facts, are changed!

Now, construct a geometric progression from a complex number, by multiplying that number by itself repeatedly. For example, start with 1+i which denotes a rotation of 45 degrees and an extension of ?2. Then multiply 1+i times 1+i. This produces a rotation of 90 degrees and an extension of 2. Repeating this again produces a rotation of 135 degrees and an extension of 4. If you continue this action you will see unfolding points on a logarithmic spiral.

From this Gauss demonstrated that the periodicity produced by the residues of a geometric progression, actually reflected magnitudes of a higher manifold. In the next installment, we will illustrate this discovery.

Riemann for Anti-Dummies: Part 23: The Civil Rights of Complex Numbers

Riemann for Anti-Dummies Part 23


As the unfolding of current history demonstrates, it is reality that determines policy, not the other way around. This should come as no surprise to a scientific thinker knowledgeable in the method of Plato, Cusa, Kepler, Leibniz, Fermat, Gauss, Riemann and LaRouche. It is, however, shocking for anyone unfortunate enough to have accepted, wittingly or unwittingly, the delusion of Aristotle, Kant and Newton, that extensible magnitude exists outside the domain of universal physical principles.

This is the standpoint from which Gauss introduced his concept of the complex domain, beginning with his doctoral dissertation on the fundamental theorem of algebra, his Disquisitiones Arithmeticae, his treatises on geodesy and curvature, and his second treatise on biquadratic residues. From his earliest work, Gauss adopted the standpoint of his teacher Kaestner, and Leibniz before him, that the characteristic of extensible magnitude is a function of the manifold out of which those magnitudes were created.

It is in this light that one must view the discussions in the previous week’s installments. Gauss has rejected any {a priori} conception of magnitude, and instead derived the characteristic of numbers from a set of generating principles. First, by generating numbers from the juxtaposition of simple cycles, and then from the standpoint of a geometric cycle of cycles. As such, the relationships among numbers can not be found in the numbers themselves, but only in the relationship of those numbers to the manifold in which they exist. Like Leibniz’ monads, numbers don’t relate to each other directly, but only through the manifold from which they are created.

A quick review from last week illustrates the point. Take the “orbit” generated by the residues of the powers of the primitive root of 11 and 13.

Modulus 11:
Index: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Residue: {1,-10},{2,-9},{4,-7},{8,-3},{5,-6},{10,-1}
Index: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Residue: {9,-2}, {7,-4},{3,-8},{6,-5},{1,-10}
Modulus 13: 
Index: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Residue: {1,-12},{2,-11},{4,-9}, 8,-5}, {3,-10},{6,-7},{12,-1}
Index: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Residue: {11,-2},{9,-4}, {5,-8},{10,-3},{7,-6}, {1,-12}

In both cases the orbit begins with 1 and ends with 1, ordering all the numbers between 1 and the modulus minus 1, according to a principle. That principle, at first does not appear obvious, but on further investigation, it reveals itself to be highly ordered. At the halfway point of the “orbit,” (the 5th power for 11 and the 6th power for 13), the residue is -1, which when squared equals 1.

In the case of 13, a further division by half is possible. This gets us to the 3rd power, whose residue is 8, which, when squared is congruent to -1 modulus 13. In other words, -1 is at half the orbit; the square root of -1 is at half of the half.

This phenomenon hints at a paradox that reveals the underlying geometry of the ordering principle that generates the numbers. In the above example we were “experimenting” with positive and negative whole numbers. Naive sense-certainty indicates that these numbers can be represented completely as equally spaced intervals along an infinitely extended straight line, with positive numbers lining up in one direction and the negative numbers in the other. However, under such a conception, the square root of -1 does not exist as a magnitude, yet, its existence was just discovered as the biquadratic root of 1, modulus 13. (8 = ?-1 mod 13; 82 = -1 mod 13; 84 = 1 mod 13.)

In other words, a species of magnitude exists, that can not be logically deduced from a manifold of one dimension. Euler concluded that such magnitudes were, therefore, “impossible.” Gauss, on the other hand, would not be restricted to a one-dimensional manifold, when an anomaly required an extension into two dimensions, in which such “impossible” magnitudes become “possible.” Not only were such magnitudes possible, but Gauss proclaimed, they deserved “complete civil rights.” As he stated in his announcement to the second treatise on biquadratic residues:

“It is this and nothing other, that for the true establishment of a theory of bi-quadratic residues, the field of higher arithmetic, that otherwise extends only to the real numbers, will be enlarged also to the imaginary, and these must be granted complete and equal civil rights, with the real. As soon as one considers this, these theories appear in an entirely new light, and the results attain a highly surprising simplicity.”

In a manifold of two dimensions, the relationship among objects is not restricted to the back and forth relationship of objects along a line, but also includes a relationship of up and down, so to speak. Be careful, this is not two separate relationships, back-forth and up-down. Rather it is one, doubly-extended relationship. As Gauss stated:

“Suppose, however, the objects are of such a nature that they can not be ordered in a single series, even if unbounded in both directions, but can only be ordered in a series of series, or in other words form a manifold of two dimensions….”

The root of this conception lies not in mathematics, but in physical geometry. In a fragmentary note, “On the Metaphysics of Mathematics,” Gauss described a doubly-extended relationship using the metaphor of a carpenter’s level. The bubble in the level can only move back and forth, if the ends of the level move up and down. Furthermore, Gauss repeatedly noted, such concepts as back and forth, up and down, left and right, can not be known, as Kant claimed, mathematically. Instead, such concepts are only known with respect to real physical objects.

This type of action is represented geometrically by two-dimensional magnitudes which Gauss called complex numbers. Gauss represented these numbers as the vertices of a grid of equally spaced squares on a plane. Be mindful. It is not the grid that generates the numbers. It is the {idea} of a doubly-extended manifold, that generates doubly-extended magnitudes, that form the grid. As in the case of the bubble in the carpenter’s level, any relationship between two complex numbers is a combination of horizontal and vertical action along the grid.

This geometrical representation of complex numbers flows easily from the geometry of the “orbits” generated by the residues of powers. For example, take the case of 13, (or any odd-even prime number modulus) as illustrated above. Think of the cycle of residues as a closed orbit, beginning with 1 and returning to 1. Halfway around the orbit is -1. One quarter the way around the orbit is the square root of -1. Three quarters around is minus the square root of -1.

This is the geometrical relationship that is reflected in the characteristics of the residues, and is nothing more than a generalization of the principle that Plato presents in the {Meno} and {Theatetus}, for the special case of squares. In that case, the diagonal of the square, which forms the side of a square whose area is double the original square, is called the geometric mean. The diagonal has the same relationship to the two squares, as -1 does to 1, and the square root of -1 does to -1.

Gauss described the manifold of complex numbers this way:

“We must add some general remarks. To locate the theory of biquadratic residues in the domain of the complex numbers might seem objectionable and unnatural to those unfamiliar with the nature of imaginary numbers and caught in false conceptions of the same; such people might be led to the opinion that our investigations are built on mere air, become doubtful, and distance themselves from our views. Nothing could be so groundless as such an opinion. Quite the opposite, the arithmetic of the complex numbers is most perfectly capable of visual representation, even though the author, in his presentation has followed a purely arithmetic treatment; nevertheless he has provided sufficient indications for the independently thinking reader to elaborate such a representation, which enlivens the insight and is therefore highly to be recommended.

“Just as the absolute whole numbers can be represented as a series of equally spaced points on a line, in which the initial point stands for 0, the next in line for 1, and so forth; and just as the representation of the negative whole numbers requires only an unlimited extension of that series on the opposite side of the initial point; so we require for a representation of the complex whole numbers only one addition: namely, that the said series should be thought of as lying in an unbounded plane, and parallel with it on both sides an unlimited number of similar series spaced at equal intervals from each other should be imagined, so that we have before us a system of points rather than only a series, a system which can be ordered in two ways as series of series and which serves to divide the entire plane into identical squares.

“The neighboring point to 0 in the first row to the one side of the original series corresponds to the number {i,} and the neighboring point to 0 on the other side to -i and so forth. Using this mapping, it becomes possible to represent in visual terms the arithmetic operations on complex magnitudes, congruences, construction of a complete system of incongruent numbers for a given modulus, and so forth, in a completely satisfactory manner.

“In this way, also, the true metaphysics of the imaginary magnitudes is shown in a new, clear light….”

Consequently, the domain of whole numbers has been extended beyond simply positive and negative numbers, to numbers of the form “a+bi“, where “i” stands for the square root of -1. These numbers are represented as points on a plane, in which “a” expresses the horizontal action while “b” the vertical action. For example, 2+3i would be represented by a point 2 to the right of 0 and 3 up from 2; 5+4i would be represented by 5 to the right of 0 and 4 up from 5. The difference (interval) between 2+3i and 5+4i would be 3+i, which is the combined amount of horizontal and vertical action required to move from 2+3i to 5+4i.

In Gauss’ complex domain, the fundamental characteristics of numbers are re-defined. Of particular importance is prime numbers. Here, numbers that are prime in a simply-extended manifold, are no longer prime in the complex domain. For example, 5, can be factored into the complex numbers (1+2i)(1-2i); or 13 into (3+2i)(3-2i). Gauss showed that all odd-even prime numbers are no longer prime in the complex domain, while all odd-odd prime numbers are still prime. Gauss went on to discover a new type of prime number that he called complex primes, which are now called “Gaussian primes.” These are complex numbers of the form a+bi, where a2 + b 2 is a prime number. (The geometrical demonstration of this principle will be developed in a subsequent installment.)

Thus, prime numbers, the “stuff” from which all numbers are made, are themselves not primary. Instead, they are defined by the nature of the manifold in which they exist. A one-dimensional manifold produces a certain set of prime numbers, whose “primeness” is absolute within a one-dimensional manifold, but relative with respect to a two-dimensional manifold. In turn, a two-dimensional manifold produces prime numbers whose characteristic “primeness” is different from what constitutes “primeness” in a one-dimensional manifold. The characteristic “primeness” of one-dimensional prime numbers can be derived from the characteristic of “primeness” of two dimensions, but not vice versa. Implicit in this, is a hierarchy of dimensionality, in which the singularities of n-dimensions are subsumed and transformed by manifolds of higher dimensions. Gauss himself anticipated such an idea stating:

“The author reserves the possibility of treating these matters, only barely touched upon in this paper, more fully at a later date, at which time we shall also answer the question, why such relations between things as form manifolds of more than two dimensions might not provide additional species of magnitudes to be admitted in general Arithmetic.”

This is only a taste of the manifold of ideas manifest in the minds of the hearers of Riemann’s habilitation lecture. The more this manifold begins to order your mind’s thoughts, the more lively Riemann’s ideas will become.

Riemann for Anti-Dummies: Part 22: Your Education was Not Merely Incompetent

Your Education Was Not Merely Incompetent

If you felt a little disconcerted to sit in the same lecture hall with C.F. Gauss, listening to B. Riemann deliver his habilitation address, do not despair. Be happy. You are being afforded the opportunity to discover that your education was not merely incompetent, it was also malicious. Incompetent, in that your teachers were most likely totally ignorant of the most significant original discoveries upon which the human race has depended for survival; malicious, in that the system to which the teachers acquiesced, had no intention of producing individuals capable of making such discoveries. As we now see from the events unfolding around us, a system which does not intend to produce creative individuals, has no intention of surviving. Therefore, rejoice at the occasion to clear your head of the restrictive fixation on facts, laws, opinions, and popularly held beliefs, and set about the task of producing creative thinkers.

Riemann sought to “lift the darkness” that had settled on science for more than 2000 years, by providing for science a general concept of multiply-extended magnitude. A concept in which it was recognized, that magnitude had no {a priori} characteristics, but was itself determined by the nature of the manifold in which it existed which nature was only determined by experiment. Riemann’s taking off point was Gauss’ work on physical geometry and arithmetic, which was itself the revolutionary result of Gauss’ early education in the work of Kepler, Leibniz, Bach, Kaestner, and the scientific achievements of classical Greece. Central to all these discoveries was the desire to discover the principles that generated the objects of investigation, be it physical objects, such as the motions of the planets, living processes, or objects of cognition, the latter being the most fundamental, upon which all other investigations depend.

In this regard, Plato recognized that the mind must be trained to investigate itself, to which end he prescribed the study of geometry, astronomy, music and arithmetic, the latter, because, “thought begins to be aroused within us, and the soul perplexed and wanting to arrive at a decision asks `Where is absolute unity?’ This is the way in which the study of the One has a power of drawing and converting the mind to the contemplation of true being … and, because this will be the easiest way for the soul herself to pass from becoming to truth and being….”

That search for the nature of unity underlies Gauss’ arithmetical investigations. Its revolutionary feature being that the nature of unity, is itself not a fixed, but developing and changing. This is what underlies Gauss’ concept of congruence, the ordering of numbers with respect to a modulus. This is based on the principle that numbers are not fixed objects that determine order, but are themselves ordered, according to the principle from which they are generated.

The first principle is the generation of numbers from the juxtaposition of cycles. These juxtapositions form two types of relationships. Either the cycles equally divide one another, such as a cycle of 8 and a cycle of 4, or no such division is generated, such as a cycle of 5 and a cycle of 8. In the latter case, that relationship is called, “relatively prime”. Those cycles, which when juxtaposed to all smaller cycles and One were called simply “prime”, and until Gauss were thought of as absolutely prime, or prime relative to One.

Thus when thinking about numbers from the bottom up, as formed by adding 1 to 1 to 1, the prime numbers are mysterious and arise from an unknown. However, when thought about from the top down, the prime numbers are that from which all numbers are made. The question that Gauss and Riemann contemplated was, “what principle generates prime numbers”. This led to the investigation, not of the numbers, but of the manifolds in which those numbers were generated.

The investigation of those manifolds leads to the second principle of generation. This is the principle which the Greeks called “geometric”, and was examined in last week’s installment. This is where today’s work begins.

Take the example from last week — the investigation of the cycle of residues generated with respect to modulus 11 and compare that to the cycle of residues with respect to modulus 13. For the sake of brevity, I indicate only the cycle with respect to one primitive root. The first row is the index, or power to which the primitive root is raised, and the second row is the corresponding residue. For reasons that will become apparent, we include both the positive and negative residues:

Modulus 11:
     Index:  0,      1,     2,     3,     4,     5 
   Residue: {1,-10},{2,-9},{4,-7},{8,-3},{5,-6},{10,-1}
     Index:  6,      7,     8,     9,    10 
   Residue: {9,-2}, {7,-4},{3,-8},{6,-5},{1,-10}
Modulus 13: 
     Index:  0,      1,     2,      3,      4,      5,    6 
   Residue: {1,-12},{2,-11},{4,-9}, 8,-5}, {3,-10},{6,-7},{12,-1} 
     Index:  7,      8,     9,      10,     11,     12 
   Residue: {11,-2},{9,-4}, {5,-8},{10,-3},{7,-6}, {1,-12}

In both cases, half the residues, that is, the residues of even powers, are residues of squares, (quadratic residues). The residues of the other half, the residues of odd powers, are residues of rectangles (quadratic non-residues). In the case of 13, the quadratic residues are the same whether negative or positive. While with 11, the positive quadratic residues are different than the non-residues.

This indicates an at first surprising connection between the ancient Pythagorean discovery of odd and even, which seems to pertain to numbers, and the geometric progression, which seems to pertain to figures in space. That odd and even reflected a deeper principle was described by Cusa in “On Conjectures”:

“It is established that every number is constituted out of unity and otherness, the unity advancing to otherness and otherness regressing to unity, so that it is limited in this reciprocal progression and subsists in actuality as it is. It can also not be that the unity of one number is completely equal to the unity of another, since a precise equality is impossible in everything finite. Unity and otherness are therefore varied in every number. The odd number appears to have more of unity than the even number, because the former cannot be divided into equal parts and the latter can be. Therefore, since every number is one out of unity and otherness, so there will be numbers in which the unity prevails over the otherness, and others in which the otherness appears to absorb the unity.”

It doesn’t stop with the division into even and odd, as both types have a deeper nature. The even numbers can be divided, into those even numbers, such as 10, that, when divided form two odd numbers (5 and 5), and those, such as 12, that form two even numbers (6 and 6). The former are called even-odd, the latter even-even. Likewise odd numbers can be divided into two types. Odd numbers, like 11, that are one more than an even-odd number and are called odd-odd, while odd numbers, like 13, that are one more than an even-even and are called odd-even. (Gauss called odd-even numbers 4n+1, and odd-odd numbers 4n+3.)

Now look at the mid-point of each of the above “orbits” of residues. As we showed at the end of last week’s installment, the midpoint of the orbit is both the arithmetic and the geometric mean. The arithmetic, because it is half the length of the cycle. The geometric, because its half the rotation from the 1 to 1, or the square root of 1. For modulus 11, that residue is either 10 or -1, both of which, when squared, are congruent to 1 modulus 11. For modulus 13, that residue is either 12 or -1, both of which, when squared, are congruent to 1 modulus 13.

Illustrate this in your mind, using Plato’s alternating series of squares and rectangles. In a cycle of 10 squares and rectangles, the 5th action is a rectangle, whose area is 32. That area is the geometric mean between a square whose area is 1 and the square whose area is 1024. Since the residues form a cycle that begins and ends with 1, the residue of the 5th power, mod 11, is the geometric mean between 1 and 1. Similarly, with a cycle of 12 squares and rectangles, the 6th action produces a square whose area is 64. That square is the geometric mean between a square whose area is 1 and a square whose area is 4096. With respect to modulus 11, the geometric mean is a rectangle, while for modulus 13, the geometric mean is a square.

But, there’s a difference between modulus 11 and modulus 13, as 11 is odd-odd, which means the half-way point is an odd number, that is 5. While 13 is odd-even, and is susceptible of further division, into quarters.

The residue of the 1/4 power relative to modulus 13 is either 8 or -5, both of which when squared twice, are congruent to 1 modulus 13. But, when both are squared once, they are congruent to -1 modulus 13. In other words, 8 and 5, -8 and -5, are congruent to the square root of minus 1 modulus 13.

Thus, the square root of -1 has clearly defined existence with respect to an odd-even modulus, while it has no existence in a manifold generated with respect to an odd-odd modulus.

From the naive standpoint, it would appear that the square root of -1 is a product of characteristic of oddness. But, as Cusa states, oddness is a quality in which unity prevails over otherness. So, rather than look for the square root of -1 in nature of oddness, look for the nature of oddness in the characteristic of unity.

This is precisely the way Gauss approached the problem. Rather than think of a manifold of a simply extended unity, he conceived of a manifold of a doubly extended unity, in which the square root of -1 is a “natural product” so to speak. He called this manifold the complex domain.

In his words:

“From this, we had already begun to ponder these objects in 1805, and we soon came to the conviction that the natural source of a general theory be sought in an extension of the field of Arithmetic.

“While higher arithmetic, has until now dealt only with questions pertaining to whole numbers, propositions concerning biquadratic residues appear in their complete simplicity and natural beauty, only if the field of arithmetic is extended to include imaginary numbers, without limitation, the numbers of the form a+bi forms its object, where the customary i denotes the square root of -1 and a and b are all whole numbers between minus infinity and plus infinity.”

Next week we’ll put flesh and bones on this new concept.

Riemann for Anti-Dummies: Part 21 : It is Principles, Not Numbers that Count

It is Principles, Not Numbers, That Count

As we continue the investigations into the “hints” from Gauss, to which Riemann referred in his 1854 habilitation lecture, it is vitally important to maintain the perspective of a member of the audience in the lecture hall that June day when Riemann delivered his revolutionary address. Don’t be a fearful, passive observer. Go in. Take the open seat next to the 77 year old Gauss and hear these living ideas, not only as they were spoken then, but as they are today, alive and transformed in the mind and work of LaRouche, for which Riemann provides brief hints.

Listen as Riemann boldly proposes “to lift the darkness” that has existed for more than 2000 years, by elaborating a “general concept of multiply-extended magnitude”. But, before you can even begin to lift that darkness, you must first realize that the lights aren’t on.

That is the basis on which the preliminary exercises into the investigations of the geometry of numbers was begun last week.

Gauss is training the mind to give up all deductive, a priori, notions of number. Instead of investigating numbers, we investigate what generates them. It is the principle of generation to which we must turn our thoughts, aided by concepts from Classical art. The numbers are simply players, guides to what’s in between.

The first principle of generation of numbers, to which Gauss points, is the generation of numbers by the juxtaposition of three cycles. While this concept was introduced in a new form in the Disquisitiones Arithmeticae, by the concept of congruence with respect to a modulus, the principle underlying it is perhaps the earliest, and most elementary concept of number. In this case, no number exists on its own. Rather, all numbers exist as players, whose parts are a function of their relationship to one another and a One, which Gauss called a modulus. Thus, all numbers are ordered according to the characteristics of the modulus. Those characteristics are themselves determined by an underlying generating principle, which will become more clear below. The so-called, “natural”, counting numbers are only the special case, of numbers ordered with respect to the modulus 1.

The second principle of generation to which Gauss turned his attention, is generating numbers from a cycle of cycles, specifically, the “geometric” cycle. Here each cycle is generated by the function described by Plato in the Theatetus dialogue, as reflected in the alternating series of squares and rectangles produced by some repeated action, such as doubling or tripling, etc. However, Gauss, as Plato, Kepler, Leibniz, Bernoulli and Fermat before him, understood that the alternating series of squares and rectangles, was itself only a shadow of a higher principle of generation, that had to be discovered.

Naive sense certainty says this geometric progression is not a cycle at all, but open ended and continuously growing. Yet, as the experiments at the end of last week’s installment illustrate, if each “stage” of the geometric progression is thought of as a cycle, and each such cycle is juxtaposed to a third cycle (modulus), an underlying periodicity is revealed, indicating the characteristics of the cycle that generated each stage.

The principle of generation of that underlying cycle, is best investigated by experiment. Hopefully, you carried out the experiment indicated last week. If so, you will have no trouble producing the necessary geometric constructions.

Construct a chart of the residues of powers with respect to modulus 11 by first making a row of numbers from 0 to 10. These denote the powers. Then make a separate row of the residues of the powers of 2 through 10, writing each residue under the corresponding power. The result should be the following:

Powers: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10 
     2: 1, 2, 4, 8. 5, 10,9, 7, 3, 6, 1 
     3: 1, 3, 9, 3, 4, 1, 3, 9, 5, 4, 1 
     4: 1, 4, 5, 9, 3, 1, 4, 5, 9, 3, 1 
     5: 1, 5, 3, 4, 9, 1, 5, 3, 4, 9, 1 
     6: 1, 6, 3, 7, 9, 10,5, 8, 4, 2, 1 
     7: 1, 7, 5, 2, 3, 10,4, 6, 9, 8, 1 
     8: 1, 8, 9, 6, 4, 10,3, 2, 5, 7, 1 
     9: 1, 9, 4, 3, 5, 1, 9, 4, 3, 5, 1 
    10: 1,10, 1, 10,1, 10,1, 10,1,10, 1

Now have some fun. Obviously, this action produces, from the open and growing geometric cycle, a regular structured periodicity. The question Fermat, Leibniz, and Gauss investigated was, “What generating principle produces this?” To begin to answer this, they looked for the paradoxes, within the seemingly regular structure.

First, it is clear that each period begins and ends with 1 and there are three types of periods. Those periods, such as for the powers of 2, 6, 7, and 8, that are 10 numbers long and include all the numbers between 1 and 10. Gauss called these numbers, 2,6,7 and 8 “primitive roots” of 11. The second type of period, for the powers of 3, 4, 5, and 9 are 5 numbers long. The third type of period is the powers of 10 which is only 2 numbers long. Thus, the residues of powers with respect to modulus 11 permits only certain size “orbits” so to speak, which are restricted to the size of 10 and the prime number factors of 10, that is, 2 and 5.

Now, even though each period puts the numbers in a different order, this order is highly determined. To see this, hunt through the whole chart and circle the primitive roots, 2, 6, 7, and 8, wherever they appear. You should discover that these numbers do not appear as residues, except in the periods that are 10 numbers long. Also, even though they appear in different places in each period, they always are residues of the powers 1, 3, 7, or 9, which are the numbers that are relatively prime to 10.

This begins to reveal the nature of the underlying generating principle of these “orbits”, as the characteristics of the number 10, specifically its prime factors and its relative primes, determine the ordering of the periods!

Keeping this in your mind’s eye, draw an alternating series of squares and rectangles, first by doubling, then by tripling, and label each according to the residue from the powers of 2 and 3 respectively to which it corresponds. This will reveal that the even powers correspond to squares and the odd powers correspond to rectangles. Notice how the residue 1 only appears on a square and the residue 10 only appears on a rectangle. Also, the squares always correspond to even numbered powers, while the rectangles correspond to odd numbered powers.

Thus, the quality of odd and even, reflect a geometric characteristic, not a numerical property of numbers. For these geometrical reasons, Gauss called the residues of the even powers, “quadratic residues” and the residues of the odd powers, “quadratic non-residues”. Gauss paid special attention to this characteristic, for its investigation opened the door to some of the most profound principles. In the next installment we will explore this more fully.

But, before closing, look at one more anomaly. Notice that the residue at the halfway point, that is the residue of the power 5, is always 1 or 10. Since 10 is congruent to -1, the residue of the middle power is always 1 or -1. While 5 is the arithmetic mean between 0 and 10, its residue, 1 or -1 is the geometric mean between 1 and 1! In other words, 1 and 10 are the square roots of 1 relative to modulus 11.

Look back over the preceding investigations from the perspective of a classical drama. Think of the foregoing as a drama of 10 characters. Each character has several roles, in which they wear the same costume, but do different things. The playwright has deliberately chosen this device so that the audience can be broken from judging these characters by naive sense-certainty. This helps convey an idea that could not be expressed in words by any of the characters, but only by the totality of all their actions taken as a whole, and the ironies revealed when the same actor does something completely different, without changing his costume. Each number from 1 to 10 has a different function, whether it’s a power, a residue, or a base. In some roles, the obvious characteristics of the number, such as odd or even, factor or relative prime, seem to affect its function, but in other cases, such as the primitive roots, these obvious characteristics seem to have no bearing. Only when all the roles are played out can we begin to taste the intention of the playwright.

Gauss could see that these anomalies could not be derived from a concept of number, in the naive sense of an object that counts things, but, rather, these anomalies revealed an underlying {geometric} generating principle, that shone through the numbers themselves. But, to bring out that light, required a complete revolution in the way people thought about number. As he said in the beginning of the first Treatise on Bi-quadratic Residues, “we soon came to the knowledge, that the customary principles of arithmetic, are in no way sufficient for the foundation of a general theory, and that it is very much necessary, that the region of higher arithmetic be, so to speak, infinitely much more extended.”

Riemann for Anti-Dummies: Part 20 : Gauss’ Attack on Deductive Thinking

Gauss’ Attack on Deductive Thinking

In his 1854 habilitation dissertation, Bernhard Riemann referred to two “hints” as preliminary to his development of an anti-Euclidean geometry–specifically Gauss’ second treatise on bi-quadratic residues and Gauss’ essay on the theory of curved surfaces. It is but one more testament to the ignorance of all so-called experts today, (not to mention those who wish to qualify as educated citizens) that direct knowledge of these two works by Gauss, let alone a working understanding of Riemann himself, is virtually non-existent.

It should not be surprising that in a lecture focused on ridding science of “ivory tower” mathematics, Riemann would refer to the climactic conclusion of Gauss’ investigation of whole numbers. Riemann, like Gauss and Leibniz before him, began his scientific education by confronting the paradoxes that emerge from an anti-deductive investigation of whole numbers. At an early age, Riemann was given a copy of Legendre’s “Theory of Numbers”, and within one week he returned the 600 page book saying, “This is wonderful book. I know it by heart.”

Plato prescribed such investigations as necessary for the development of competent leadership, because it forced the mind out of realm of sense-certainty and into the realm of paradoxes where, “thought begins to be aroused within us, and the soul perplexed and wanting to arrive at a decision asks `Where is absolute unity?’ This is the way in which the study of the One has a power of drawing and converting the mind to the contemplation of true being.,,,we must endeavor to persuade those who are to be the principal men of our State to go and learn arithmetic, not as amateurs, but they must carry on the study {until they see the nature of numbers with the mind only;} nor again, like merchants or retail-traders, with a view to buying or selling, but for the sake of their military use, and of the soul herself; and because this will be the easiest way for her to pass from becoming to truth and being….”

And as LaRouche pointed out in “Marat, DeSade & Greenspin”:

“Since the beginning of the Nineteenth Century, Carl Gauss’s {Disquisitiones Arithmeticae}, inspired by his teacher, the great founder of anti-Euclidean geometry, Abraham K„stner, had been the standard for competent mathematics instruction. This masterpiece should be the recognized standard, even today, for basic secondary and higher education in mathematics. The result of replacing that standard with “the new math” program, should have reminded any literate professional of Jonathan Swift’s famous description of education as practiced on the allegorical floating island of Laputa.”

To ameliorate this pitiable condition of mankind, and save any readers of these pedagogicals from being condemned to perpetual flatulence on Laputa, the next installments of this series will begin to acquaint the reader with the basic conceptions of these two works by Gauss, as a prerequisite to looking more deeply into Riemann’s work itself.

To begin, you must, as Gauss does, give up all deductive notions of number. Instead of thinking of whole numbers as self-evident things in themselves, think of numbers as being generated by a principle. Gauss took an experimental approach to numbers, designing experiments that revealed paradoxes with respect to a known principle. The resolution of that paradox required the introduction of a new principle. Gauss himself described the approach to be taken in our investigations:

“The questions of higher arithmetic often present a remarkable characteristic which seldom appears in more general analysis, and increases the beauty of the former subject. While analytic investigations lead to the discovery of new truths only after the fundamental principles of the subject (which to a certain degree open the way to these truths) have been completely mastered; on the contrary in arithmetic the most elegant theorems frequently arise experimentally as the result of a more or less unexpected stroke of good fortune, while their proofs lie so deeply embedded in the darkness that they elude all attempts and defeat the sharpest inquiries…. These truths are frequently of such a nature that they may be arrived at by many distinct paths and that the first paths to be discovered are not always the shortest. It is therefore a great pleasure after one has fruitlessly pondered over a truth and has later been able to prove it in a round-about way to find at last the simplest and most natural way to its proof.”

The opening motivic idea of the Disquisitiones, is to identify numbers as being generated by an interval, or modulus, much the same way as musical notes are generated by intervals. If the interval between two numbers is divisible by the modulus, Gauss called those numbers, “congruent”. For example, 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, etc, are all congruent to each other relative to modulus 5. Relative to modulus 7, 2 is congruent to 9, 16, 23,etc.

Gauss’ use of the term congruence is consistent with Kepler’s use of that concept in Book II of his “Harmonies of the World”. For Kepler the word “congruentia” was the Latin equivalent to the Greek word, “harmonia”, which means to fit together. Thus, it is not the numbers on which the mind must focus, but the way they fit together.

Gauss’ concept of congruence reflects the actual nature of numbers more truthfully than the so-called “natural” ordering of numbers that seemed so commonsensical when you learned it in school. This is because, contrary to such common sense certainty notions, the concept of number does not arise from counting things. Rather, it arises from the juxtaposition of cycles, such as, for example, astronomical cycles. Each cycle is a One, but when juxtaposed to each other these cycles give rise to a multiplicity.

As Leibniz puts it in his doctoral dissertation, “On the Art of Combinations”:

“Furthermore, every relation is either one of union or one of harmony. In union the things between which there is this relation are called parts, and taken together with their union, is a whole. This happens whenever we take many things simultaneously as one. By one we mean whatever we think of in one intellectual act, or at once. For example, we often grasp a number, however large, all at once in a kind of blind thought, namely, when we read figures on paper which not even the age of Methuselah would suffice to count explicitly.

“The concept of unity is abstracted from the concept of one being, and the whole itself, abstracted from unities, or the totality, is called number.”

Any two cycles can be known in relation to each other only by a third. For example, the cycle discovered by the Greek astronomer Meton who attempted to resolve the lunar month and solar year cycles into a One. One solar cycle contains 12 lunar cycles, plus a small residue, so in Gauss’ words, the lunar cycle is {incongruent} with the solar one. However, Meton discovered that 19 solar years contains 235 lunar months with no residue. So, while one lunar month is not congruent to one solar year, one lunar month is congruent to 19 solar years. The relationship between the solar cycle and lunar cycle can be known with respect to this 19 year Metonic cycle, which defines the modulus under which the solar and lunar cycles are congruent.

To get familiar with this concept play with some more examples. Consider two cycles one of which is three times longer than the other. These cycles would be congruent to each other relative to modulus three. Examples of this relationship expressed in numbers would include: 3 is congruent to 9 relative to modulus 3, or 9 is congruent to 27 relative to modulus 3.

Now consider cycles that don’t fit exactly, such as a cycle of 4 and a cycle of 9. The smaller cycle of 4 will fit into the larger cycle of 9 twice with a residue of 1. Under Gauss’ concept, 9 is congruent to 1 relative to modulus 4. On the other hand, a cycle of 4 fits into a cycle of 10 twice with a residue of 2. Under Gauss’ concept, 10 is congruent to 2 relative to modulus 4. Continuing, a cycle of 4 fits into a cycle of 11 with a residue of 3. Thus, 11 is congruent to 3 relative to modulus 4. Further, a cycle of 4 fits into a cycle of 12 with 0 residue, and into a cycle of 13 with a residue of 1. Thus, a cycle of 4 will fit into any cycle with a residue of 0, 1, 2, or 3.

If you play around with this idea, trying cycles of different relationships, you will discover for yourself, that any modulus defines a period, from 0 to the modulus minus 1. This will probably strain your brain, as you will be forcing yourself to think in terms of relationships instead of things, but that is precisely why all great thinkers, from Plato onward, struggled to free themselves from the straight jacket of deductive relationships by investigating the nature of numbers.

This would probably be enough to get you started, but in order to speed up our pursuit of the concepts in Gauss’ second treatise of bi-quadratic residues, we should push ahead.

After developing the concept of congruence in the beginning of the Disquistiones, Gauss turns to an investigation of what he called, “residues of powers”. Here you must leave completely the world of sense certainty and deductive reasoning.

By “powers” Gauss meant the concept developed by Plato in the Theatetus dialogue. These are the magnitudes associated with action in what Riemann would call a doubly extended manifold. Shadows of these magnitudes are represented by Plato as the successive doublings, triplings, etc. of squares. When these magnitudes are expressed in whole numbers it generates a geometric series such as: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, etc. or: 1, 3, 9, 27, 81, 243, 729, 2187, 6561, etc.

If you think of each number as a cycle, the series can be thought of as a cycle of cycles. This cycle of cycles doesn’t close, but gets bigger and bigger, according to a self-similar proportionality.

What may appear shocking to you, is that this open, growing, cycle of cycles generates a periodic, closed, cycle with respect to a modulus.

For example, take the geometric series formed from doubling squares and find the residues relative to modulus 3. This yields the period: 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, etc. Now do the same for modulus 5. This yields the period: 1, 2, 4, 3, 1, 2, 4, 3, 1, 2, 4, 3, 1, etc. And for 7: 1, 2, 4, 1, 2, 4, 1, 2, 4, 1,etc. Try the same experiment with respect to the geometric series based on tripling. For modulus 5 it yields the period: 1, 3, 4, 2, 1, 3, 4, 2, 1, etc. Compare this with the period generated from the same modulus but the geometric series based on doubling. Modulus 7 for the same series yields the period: 1, 3, 2, 6, 4, 5, 1, 3, 2, 6, 4, 5, 1,etc.

This experiment is a simple example of what Gauss described as discovering certain truths by experiment. From where does this periodicity arise? What is its nature? What principles does it reflect?

Experiment with other geometric series and other moduli. Next week we will plunge ahead.

Riemann for Anti-Dummies: Part 19 : The Known is Only a Special Case of the Unknown

The Know is Only a Special Case of the Unknown

On June 10, 1854 Bernhard Riemann presented his now famous Habilitation Lecture, “On the Hypotheses that lie at the Foundation of Geometry”, to the faculty of Gottingen University. To begin to comprehend Riemann’s revolutionary address, imagine yourself in the audience, looking over the shoulder of Carl Gauss who had chosen the topic from among three proposals submitted by his student. Think, if you can, of what Gauss was thinking as the 28 year old Riemann stated his intention to lift the darkness concerning the basic assumptions of geometry. “One sees neither whether and in how far their connection is necessary; nor a priori whether it is possible.”

“From Euclid to Legendre, to name the most renowned of modern writers on geometry, this darkness has been lifted neither by the mathematicians nor by the philosophers who have labored upon it. The reason of this lay, perhaps, in the fact that the general concept of multiply extended magnitudes, in which spatial magnitudes are comprehended, has not been elaborated at all. Accordingly, I have proposed to myself at first the problem of constructing the concept of a multiply extended magnitude out of a general notions of quantity. From this it will result that a multiply extended magnitude is susceptible of various metric relations and that space, accordingly, constitutes only a particular case of a multiply extended magnitude. A necessary sequel of this is that the propositions of geometry are not derivable from general concepts of quantity, but that those properties by which space is distinguished from other conceivable triply extended magnitudes can be gathered only from experience. There arises from this the problem of searching out the simplest facts by which the metric relations of space can be determined, a problem which in the nature of things is not quite definite; for several systems of simple facts can be stated which would suffice for determining the metric relations of space; the most important for present purposes is that laid down for foundations by Euclid. These facts are, like all facts, not necessary but of a merely empirical certainty; they are hypotheses; one may therefore inquire into their probability, which is a truly very great within the bounds of observation, and thereafter decide concerning the admissibility of protracting them outside the limits of observation, not only toward the immeasurable large, but also toward the immeasurably small.”

Riemann’s words echoed the thoughts of Gauss, who, more than 60 years earlier, had been prompted by his teacher, A.G. Kaestner, to reject the assumption that the characteristics of Euclidean geometry were true. Gauss responded to Kaestner’s provocation by embarking on a life-long effort to free science from the Aristotelean straight-jacket of a priori assumptions about physical space. While, it formed the core of his thinking, and the basis for his discoveries in physical science, Gauss only published a few “hints” on the subject, to which Riemann referred in the opening of his lecture.

Nevertheless, Gauss’ efforts to develop a “general concept of multiply-extended magnitudes” were already evident in his earliest discovery of the division of the circle.(fn.1) There, Gauss showed that the divisions of the circle that were “constructable”, that is formed by magnitudes commensurable with the diameter of the circle, or its square, and therefore, “knowable”, were only a special case of those divisions that were based magnitudes that were “unknowable”. These “unknowable” magnitudes were only “unknowable” from the standpoint of the circle itself . They were not generated by the circle, but by a higher principle, of which the circle was only a reflection. But, since those higher principles were not perceivable by the senses, they could only be “known” by magnitudes that were “unknowable”. The “unknown” was no less real than the “known”, but could not be measured by the “known”. Instead of thinking of the “known” as real, and the “unknown” as imaginary, Gauss, considered the “unknown” primary, and the “known”, as only a special case.

This required the creation of a new set of metaphors, by which we can represent to the mind, a precise concept of the “unknown”, or , as Riemann would call it, “a general concept of multiply-extended magnitude”, the first hints of which were supplied by Gauss.

The first hint to which Riemann referred was Gauss’ “Second Treatise on Bi-quadratic Residues”. While it was not published until 1832, Gauss had worked out its essential concepts during the period of the writing of his “Disquisitiones Arithmeticae” and during the early phases of his investigations in astronomy and geodesy. It may at first seem odd that concepts concerning the relationships among whole numbers could somehow be related to discoveries in physics, but that is only because the accustomed way of thinking these days is so infected with Aristotelean-Bogomilism. For Gauss, the paradoxes that arise in the mind when it contemplates itself are necessarily congruent to the paradoxes that arise in the mind when it investigates the world outside itself. Take the case of whole numbers. It is obvious that whole numbers do not arise in the mind from counting things. Rather, as Cusa says in “On Conjectures”:

“The essence of number is therefore the prime exemplar of the mind…. In that we conjecture symbolically from the rational numbers of our mind in respect to the real ineffable numbers of the Divine Mind, we indeed say that number is the prime exemplar of things in the mind of the Composer, just as the number arising from our rationality is the exemplar of the imaginal world.”

Thus, investigations of the relations among numbers will, as Plato says in the Republic, “Lead the mind from becoming to being.” It is from this standpoint that Gauss developed the means to investigate the “metaphysics of the theory of space” through the relationships of whole numbers, a sort of experimental approach to numbers.

In order to grasp this, the reader will have to work through some basic principles from Gauss’ “Disquisitiones Arithmeticae” which will lead into the relevant sections of “Bi-Quadratic Residues.” This will be the basis for some fun work that will unfold in the next succeeding installments.

1. See Gauss’ work on the division of the circle, “Riemann for Anti-Dummies” Parts 11 and 12.

Riemann for Anti-Dummies: Part 18 : Doing the Impossible

Doing the Impossible

“Nothing is fun but change,” is an apt transformation of Heraclites’ famous aphorism to convey the quality of mind required to grasp Leibniz’ calculus and its extension developed by Kaestner, Gauss, and Riemann. Inversely, one who is gripped by a bullheaded resistance to its import, and the corollary, “Without fun there is no change,” will be doomed to the dull, unchanging, “cult of Isaac Newton,” where, the only hope out, is, to change.

Like Leibniz’ original discovery of the calculus, the equally revolutionary breakthroughs of Kaestner, Gauss and Riemann were long in the making. As usual, the matter is most efficiently presented pedagogically, from the standpoint of Kepler.

Kepler’s discovery of the non-uniform motion of planetary orbits presented the paradox that while the characteristics of the planet’s orbit are knowable, the position and velocity of the planet were not susceptible to precise mathematical calculation. In his New Astronomy, Kepler introduced this paradox in the form of a challenge to future geometers. Kepler’s challenge confronted a mathematical system that confined itself to determining positions, only with respect to other positions. From this standpoint, it were impossible to determine a characteristic of change, which was always changing. But, for Kepler, Leibniz, Gauss and Riemann, change was a characteristic of mind, as well as the physical universe. Rather than measure position, as the existing mathematics insisted he do, Leibniz invented a calculus that measured the characteristics of change from which the position of the planet was produced. Gauss and Riemann extended this calculus, by measuring the characteristics of change, that produced the change, which was producing the positions. In other words, the orbit was measured by a total characteristic of change (integral) of which each momentary expression of it (differential) was a function. But, that orbit was itself a function of a characteristic of a higher process. It is to the characteristics of that process on which Gauss and Riemann focused, the which will be developed pedagogically in future weeks.

Investigations into the impossibility of mathematical solutions goes all the way back to classical Greece, as represented by the famous problems, of doubling the cube, trisecting the angle, the quadrature of the circle, and construction of the heptagon (7-gon). No methods were found by which these problems could be solved, in ways which were rigorously knowable, as Plato established the principle of “knowability” in his dialogues.

For example, as you know from the study of Cusa’s work on the quadrature of the circle (fn.1) the circle could not be measured precisely by rectilinear magnitudes. Cusa showed that the “unsovlability” of this problem was not due to an undiscovered method within the existing mathematics, rather, it was due to a deficiency in the entire system of mathematics, as long as that system did not admit of transcendental magnitudes. Such transcendental magnitudes were impossible in the domain of rectilinear magnitudes. Yet, these “impossible” magnitudes were reflected in a real principle, the principle of circular action. The existence of the circle could be known as a reflection of a distinct principle, but its measurement could not be accomplished by a mathematics that excluded that principle. There had to be a complete transformation of the system of mathematics, from a mathematics that included only one type of magnitude (rectilinear) (fn.2) to a mathematics encompassing two types of magnitudes (rectilinear and transcendental). It was not that Cusa made transcendental magnitudes possible, but that a system of mathematics without them, was proven to be impossible.

Like the quadrature of the circle, the difficulty of doubling the cube, trisecting the angle, and constructing the heptagon, resulted from the “impossibility” of constructing an appropriate magnitude, that was “knowable” within the given system of mathematics. This is most easily illustrated by the example of doubling of the cube, a problem that has been discussed in previous pedagogical discussions.

The issue involved is presented most effectively by the poetic report of the problem’s origination. It is said that the Delians were asked by the Gods to construct an altar double the size of the existing one. Plato told the Delians that Apollo posed this problem to them because, according to Kepler, “Greece would be peaceful if the Greeks turned to geometry and other philosophical studies, as these studies would lead their spirits from ambition and other forms of greed, out of which wars and other evils arise, to the love of peace and to moderation in all things.” In other words, “Change the system!”

It had been known by the Greeks how to find a magnitude that could double the area of a square, even though this magnitude was incommensurable with the side of the smaller square.(fn.3) But, they were unable to construct a magnitude that could produce a cube whose volume was doubled. Was this magnitude possible, or, was a system that could not produce it, “impossible”?

Renewed investigations into these questions emerged in the wake of Cusa’s revolution, which set the stage for the revolutionary ideas of Gauss and Riemann. This history is reported by Kaestner in his 1796, “History of Mathematics”, a much more reliable source than today’s generally available histories, which commit fraud by the fallacy of composition by lumping these investigations under the general topic of algebra. Kaestner distinguishes between the efforts to simply calculate with symbols, and those attempts to gain a deeper insight into proportions. For the former, Kaestner relates the story, from Cervantes, “Don Quixote”, about how the Aristotelean, Bachelor Sampson Carrasco, who, believing Don Quioxte was mad, pretends to be mad himself, in an effort to deceive Don Quioxte into giving up knight errantry. Having adopted Don Quioxte’s system, Carrasco gets caught in a joust with the mad knight and ends up receiving a thrashing himself. Having been left humiliated and with broken ribs, Carrasco is forced to seek out help from an algebraist. (fn.4) For the latter, Kaestner refers to the early efforts to investigate the deeper implications of the concept of powers, that had been expressed by Plato in the Theatetus dialogue. Such efforts were associated with Luca Pacioli and Girolamo Cardan (1501-1576), whose father is reported to have been a collaborator of Leonardo da Vinci.

In investigating the relations of squares and cubes, Cardan discovered magnitudes that were “impossible” according to the prevailing system of algebra. Cardan’s example was, “If someone says to you, divide 10 into two parts, one of which multiplied into the other shall produce 30 or 40 it is evident that this case is impossible. Nevertheless, we shall solve it in this fashion….” Cardan’s solution was to produce the results by the magnitudes, (5 + ?-15)(5 – ?-15). But, since the square root of a negative number were “impossible” in the algebraic system, Cardan concluded, “This subtlety results from arithmetic of which this final point is as I have said, as subtle as it is useless.”

And so, the question was posed again: were these magnitudes “impossible”, or was the system which could not produce them, “impossible”? How this question was approached, is an instructive marker that separates the true thinkers (those who know how to have fun) from the frauds.

For example, in his investigations of the same equations, Descartes maintained that the square root of a negative number was “impossible”. On the other hand, Leibniz, in a 1673 correspondence with Huygens, produced the following result:

?(1 + ?-3) + ?(1 – ?-3) = ?6

Of which he said, “I do not remember to have noted a more singular and paradoxical fact in all analysis: for I think I am the first one to have reduced irrational roots, imaginary in form, to real values….”

To which Huygens replied:

“The remark you make concerning inextractable roots and roots with imaginary magnitudes, the which, nevertheless, upon addition yield a real quantity, is surprising and completely new. One would never have believed that ?(1 + ?-3) + ?(1 – ?-3) could be equal to ?6, and there is something hidden there which is incomprehensible to us.”

Later, Leibniz would say, “The imaginary number is a fine and wonderful recourse of the divine spirit, almost an amphibian between being and non-being.”

In a 1702 letter to Varignon, Leibniz further reflects on this paradox:

“Without worry one can use infinitely small and large lines as ideal concepts — even though they do not exist as real objects in the metaphysically rigorous sense — as a means to shorten calculation, just as the imaginary roots in ordinary analysis, such as for example ?-2. Irregardless of whether one calls these ‘imaginary’, they are nonetheless useful and sometimes even indispensible, in order to express real magnitudes analytically; so, for example, it is impossible, without using them, to give an analytical expression for a line segment, which divides a given angle into three equal parts. Just so, one could not elaborate our calculus of transcendental curves, without talking about differences, which are in the act of vanishing, and introducing once and for all the concept of incomparably small magnitudes….

“Also the imaginary numbers have their {foundation in reality} (fundamentum in re). When I pointed out to the late Mr. Huygens, that ?(1 + ?-3) + ?(1 – ?-3) = ?6, he was so amazed, that he answered, for him there is something incomprehensible in this. But just so, one can say, that the infinite and infinitely small have such a solid basis, that all results of geometry, and even the processes of Nature, behave as if both were complete realities … because everything obeys the Rule of Reason.”

By contrast, Euler (held in such high esteem by today’s algebraists) said, “All such expressions, as square root of -1, or square root of -2, are consequently impossible or imaginary numbers, since they represent roots of negative quantities; and of such numbers we may truly assert that they are neither nothing, nor greater than nothing, nor less than nothing, which necessarily constitutes them imaginary or impossible.”

It was the genius of Gauss, building on the work of Kaestner, to recognize that it was the system, not the magnitudes, which were impossible, which he demonstrated from his very earliest work. (fn.5)

Gauss’ concept of complex numbers has been treated extensively in previous pedagogicals, and will be the subject of the coming installments in this series. But, the standpoint from which he approached it is expressed in his “Second Treatise on Bi-Quadratic Residues”

“Thus we reserve for ourselves a more detailed treatment of these subjects for another opportunity. The difficulty, one has believed, that surrounds the theory of imaginary magnitudes, is based in large part to that not so appropriate designation (it has even had the discordant name impossible magnitude imposed on it). Had one started from the idea to present a manifold of two dimensions (which presents the conception of space with greater clarity), the positive magnitudes would have been called direct, the negative inverse, and the imaginary lateral, so there would be simplicity instead of confusion, clarity instead of darkness….

“It is this and nothing other, that for the true establishment of a theory of bi-quadratic residues, the field of higher arithmetic, that otherwise extends only to the real numbers, will be enlarged also to the imaginary, and these must be granted complete and equal civil rights, with the real. As soon as one considers this, these theories appear in an entirely new light, and the results attain a highly surprising simplicity.”

These concepts, however, are not limited to matters of arithmetic, as Gauss expressed in his 1811 letter to his friend Hansen:

“These investigations lead deeply into many others, I would even say, into the Metaphysics of the theory of space, and it is only with great difficulty can I tear myself away from the results that spring from it, as, for example, the true metaphysics of negative and complex numbers. The true sense of the square root of -1 stands before my mind (Seele) fully alive, but it becomes very difficult to put it in words; I am always only able to give a vague image that floats in the air.”

And, that’s where the fun begins.


1. Cusa’s investigation and its successors by Huygens and Leibniz as reviewed by Bob Robinson in his pedagogical series a1096rar001; a1106rar001; a1146rar001; a1176rar001)

2. Here I include both rational and irrational (algebraic) magnitudes under rectilinear.

3. Euclid had given a general method for construction of such a magnitude. Draw a semi-circle and its diameter AB. Connect A and B to any point C on the circumference, forming right triangle ABC, with right angle ACB. Drop a perpendicular from C to AB, whose intersection call D. The length of line CD is the square root of the length of line DB. The reader can prove this using the Pythagorean theorem.

4. Kaestner here is pointing to a pun of Cervantes, as the Spanish word algebraist also meant “bone-mender”

5. See Gauss’ work on the division of the circle, Riemann for Anti-Dummies Parts 11 &12. Also see Gauss’ 1799 doctoral thesis, “New Proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra”, in which he explicitly demolishes the mathematics of Euler, Lagarange and D’Alembert, which considered complex numbers to be “impossible”.

Riemann for Anti-Dummies: Part 17 : Science is not Consensus

Science is not Concensus

Over the course of this series we have built up a healthy collection of examples demonstrating what LaRouche so succinctly expressed at the Lebedev Institute: “What we call modern physical science, is based on taking what people believe is the organization of the universe, and proving it’s wrong.” This week we add another example to the list.

Between 1818 and 1832, Carl Gauss undertook the primary responsibility for making a geodetic survey of the Kingdom of Hannover. The task was exemplary of a great project. Its execution presented major technological difficulties that could only be overcome by developing new technologies based on new scientific principles, and its success would lay the basis for a transformation, through economic development, of the physical universe. But, perhaps even more important to Gauss, was that it provided an opportunity for him to, once again, do science, that is, prove that what everyone was thinking about the universe was wrong.

In the course of his survey, Gauss conducted the following crucial experiment: He measured the angular height of the pole star over the horizon from his observatory in Goettingen. His collaborator, Schumacher, measured the angular height of the pole star from his observatory in Altona, which was on the same meridian as Goettingen. From the difference of these angular measurements, Gauss calculated the distance along the surface of the Earth between the two observatories.

Then, with great effort, Gauss created a triangular grid over the entire Kingdom of Hannover. From these triangles, he made a second calculation of the distance along the surface of the Earth between the two observatories. The difference between the two calculations was 16″ of an arc. A small error, by Baby Boomer standards, especially when compared to the Financial Times report yesterday that the “consensus” among financial experts concerning the prospects for tech stocks in 2001 was revised from 37% up to 30% down, without blushing. (That’s why Baby Boomers like consensus. Everyone agrees to change their opinion together, so no one will be embarrassed when the consensus is proven wrong.)

However, for Gauss, this 16″ of an arc discrepancy, like Kepler’s 8′ of an arc, was the opportunity to demonstrate that the way people were thinking was wrong. Not, that people were thinking SOMETHING wrong, but that the WAY they were thinking was wrong. (It is a characteristic of genius to be able to recognize when such small discrepancies are matters of principle, and not simply errors.)

What Gauss proved by this 16″ of arc, as did Kepler, Fermat, and Leibniz previously, was that the mind must be free from any a priori, or “ivory tower” set of assumptions, such as those axioms, postulates and definitions of Euclidean geometry. Not, simply free from the particular axioms, postulates and definitions of Euclid, but free from any a priori set of assumptions.

Look back over the above described experiment, and discover the assumptions. First, the angular height of the pole star, is measured from the horizon. But, what is the horizon? It is not mathematically determined, but, it is physically determined as the perpendicular to the pull of gravity, as measured by plane leveller or plumb bob. A horizon defined in this way, will be tangent to the surface of the Earth at the point of measurement. Thus, the direction of the pull of gravity, is itself a function of the shape of the Earth. To calculate the distance along the surface of the Earth, from this angular change, one has to make an assumption about what is the shape of the Earth; i.e. if it’s a sphere, the measurement is along a circle, if it’s an ellipsoid, the measurement is along an ellipse. (Draw a circle and an ellipse. Draw tangents at different places. Draw perpendiculars to the points of tangency. What direction do these perpendiculars point? On a circle they all point to the center. On an ellipse they don’t.)

Similarly, calculations from the triangular measurements, depend on what shape the triangles lie. (Compare triangles drawn on a sphere, an ellipsoid, or some irregular shape, like a watermellon.)

So, could some shape be found, on which the two different methods of measurement would agree?

Gauss rejected such “curve fitting” methods of thinking and made the revolutionary discovery that the shape of the Earth is that shape which is everywhere perpendicular to the pull of gravity, today called the “Geoid”. The Geoid is not a geometrical shape, but rather a physically determined one. And, such a shape is not only non-uniform, but it is irregularly non-uniform, even changing over time.

Such an irregular, non-uniform surface, was, as Kepler’s orbits, or the Fermat’s path of least-time, or Leibniz’ and Bernoulli’s catenary, physically demonstrable, but unrecognizable by the generally accepted mathematics of the day. Having already been provoked by his teacher, Abraham Kaestner, Gauss had long before ceased to let mathematics dictate his thinking. Rather, he, like Leibniz invented a new mathematics. This extension of Leibniz’ calculus did not rely on a priori assumptions about shape, but was a mathematics of transformations. Just as Leibniz’ calculus made position along a curve a function of change, Gauss, and later Riemann, made shape a function of transformations, and curves a function of shape. The change that determines position along a curve, is itself determined by the transformation that generated the surface. This new mathematics required a new type of number; complex numbers. (The next several installments will work through these concepts in more detail.)

Gauss’ method of inventing mathematics is rooted in Cusa’s (of whom Kaestner placed great importance in his “History of Mathematics”). In “De Ludo Golbi”, Cusa writes:

“And the soul invents branches of learning e.g. arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy and it experiences that they are enfolded in its power; for they are invented, and unfolded, by men….For only in the rational soul and in its power are the mathematical branches of learning enfolded; and only by its power are they unfolded. [This fact is true] to such an extent that if the rational soul were not to exist, then those branches of learning could not at all exist….”

“…the soul’s reason, i.e. its distinguishing power, is present in number, which is from our mind, and in order that you may better know that that distinguishing power is said to be composed of the same and different, and of one thing and another thing just as is number, because number is number by virtue of our mind’s distinguishing. And the mind’s numbering is its replicating and repeating the common one, i.e. is its discerning the one in the many and the many in the one and its distinguishing one thing from another. Pythagoras, noting that no knowledge of anything can be had except through distinguishing, philosophized by means of number, I do not think that anyone else has attained a more reasonable mode of philosophizing. Because Plato imitated this mode, he is rightly held to be great.”

Riemann for Anti-Dummies: Part 16 : What’s in a Moment?

What’s in a Moment?

We are now at the point in this series, where we can begin to dig directly into that rich vein of knowledge revealed by Bernhard Riemann’ s development of complex functions. However, it is necessary, before embarking on that leg of this journey, that you first contemplate this short, but important, pedagogical exercise. Its relevance will become increasingly apparent to you.

Take the case of a Keplerian orbit. At each moment the planet is changing its speed and trajectory. That change is being guided by the underlying hyper-geometry of the solar system, which has determined the shape of the orbit. That hyper-geometry, thus, requires the planet to change its speed and trajectory, at each moment, according to a principle, derived from the characteristics of the hyper-geometry. Kepler showed that the principle governing the change in speed and trajectory was expressed by the way equal portions of the planet’s period corresponded to equal areas swept out.

Now, here’s the paradox. In any interval of the orbit, no matter how small, the planet is doing something different at the beginning of that interval than at the end, with the exception of the maximum and minimum intervals. The maximum interval is the entire orbit. There, (at least in first approximation), at the beginning and end of this interval, the planet is doing the same thing. (For example, if we consider this interval to be from, say, perihelion to perihelion.) The minimum interval is the moment of change. In that moment, the planet ceases to do what it just did, and starts becoming what it will be. Paradoxically, the beginning and end of each moment, like the entire orbit, are also equal. However, the type of change the planet is undergoing at that moment is determined by the entire orbit. Thus, the maximum interval and the minimum interval coincide.

From the standpoint of Leibniz’ calculus, the integral is the maximum as seen from the minimum, while the differential, is the minimum as seen from the maximum.

This concept was expressed by Nicholas of Cusa in “On Learned Ignorance” Book II:

“In like manner, if you consider the matter carefully: rest is oneness which enfolds motion, and motion is rest ordered serially. Hence, motion is the unfolding of rest. In like manner, the present, or the now, enfolds time. The past was the present, and the future will become the present. Therefore, nothing except an ordered present is found in time. Hence, the past and the future are the unfolding of the present. The present is the enfolding of all present times; and the present times are the unfolding, serially, of the present; and in the present times only the present it found. Therefore, the present is one enfolding of all times. Indeed the present is oneness. In like manner, identity is the enfolding of difference; equality [the enfolding] of inequality; and simplicity [the enfolding] of divisions, or distinctions.

“Therefore, there is one enfolding of all things. The enfolding of substance, the enfolding of quality or of quantity, and so on, are not distinct enfoldings. For there is not only one Maximum, with which the Minimum coincides and in which enfolded difference is not opposed to enfolding identity. Just as oneness precedes otherness, so also a point, which is a perfection, [precedes] magnitude. For what is perfect precedes whatever is imperfect. Thus, rest precedes motion, identity precedes difference, equality [precedes] inequality, and so on regarding the other perfections. These are convertible with Oneness, which is Eternity itself (for there cannot be plurality of eternal things). Therefore, God is the enfolding of all things in that all things are in Him; and He is unfolding of all things in that He is in all things.”

However, not all “moments” are the same. In the case of a planetary orbit, while at all moments the planet’s speed and trajectory are changing, there are two unique moments, in which that change is a complete transformation, specifically, aphelion and perihelion. In the former, the planet’s action changes from slowing down to speeding up, while in the latter, the action changes from speeding up to slowing down. These two moments are called singular moments, or singularities. The change at all other moments of the planet’s action, is thus determined by these two singularities, aphelion and perihelion.

As Kepler showed, these singularities are determined by a higher principle of the hyper- geometry underlying the solar system. In other words, that two singularities exist, is a characteristic of eccentric orbits; that the orbit has this specific relationship to these singularities, is a characteristic of the “more basic principle” , i.e. the harmonic principle, that governs the whole solar system.

As we work through Riemann’s discoveries in future pedagogicals, we will present more examples of this same principle. For now, think back over this one, so you get used to this way of thinking.

Riemann for Anti-Dummies: Part 15 : The Solar System’s Harmonic Twist

The Solar System’s Harmonic Twist

Significant insight can be obtained, for those wishing to master the art of changing one’s own axioms, by re-living Kepler’s transformation of his own thinking, from his initial hypothesis connecting the planetary orbits to the five Platonic solids, to the supersession of that hypothesis, under his concept of “World Harmony.”

As presented in last week’s installment, Kepler sought the reason underlying the ordering of the solar system by investigating, “why things were such and not otherwise: (namely) the number, size, and the motion of the circles.” The anomaly between Mars and Jupiter, initially investigated in terms of the relationship of the distances between the planetary orbits, provoked Kepler to reject his initial attempts to answer this question using simple numerical values, or, geometrical relationships among plane figures. After much work, Kepler found that the underlying reason for the number and size of the planetary orbits corresponded to the ordering of five Platonic solids.

(An example of the this anomaly between Mars and Jupiter was recently pointed out by Jonathan Tennenbaum. If one extrapolates from the relationship of the distances between the orbits of Mars and Earth outward, one calculates two planetary orbits between Mars and Jupiter. On the other hand, extrapolating from the relationship of the distance between Jupiter and Saturn inward, only one planetary orbit between Mars and Jupiter is obtained.)

As to the motions of the planets, Kepler later discovered that his initial concept had to be superseded by a “more basic principle.” Specifically, the non-uniform motion, i.e., eccentric, motion of the planets showed that the planetary orbits were not fixed circles, such as those found on spheres circumscribing and inscribing Platonic solids. Rather, the orbits were regions in which the planets moved non-uniformly, getting closer and farther from the Sun as they moved around it. Thus, the solids were not sufficient to account for these eccentricities.

But, what principle was determining these eccentricities? This presented a far different problem than determining merely the distances between the planetary orbits. Specifically, what is the appropriate measure of a non-uniform orbit? Kepler’s equal area principle is such an appropriate measure within an orbit. But, what is an appropriate measure for determining intervals among eccentric orbits? Kepler’s so-called third principle, (that the mean distance from the Sun equals the 3/2 power of the periodic time), is a first approximation of such a measure, but it doesn’t express, “why these eccentricities and not others?”

Kepler recognized that the eccentricity of a planets’ orbit is uniquely determined by its singularities, specifically its fastest speed at perihelion and its slowest speed a aphelion. These extreme motions reflect the intention of the planet’s action in the intervening intervals. In other words, how much the planet speeds up, at each moment, from aphelion to perihelion, is a function of what it is to become at perihelion, and conversely, in the interval from perihelion back to aphelion. Thus, the principle determining these extremes, in turn determines the characteristic eccentricity of the whole orbit, which in turn, determines the distances between the planetary orbits.

As Kepler stated, “It was good, that for the formation of the distances the solid figures should give way to the harmonic relationships, and the greater harmonies between pairs of planets, to the universal harmonies of all, so far as this was necessary.”

Since Kepler is almost unique among scientific discovers in presenting to us not only his discovery, but also the change in his own thinking which brought him to it, we quote at length from the concluding “envoi” of his “Harmonies of the World”:

“For where there is a choice between different things which do not allow each other to have sole possession, in that case the higher are to be preferred, and the lower must give way, as far as is necessary, which the very word “cosmos,” which means “decoration,” seems to argue. But harmonic decoration is as far above the simple geometrical as life is above the body, or form above matter.

“For just as life completes the bodies of animate beings, because they were born to lead it, which follows from the archetype of the world, which is the actual divine essence, so motion measures out the regions allotted to the planets, to each its own, as a region has been assigned to a star so that it could move. But the five solid figures, in virtue of the word itself, relate to the spaces of the regions, and to the number of them and of the bodies; but the harmonies to the motions. Again, as matter is diffuse and unlimited in itself, but form is limited, unified, and itself the boundary of matter; so also the number of the geometrical proportions is infinite, the harmonies are few….Therefore, as matter strives for form, as a rough stone of the correct size indeed, strives for the Idea of the human form, so the geometrical proportions in the figures strive for harmonies; not so as to build and shape them, but because this matter fits more neatly to this form, this size of rock to this effigy, and also this proportion in a figure to this harmony, and therefore so that they may be built and shaped further, the matter in fact by its own form, the rock by the chisel into the appearance of an animate being, but the proportion of the spheres of the figures by its own, that is, by close and fitting harmony.

“What has been said up to this point will be made clearer by the story of my discoveries. When, twenty four years ago I had engaged in this study, I first enquired whether the individual circles of the planets were separated by equal distances from each other (for in Copernicus the spheres, are separated, and do not mutually touch each other),. Of course, I acknowledged nothing as more splendid than the relationship of equality. However, it lacks a head and a tail, for this material equality provided no definite number for the moving bodies, no definite size for the distances. Therefore, I thought about the similarity of the distances to the spheres, that is about their proportion. But the same complaint followed, for although in fact distances between the spheres emerged which were certainly unequal, yet they were not unequally unequal, as Copernicus would have it, nor was the size of proportion nor the number of the spheres obtained. I moved on to the regular plane figures; they produced the distances in accordance with the ascription of their circles, but still in no definite number. I came to the five solids; in this case they revealed both the number of the bodies and nearly the right size for the intervals so much so that I appealed over the remaining discrepancy to the state of accuracy of astronomy. The accuracy of astronomy has been perfected in the course of twenty years;’ and see! There was still a discrepancy between the distances and the solid figures, and the reasons for the very unequal distribution of the eccentricities among the planets were not yet apparent. Of course in this house of the cosmos I was looking for nothing but the stones of more elegant form, but of a form appropriate to stones not knowing that the Architect had shaped them into a fully detailed effigy of a living body. So little by little, especially in these last three years, I came to the harmonies, deserting the solid figures over fine details, both because the former were based on the parts of the form which the ultimate hand had impressed, but the figures from matter, which in the cosmos is the number of the bodies and the bare breadth of their spaces, and also because the former yielded the eccentricities, which the latter did not even promise. That is to say the former provided the nose and eyes and other limbs of the statue, for which these latter had only prescribed the external quantity of bare mass.

“Hence just as the bodies of animate beings have not been made, and a mass of stone is not usually made, according to the pure norm of some geometrical figure, but something is removed from the external round shape, however elegant (though the correct amount of bulk remains) so that the body can take on the organs necessary to life, and the stone the likeness of an animate being, similarly also the proportion which the solid figures were to prescribe for the planetary spheres, as lower, and having regard only in a body of a particular size and to matter, must have given way to the harmonies, as much as was necessary for the former as to be able to stand close and to adorn the motions of the globes.”

A Still More Basic Principle

So, the geometrical proportions of the solids give way to the more basic principle of the harmonic principles. What principle, therefore, determines the harmonies?

Kepler himself stated that the harmonic proportions are determined by the ear, not numerical values. To what does the ear turn? To the universal principles of Classical artistic composition, as exemplified by J.S. Bach’s well-tempered polyphonic compositions. It is in the domain of these compositions (Ideas) from which the values of the well-tempered intervals are derived, which, in turn, determine the harmonic proportions from which the planetary orbits derive their eccentricities.

With Piazzi’s discovery of the asteroid Ceres, Gauss’ subsequent determination of its orbit, and the follow up discoveries of the asteroids Pallas, Juno and Vesta, Kepler’s principles were confirmed anew. The motion of each asteroid conformed to Keplerian principles, moving in elliptical paths with equal areas measuring equal portions of their periods, and, their mean distances from the Sun equaling the 3/2 power of their periodic times.

But, there was a twist. It now became possible to measure, in these orbits, cyclical changes in the eccentricities, that were occurring, but were hitherto beyond measurement, in all the planetary orbits. Furthermore, unlike the orbits of the major planets, which enclosed one another, the asteroid orbits intertwined. For example, at perihelion Pallas was closer to the Sun than Ceres, but at aphelion, Ceres was closer to the Sun than Pallas. This intertwining suggests the asteroids’ orbits are both many individual Keplerian orbits, and one whole Keplerian orbit at the same time. What then, is the still more basic principle that governs the solar system which contains this new type of orbit represented by the asteroids?

The initial work on this was done by Gauss, whose investigation into the changing eccentricities and the intertwinings provoked his creation of new mathematical metaphors, which, like Leibniz’ calculus, had applications far beyond the original paradoxes that gave rise to them. The changing eccentricities provoked Gauss to conceive of the orbits as elliptical rings in which the mass of the planet, or asteroid, was distributed in the ring according to Kepler’s equal area principle. (For a more complete treatment of Gauss’ concept, see the pedagogical series, “Dance With the Planets” 98406bmd002; 98416bmd001; 98426bmd001 )

Gauss also considered the implications of the intertwining of the asteroid orbits, for the geometrical characteristics of the solar system as a whole. Gauss took this up in a preliminary way in an 1804 paper, “On the Determination of the Geocentric Positions of the Planets.” Here Gauss considered the inverse of the problem he confronted in the determination of the Ceres orbit. In that case, Gauss had a few geocentric positions of Ceres, from which he had to determine its heliocentric orbit. Now he considered the inversion. What characteristics of a heliocentric orbit govern the geometry of its geocentric positions. For this, he explicitly turned to Leibniz’ and Carnot’s “Geometry of Position.”

Each planet or asteroid makes a circuit through the zodiac. But, since the Earth is also moving, the zodiac changes its position with respect to an observer on the Earth. Consequently, the locus of all geocentric positions of a planet or asteroid form a zone on the celestial sphere, that Gauss called its “zodiacus.” The determination of the boundaries of that zone required the construction of function that mapped the changes of the heliocentric positions of the planet and the Earth, onto the celestial sphere. While Gauss was able to calculate specific values for this function, more importantly, he investigated its general characteristics. He showed that the nature of that zodiacus depends on the relationship of the planet’s orbit to the Earth’s. Either the planets’ orbit is completely inside the Earth’s, completely outside, or, it overlaps. Gauss showed that the first two situations determined a zodiacus with definite boundaries, but, in the third case those boundaries were indeterminable. He noted, ironically, that, the implications of this paradox had, until then, been avoided, because none of the known planets or asteroids, had ever appeared in strange places, such as near the poles of the ecliptic! Nevertheless, Gauss was pointing out a crucial principle on which Riemann would later rely. Specifically, that orbits that completely enclose one another defined completely different geometrical characteristics than those that overlapped.

(If you want to have some fun, take two rings, one bigger than the other. Study the relationship between positions on the two rings when the smaller ring is inside the larger. Now, compare these relationships with two rings that are interlinked. I leave it to the reader to discover the difference on your own.)

Finally, think of the implications of these intertwining asteroid orbits for Kepler’s harmonic proportions. Preliminary calculations performed by this author for 10 asteroids show that when the extreme speeds of each asteroid are individually compared with the extreme speeds of Jupiter and Mars, similar harmonic proportions to those Kepler found for the major planets occur. The diverging and converging intervals each asteroid makes with Jupiter correspond to intervals Kepler would consider consonant. With Mars, the diverging intervals are consonant, while the converging intervals correspond to the deisis that Kepler found between Jupiter and Mars.

The twist comes up in forming intervals among the asteroids themselves. Since their orbits overlap the very meaning of converging and diverging intervals is different than in the intervals between the major planets. For example, when is Ceres converging towards Pallas or diverging away from it? When both are moving away from the Sun, Ceres is getting closer to Pallas, while, when both are moving closer to the Sun, they become divergent. Unlike the major planets, however, the point of divergence and convergence does not occur at the extreme positions. And since the eccentricities of the asteroids’s orbits are changing, where these orbits cross over from diverging to converging is itself changing. Now, think of the connectivity involved when thinking of this relationship among many asteroids, not just two, as in this example!

This braided, overlapping characteristic is not limited to orbits within the range of the asteroid belt. In fact, the solar system is filled with orbits that similarly overlap, including asteroids whose orbits overlap the Earth’s. Such overlapping orbits, suggests a new set of harmonic relationships, akin to the transformation of Bach’s well-tempered polyphony by Beethoven in his late quartets.

Riemann for Anti-Dummies: Part 14 : The Dissonance that Smiled

The Dissonance that Smiled

By all accounts, Descartes, Newton, Euler, and Kant all shared one common trait: they were grouchy old farts. As such, these poor souls fled from the dissonance and tension by which the universe presents its development to the mind of man. Like their Venetian brethren, who only desired forms of music devoid of Lydian intervals, these minds would not conceive that God would present to them a challenge, by which their own cognitive capacity would be improved. Never could they know that mixture of woefulness and joyfulness that Schiller associates with the sublime. Yet, there is no need to distinguish whether they were grouchy because they hated dissonance, or whether that hatred came because they were grouchy. The lesson to be learned is the same: Grouchy old farts can’t know the minds of Kepler, Leibniz, Kaestner, Gauss, and Riemann, and people who can’t comprehend these great thinkers, become grouchy old farts.

It is in this spirit, that we turn our pedagogical attention to that dissonance in the solar system that today we recognize as the asteroid belt, and the corresponding cognitive transformations that its discovery and investigation produced.

That our solar system would contain an orbit with the characteristics of the asteroid belt, was already affecting human cognition, even before the first asteroid presented itself to human eyes. In his earliest work, the Mysterium Cosmographicum, Kepler had already noticed an anomaly in the organization of the planets in the solar system, with respect to the distances of the known planets from the Sun. While Kepler found that the orbits of the planets, in first approximation, were consistent with the five regular Platonic solids, this ordering produced an anomaly between Mars and Jupiter. This anomaly had impinged on Kepler’s thinking, even before he discovered his polyhedral hypothesis, and, according to his own description, provoked him to arrive at that discovery.

In trying to determine, “why things were such and not otherwise: [namely] the number, size, and the motion of the circles [of the planets],” Kepler first looked for some ratio of numbers that corresponded to the observed distances between the planetary orbits. When this failed, “I tried an approach of remarkable boldness. Between Jupiter and Mars, I placed a new planet and also another between Venus and Mercury, which were to be invisible perhaps on account of their tiny size, and I assigned periodic times to them…. Yet the interposition of a single planet was not sufficient for the huge gap between Jupiter and Mars.” Failing to find a numerical ratio that corresponded to the distances, Kepler tried to find a sequence of inscribed and circumscribed polygons that would correspond to the observed distances. This, too, failed, in the interval between Jupiter and Mars, provoking him to discover the correspondence between the size, number, and motion of the planetary orbits, with the five Platonic solids.

The anomaly between Jupiter and Mars was still indicated under the polyhedral hypothesis, by the placement of the tetrahedron in this gap, as the tetrahedron is the one solid which is its own dual.

This anomaly provoked Kepler to further investigate, and, upon closer examination of the orbit of Mars, he discovered the non-uniform nature of the planets’ orbits. Now, he had a further dissonance. Circumscribing and inscribing spheres around the Platonic solids gave the distances between the circles of the orbits, but the orbits were not circular. They were eccentric. The question posed by this dissonance was: what governed the eccentricities, or, in other words, why was each planet’s eccentricity “this way and not other”?

As he wrote in the Harmonies of the World, “As far as the proportion of the planetary orbits is concerned, between pairs of neighboring orbits, indeed it is always such as to make it readily apparent that in each case, the proportion is close to the unique proportion of the spheres of one of the solid figures; that is to say the proportion of the circumscribed sphere of the figures to the inscribed sphere. However, it is not definitely equal, as I once dared to promise for eventually perfected astronomy….

“From that fact it is evident that the actual proportions of the planetary distances from the sun have not been taken from the regular figures alone; for the Creator, the actual fount of geometry who, as Plato wrote, practices eternal geometry, does not stray from his own archetype. And that could certainly be inferred from the very fact that all the planets change their intervals over definite periods of time, in such a way that each one of them has two distinctive distances from the Sun, its greatest and its least; and comparison of distances from the Sun between pairs of planets is possible in four ways, either of greatest distances or of the least or of the distances on opposite sides when they are furthest from each other, or when they are closest. Thus, the comparisons between pair and pair of neighboring planets are twenty in number, whereas on the other hand there are only five solid figures. However, it is fitting that the Creator, if He paid attention to the proportion of the orbits in general, also paid attention to the proportion between the varying distances of the individual orbits in particular, and that that attention should be the same in each case, and that one should be linked with another. On careful consideration, we shall plainly reach the following conclusion, that for establishing both the diameters and the eccentricities of the orbits in conjunction more basic principles are needed in addition to the five regular solids.”

The “more basic principles” that Kepler discovered concerned the harmonic relationship among the extreme speeds of neighboring planets. The planet’s speed at any moment is a function of its distance from the Sun at that moment; the slowest speed of the planet is at its maximum distance from the Sun (aphelion) and its fastest speed is at its minimum distance from the Sun (perihelion). These extremes are themselves a reflection of the planet’s eccentricity. The solar system chose, so to speak, those eccentricities for the planets that produced the speeds, according to a “more basic principle”. That principle was reflected in the harmonic relationships among those speeds.

Kepler measured those speeds by the arc the planet traversed at perihelion and aphelion, as seen from the Sun, during one Earth day. The results were:

Saturn  at aphelion-  1'30"; at perihelion-  2'15";
Jupiter at aphelion-  4'30"; at perihelion-  5'30";
Mars    at aphelion- 26'14"; at perihelion- 38' 1";
Earth   at aphelion- 57' 3"; at perihelion- 61'18";
Venus   at aphelion- 94'50"; at perihelion- 97'37";
Mercury at aphelion-147' 1"; at perihelion-384' 0";

When these speeds are compared between neighboring planets, their ratios correspond to harmonic musical intervals. Each pair of planets makes two intervals: a converging interval between the perihelion speed of the outer planet with the aphelion speed of the inner one; a diverging interval between the aphelion speed of the outer planet with the perihelion speed of the inner one. These intervals according to Kepler are:

Saturn - Jupiter diverging 1/3;  converging 1/2;
Jupiter- Mars    diverging 1/8;  converging 5/24;
Mars   - Earth   diverging 5/12; converging 2/3;
Earth  - Venus   diverging 3/5;  converging 5/8;
Venus  - Mercury diverging 1/4;  converging 3/5;

These intervals correspond to those Kepler derived for musical intervals with one exception. The converging interval between Jupiter and Mars, deviated from Kepler’s musical intervals by a diesis (otherwise called a quarter-tone). The diesis, Kepler said, is “the smallest interval, by which the human voice in figured melody is almost perpetually out of tune. However, in the single case of Jupiter and Mars, the discrepancy is between a diesis and a semitone. It is therefore evident that this mutual concession on all sides hold exceedingly good.”

That small dissonance would later reveal itself to be a reflection of a further “more basic principle”, whose expression Gauss and Riemann would later provide.